July 29, 2008

A Cheesecake Hair Miracle!

Sorry it's been FOREVER since my last post guys, I've been busy being double my usual amount of awesome. BEST! WEEKEND! EVER! Started off way sad but then it got so happy: the sad was that I got the WORST HAIRCUT IN AMERICA. Din't realize how much that half-inch meant to me til I saw it on the floor all dead and off me and it made my heart hurt. TEARS. Totally looked like a boy! Felt so nasty ug! Wanted to rock in the fetal position under the hairchair and never leave! Sad! After JJWT held me through the sobs (l-o-v-e you, AngelDumpling!) my BFF from hair school came over and made me babelicious and all the sudden, my own literal hair MIRACLE. We basically made hair-miracle lemonade out of hair heartbreak lemons, so don't worry, now I'm hot again. SO greatful for product, and prayer.

THEN we set the universe record for fun by going on a group date to Cheesecake (holy cow, just writing that made me crave it, *INSERT SQUEAL*)! We hit up the Cheese with 45 of our CFF (closest couple-friends) and did our most favorite creative activity...


took pics of ourselves pointing at our plates! CRAZY!!!

Also, I'm thinking about becoming a photoGRAPHer.


Kerry said...

SQUEAL!!!! Thank u for taking pics of your meals at the Cheese!!

Turbo said...

What!? I thought that you already were a photographer, after I saw that amazing shot of the Jello, Reddi-whip announcement. You have some serious skills for an amateur.

rachael said...

"Greatful for product and prayer" is one of the most brilliant things you've ever said, TAMN. Love you!

Victoria Elder said...

Heartbreak lemons ALWAYS make the best Lemonade! I am so happy your HOT again, I was so worried when you called & told me how UG you were! I prayed for you all evening! Hopefully this teaches you a lesson to never do 1/2 inch that's just way to traumatic!

Brittany Marie said...

I can't believe JJWT let you cut your hair!

PS: I TOTALLY can't wait to see your b/w photography website! You can gain experience by taking CUTE pics of your friends' kids at Thanksgiving Point! When will JJWT buy you that camera that Ashton Kutcher sells?

cheri said...

Not to be rude, but ew. Squealing is for pigs. Don't you think it's gross and embarrassing to make pig noises when talking about food? I'm disappointed.

Melinda said...

TAMN, you totally have to be my friend. There is so much I can learn from you. Your take on the pioneers gave me such perspective. I was seriously bawling. I'm so happy for you that you got your hair to look hot again. That must have been so devistating. I SO want to be in your click.

k8 said...

oh my-the bizarre love triangle mormons have with the cheescake factory AND the weird "how many completely uninteresting pix can we post of ourselves doing something people do every single day with no fanfare can we post in ONE post".

i love it.

Kiersten White said...

TAMN!!! Are we still on for the midnight Breaking Dawn release party at B&N?? Remember it's Prom theme, and you saved all of your HOTT prom dresses? And even though you're pregnant you totally aren't showing at all and are still as skinny as you were in high school so you can totally pull it off.


Katie M. said...

Tawny Tawn Tawn----

Get outta town...everytime I go to the cheese fat (i abbreviate it to "fat" for factory because that food makes me so chubby in my post prego belly. Sick! ugh) with my E.C. (eternal comp) we ALWAYS point at our food. I had no idea others did that!! Oh, my hubs bought me a brand new camera for my birthday, and we've been taking some pretty spec. pictures with it, so I've started my photography blog already. If you need ideas for more photography stuff, you know where to contact me.

Good luck with the new pursuit.

Katie M. said...


this is just a PS to my last comment... I know you have the creepy babystrology thing going, but when are you going to post the ultrasound of the baby? Just go to fetul photos (however it's spelled) and grab some... then post. FUNNERS!

Kristina P. said...

I once had a similar freak out hair experience with the, uh, hair down there, if you know what I mean. Totally scarred me for life. But fortunately for me, my cute hubby gave me a cute new nickname, and all was right with the world.

And are you going to $1.50 cheesecake night?!? Pretty sure that's a sign that God wants us to eat cheesecake.

WonderKitty said...

I could totally use a 1/2 inch off my hair. Its starting to look toatlly straggly...I should come take a look at your TOTALLY hot hair for inspriation!

WonderKitty said...

Oh, and CFF should have been CCF. Closest Couple Friends. Cute though.

Spencer said...

TAMN, You know I totally heart you and respect your opinions, but...

hagna said...

I agree with Spencer. The cheesecake factory is awesome!

Jessica said...

You are Soooooooooooo totally brave to cut your hair. I hope its still long enough to tease the top 10 inches high! JJWT sounds like the most awesome hubby ever!

kris said...

I like that you say "photoGRAPHer" instead of the boring, regular "phoTOGrapher" way. You're so creative.

The hair lemonade IS a miracle!

Jules AF said...

Remember that time you were on America's Next Top Model and they wanted to give you a pixie cut? And you totally gave up on the chance for a modeling contract so you wouldn't have to cut your hair? I TOTALLY understood. And the crying really wasn't THAT bad anyway.... We all sympathized with you.

Token Asian Friend said...

Hey sista,

WHATEVAH!!! You could never NOT be hot. OH, and I love-LOVE the pink Streak in your hair. Supa-chic!

I think you would be an awesome photoGRAPH-er. That pic of the i-phone looks sooo good, It should be on a freaking commercial or www-site or something. But, I hope your mad skills don't make you lose focus on the important things in your life (JJWT, looking Fab-tabulous, and that adorable little floating fetus). No one wants to see you frumpy.

BTW--Do you think I would look good with a pink streak in my hair? I totally value your opinion because you were right, I do look amazing as a blonde!

annie valentine said...

I don't know you and I alrady love you! Funny funny girl.

Sherian said...

I am SO sad to hear about your hair!!! I wouldn't leave me house for weeks!
Isn't that what happened last time you got a new do? You had FINALLY grown your hair to the middle of your back, and that girl totally cut it all off!!! I think she was seriously trying to get enuf of your hair to give those bald kids or sumthin. Cuz your hair would make the BEST WIGS EVER!
Anyhoos...I remember you started crying when you pulled it forward and it only hung down a foot below your shoulders! Then she was all "you could get somethin besides bleach highlights" and I knew we HAD to get out of there! I seriously wanted to smack that girl, I mean she had no clue! We should totally go this weekend and get you extensions...call me!

Reggs said...

:"hair miracle lemonaide out of heartbreak lemons." Pretty much the funniest thing i have read on here EVER!!

Mel said...

OMG...I sooo know what you mean about the hair. I once went in to have only 1/8 inch cut off and she took 1/4 inch off!! I totally faaa-reeeeeked out!! I locked myself in the bathroom when I got home and stayed in there for 2 hours! My cute hubby finally lured me out with a heart-shaped brownie. I don't know what I'd do without him!

Jumping Turtle said...

TAMN. Thank you for becoming a photographer. There are not enough out there. You know what's really a good idea and original? Black and white photography. It's really artsy and I think you'd be good at it. And when you have that fetus in 258 days, make sure to take a black and white photo of its feet with everything in the background blurry. That's really beautiful. That is if your fetus has feet and not claws. That little thing looks like a floating baby dragon, not a child. I hope you don't have a deformed child. Think of how embarassing your family pictures would be that you send with your Christmas cards. Pray TAMN. Pray!

Jamie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Spencer said...

You know what you should do. I seen this one photographer do it and LUVVVVVVED it. Take a black and white picture but somehow make the flower be colored. It's really beautiful and makes you really realize how pretty flowers are.

hagna said...

Do it with cheesecake instead of a flower.

Linda Austin Hart said...

TAMN I am seriously so blessed to have found your blog.
Love you TONS,

Brian said...

Your humor is in poor taste. You abbreviated "Closest Couple Friends" with a "CFF"? Is that just part of your not-funny-humor that I don't get because I am not sufficiently sophisticated?

Do you plan on saving or cataloging what you have written here like all “the fake people” you find fault with?

Maddy Lucas said...

You SHOULD become a photographer!!! it's so easy all you need is a camera and lots of things ot take pictures of. Let me know when your fab new website is up with all your sweet pix!!!

Testing said...

You mean you didn't try out for American Idol tody?

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see all your monthly...no weekly..no daily baby bump pics!

Lyssa Beth said...

Wow this puts my whole blog life to shame and I love it! I am glad some one is out here making fun of all the stupid, time-wasting, "wishing to be cool" blogs out here. But what you need to start is your own boutique....you aren't the awesomest until you do that :)

cheri said...

you BETTER catalog all this and save it, TAMN! GENIUS! Also, CFF sounds like BFF, which must be the point, and if TAMN does something like that that some might call "wrong," it's actually just "creative" or "adorable." Love you friend!

Anonymous said...

so funny... especially the photographer part. because everyone and anyone is becoming a photographer these days. so right on the dot with that!

TheOneTrueSue said...

TAMN, I am DYING to know what sites you like to read?!! Pioneer Woman? Rocks in My Dryer? LDS.org?

And frankly, I'm kind of surprised you don't have more awards over there in the sidebar. SAD!

Peaches said...

U totally need to share yr experiense in young womens!! You r so ther leader for a reason!! What a testimony buildr!! Talk about "Trials and Tribulation!!!"

And J-Tam is so forever & rocks!!!

Anonymous said...

OMG... I have been DIEING to talk to you for like ages. I know this has nothing to do with your uber-cute haircut or your all ready darling fetus but I am in serious need of some H-E-L-P. I know you can help me cuz you have lots of trials that you pass thru and you always know how to make them work for your good. My super cute-darling boy toy soontobe fianse wants to go ring shopping and I have GOT GOT GOT to know what you think. Will you PUH-LEEZE do a blog about your ring? I want it to be a may-jor sparkler- how big is yours? Does everyone look at it and know instantly of JJWT's love? Is there something super cute ingraved on the inside?

And I am so super nervous about getting married, even though reading your blog is SUCH a tender mercy because I feel so blessed for how much you teach me about marriage- I literally think yours and JJWTs marriage is like per-fect and you should teach marriage prep. But I know this girl who got married and then like right away she and her hubs totally got chubby off of ben and jerry's and little seezers and not even because she was pregs. How do you and JJWT keep your rockin bods? Because I want to be a cutesy couple and everyone looks at and says "ohmigosh, I want to be them" and I want my wedding announcement to be so seriously cute that everyone is like really jealous of our posterity.

And BTW, your seed is so cute. I can tell from your floating fetus. Do you want a boy or a girl?


Peaches said...

I so know you are having twinners!!

What else wld you expect from J-Tam?????

Spencer said...

Brian, buddy! Bring the blood pressure down. We can get through this together. Deep breaths. Deep breaths. Now, if you don't like the blog, don't read it. I'm sure their is a new Family Circus cartoon in the paper today. If all else fails, you can finally start reading again when Breaking Dawn comes out in two days. Holla!

Carina said...

I TOTALLY know what you mean because my hair is still brown. SAD!!!!

Bella said...

your pictures are the BEST!!! you should like do one of those art tests that they show on t.v. like the one where you have to draw the pirate...ya know?

Brittney said...

The best part about this blog...is I couldn't tell whether or not it was real when I stumbled across it.

{Le Petit Poulet} said...

I'm so glad you are going to take up photoGRAPHy now! Every other mom I know is too busy to take our family pictures next weekend since they are all getting together for their "We HAvE a CamERA aND NATurallY HAVe a PHOtoGRapHY BusinESS" (WHACANFAPB) seminar at Gardener Historic Village so we were hoping you were available!!