July 10, 2008

Happy anniversary to ME! Well, us, but whatever.

LOLOMGWTFLDSBBQ! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO ME! This day brings back a literal flood of pure, wholesome, unsullied joyful love magic memories. Marriage is COMPLETE BLISS and we have had non-stop fun since we married! No, since we met! No, since we were BORN! No, since the PRE-MORTAL EXISTENCE! Couldn’t get any funner. Memory lane, here we come!!

It was basically a kick-A fairy tale day I swear. Planning my wedding (JJWT always calls it “ours” but whatever) was the third hardest thing I’ve EVER done, after that semester of hair school/college when I took 12 hours…ugh!...and also after I read THREE HUGE BOOKS in one day when I became obsessed with and hardcore addicted to this GORGEOUS fake vampire! Anyways, despite the stress, everything worked out PERFECT and most important, I did good at looking smokin’ hot (in an uplifting way) and way drop dead sexy gorgeous and literally every single person that saw me told me I belonged in a magazine for sure and let’s be honest, they were right!!! My BFF from hair school and 10 other bridesmaids helped me make sure my tiara and vale and face sparkles were SO stinkin’ perfect, while my OTHER 10 bridesmaids ironed my clothes for the honeymoon, and my OTHER 10 bridesmaids prepared the photofetti (teensy pics of us to throw at me when I left that night!! HEAVEN ON EARTH), while my little sisters and younger girl cousins rubbed my feet and fed me grapes…seriously, so cool.

So, blahblahblah, ceremony, blahblahblah, time for PITCHERS! I came out for pics and there was TONS of brides out there, which not to be rude but I was TICKED cuz I’d reserved all the rooms under fake names so we could be the ONLY ones, but some brats snuck through, which was a huge trial for me so I prayed for patience. Anyone who knows me at all knows that I HATE to be mean, but I had to tell them to move it or lose it since after all, it was MY WEDDING DAY. Plus, my ring (my dad gave JJWT the diamond and then he spent tons of his pest control/security systems money on the setting I had designed in 8th grade and been sleeping with it under my pillow since girls camp 2002) AND tiara (which my mom brought home from Italy way before I got engaged and then told JJWT to get crackin' because she didn't see what the hold up was now that I had my tiara) AND my rhinestone flip-flops were glittering in the incredibly perfect sunny sunshine and couldn’t be more beautiful (at least, that’s what everyone said).

Then, my RECEPTION = AWESOME. We invited 2500 people and every single one of them came!!! My cake was GINORMOUS, unique and romantic and exspecially special. After the reception and the photo-fetti, it was time for our H-moon, so we hopped on a plane (first class--thanx again dad!!!) and we went to Hawaii were we stayed in a family condo we have there and took thirty thousand pics (all appropriate!!! :)). JJWT learned to surf, I learned to hula, we ate special fish and went snorkeling and bought pineapples and got way tan. Oh, and Pearl Harbor…total downer! But then we went to a luau and I totally forgot about it.

Anyways, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO ME! My wedding day is such a blur so I forgot tonz and tonz of details…but you were there! What do YOU remember??! Love you!

Oh, and you, too, JJWT.


Jules AF said...

Don't you remember when all 2500 of your guests only came for about 15 minutes each? Which makes it totally easier to get everyone in and out of the reception to make room for all of your awesome friends! Aren't you going to tell us how much money you got from all your guests? I forgot how much you told me at your wedding.

Spencer said...


How awesome was your line!!!? I loved standing in it for 7 hours while staring at pictures of you and JJWT as babies!! Heaven! And to think, I got to stand in line for all that time AND got my very own chocolate covered strawberry! It was a truly blessed day.

Have you thought about what you're going to name JJWT's baby? I have some ideas.

Carrie said...

You are hilarious!!! Thanks to MMW for the link. T/A/M/N, when I read your posts, I feel like I can hear you talking in my head.

You talk really fast, don't you? No? Well, you do in my head. Hurray for you fab wedding and memories!

Ellen said...

I knew it - he sold pest control/security systems! My guess is about 90% of money earned from pest control/security systems goes to pay for girls' rings. And he did it just for your setting! Mine isn't even worth a month's rent, and my life sucks. I think those facts are related.

Mallory said...

My TOTALLY FAVE part of the wedding was when you came up with the totally creative idea to do a dance routine to the "Grease" song!!! You and all your bridesmaids dancing around, and your groom with his groomsmen... adorable! How did you EVER find the time to plan an entire dance routine, through the stress of planning your totally awesome wedding????? Seriously, I want to know.

Brittany Marie said...

I was so glad that your face sparkles were on straight! I loved your flip flops, that was so original and unique!

I was seriously, so jealous! JEALOUS of how blessed you are!

Fig said...

I remember that you had everyone sign around a huge picture of you and JJWT, and you had SO many friends and loved ones there that they totally ran out of room and you had to bring out some scrapbook pages for them to sign (which, of course, you had all prepared with pictures of you and JJWT kissing and fun stamps that said stuff like "LoVe iS aLL wE NeEd" all over them).

And you served premade cheesecakes from the Cheesecake Factory because you LOVE that place.

And you and all your bridesmaids had darling matching fake nails and curly updos.

Unknown said...

I loved that you had chicken salad on croissants and yummy cantaloupe with honey dew. Oh man, and those chocolate mint brownies with the mint layer and the chocolate on top were sooooooo totally tasty with the sprite and orange sherbert slush.

Love you still, even though I feel your judgment and sometimes cry alone,

The Token Fat Friend

Turbo said...

Yeah, your reception was pretty awesome. It doesn't get any better than the Grand America. It was too bad that what's his face and his buddies from Provo High, that were your friends from cheerleading camp, were still in their rebellious phase (trying to decide whether to go to BYU or UVSC), showed up drunk. Even though they stole some of the wedding gifts and puked on a caterer, it is impossible to ruin such a spirchal event.

hosander said...

You forgot about your luncheon, even though JJWT's mom chose to go to a restaurant instead of the country club where they have the BEST desserts, it was okay. But it was so embarrassing when a bunch of your uggo cousins showed up without an RVSP and they had to put up extra tables for them.

You handled it beautifully though, and every time someone tapped their water glass, you and JJWT kissed, and it happened like a hundred times! So everyone could watch you make out on your wedding day!

Anonymous said...

You forgot to tell everyone all about the totally unique way JJWT proposed to you under the lights at temple square at Christmas-time. It was truly the most unique, romantic, and magical proposal of all time!

I just can’t believe that it’s already been a whole year since your fabulous wedding day. It was indeed the event of a lifetime! Congrats to you both (but mostly to you)!

Mother of the Wild Boys said...

My favorite part of your wedding was when your dad came up with a microphone and announced the awesome Hawaiian Honeymoon that he had bought for you and JJWT. And you started totally bawling because you were so blessed to go on TWO honeymoons now...even though the one that you (and JJWT) had already planned was in Hawaii too.

But I think I loved it even more when JJWT's parents stood up and told everyone about the super-cute 4 bedroom house that they had for you and JJWT to live in! Even though they totally had to kick out the UVSC students that were renting it...and you ended up hating it there and forcing JJWT to buy you that super cute townhouse that ya'll have now. But it was so cute of them to totally love you enough to give you their rental house...you're seriously so blessed!

cchrissyy said...

OMG, i just HAVE to send an LOLWTFLDSBBQ right back to you! love ya!

Kate @ Our Best Bites said...

*I* loved how you had "dancing," but no one danced because no one dances at Mormon weddings!! And your line was seriously so awesome!!! I LOVED shaking hands with all 30 of your bridesmaids AND your parents AND your grandparents AND your super super ADORABLE nieces and nephews.

~j. said...

Even tho your reception was so unique and waaay fun, my persinal fave is when you came back from Hawaaii and showed me all the AWESOME pitchers you took of SUNSETS!!!!! I had never ever EVER seen a pitcher of a sunset near the ocean, THANK THE HEAVENS ABOVE that you got some rilly good one's.

Melissa said...

I remember looking at your dress and thinking - how is she wearing garments with that thing? Then you told me your secret - tuck and pin! Totally works! Luv ya!

aubreyp said...

I love how you sang the song "IRREPLACEABLE" that was originally by Beyonce, but so much better when you sang it. Because JJWT is totally irreplacable. Unless of course, he dies, because then you would HAVE to get married again because you need to have money to survive. Because seriously, how would you pay for pedis and the new vampire book that's coming out in just 22 days? You have it preordered through amzon.com right?

Daisy Paige said...

I was so worried when you didn't conceive a honeymoon baby, but now that you *finally* got pregnant, I can take you off the prayer roll at the temple. I started wondering if you ate something rotten in Hawaii that made you infertile, so thank goodness the Lord saw fit to remove that curse from your womb. You are seriously so blessed for sure!

Linda said...

was that a WTF LDS BBQ? I think that may be the greatest thing I've ever seen in my life...

or WILL see once I finish planning it.

Lexi said...

What I want to know is what wonderful presents JJWT got you for your first anniversary and what romantic suprise super spendy resturaunt he got you reservations at???

Kristina P. said...

Congratulations on having a year of wedded bliss! If you lived in Hollywood, you would have had the marriage annulled after 4 days, so I'm very impressed at how seriously you have taken your covenants.

I hope you two crazy lovebirds celebrate YOU by eating the top layer of your ginormous cake that you had freeze dried, and by going to Cheesecake tonight. Make sure you stay away from the shellfish, as I heard you shouldn't eat any when you are carrying a tiny little spirit in your righteous womb. Although, you could probaly start smoking 2 packs a day and drink a pint of whiskey, and the Lord will protect your baby because you're so righteous and blessed.

Congrats, and make sure you register at Williams and Sonoma so we can all get you some great anniversary presents!

Whitney R said...

Yeah! And I was totally not invited to your reception, but since I totally envied you in high school I went anyways and just sat at a table with tons of other people to blend in so I could eat some cake when you cut it! Then you cut it but no one got any because you had sheet cake from costco and I was soooo bummed! I decided right then and there to take your kitchen aid mixer. Yes, it's true, the reason you had to buy your own was because I didn't get any real mickey mouse cake!

*MARY* said...

I was seriously un-blessed that I wasn't able to attend your wedding. I totally understand that you couldn't invite me, I mean you could only invite 2500 people so you gotta draw the line somewhere and we're not even that close, sure I donated my kidney to your black lab when it got sick but whatever.
When Utah Brides did a special on you and your fairy tale wedding I was blessed enough to TiVo it. I watch it all the time and it seriously feels like I'm there. It's given me some great ideas for my upcoming wedding. Did I tell you I'm going to finally meet hotRM-84 in person? we've been chatting on ldslinkup for like 3 weeks and we're finally going to meet, I think he may be THE ONE.

Nik English said...

Mary I love your comment!

U-R-A-Q-T said...

OMGsh! I lu-huved the lifesize cardboard cut-out of your brother that was on his mish. I totally thought it was him standing there and I was and I was secretly thinking thoughts like...why did he come home early? and what happened out there? and are people still nice to him? See I secretly had a big crush on him and totally wanted to marry him when I graduated from HS in 08 but then I found my eternal companion that I love so much it hurts and now we are planning our big wedding and I just hope that it can be as fabulous as yours. P.S. When I realized it was just cardboard I was like DUH!

WonderKitty said...

I remember that your flowers were gorgeous! Pink and White Gerber daisys wiht the little grass strands sticking up on every table. I was so jealous cause you totally stole my idea for the arrangements, so I may have taken a vase or two off the tables. But you wouldn't notice cause you were too busy with your photo-feti!

Rita Christiansen said...

Your wedding video was Super Cute! I loved it when you two were just casually walking along the train tracks and then you totally jumped up and he gave you a piggy back ride! Then you were laughing so hard that you fell off! And your matching shirts were adorable! Did you get those at American Eagle! I totally want to do a side business making wedding videos with my camcorder but my hubby says I just need to focus on one thing at a time now and I'm totally redecorating my bathroom right now.

RaeLynn said...

I just remember that you were SO TAN that I thought you had permanently had your skin died darker brown. It made your hair look almost WHITE! Which is SO ADORABLE AND YUMMY. It was SO amazing when JJWT saw you and totally started balling. LITERALLY BALLING. Cute!!!!!!!!

J-Dub said...

I am totally converted to your blog. I think I felt the spirit. Love it! Very witty and satirical.

Side of Jeffrey said...

Even though I LOVED your food at the reception, I really wish you would have had some Costco cheesecake with chocolate covered strawberries because Costco CC is soooooooo good. Its like CRACK to me!!! Sorry to be a downer, but whatevs!

SuddenlySouthernCyndi said...

Wow! Hearing about your blissful wedding day reminds me of my own... of course, it was no where near as "special" as yours. But, you totally already know that.

Carly said...

OMG i was not LOLing when I noticed ur mom was wearing white! and you were all like MOM!??! Your clashing with my dress!! You were BALLING cause you wanted a pitcher with your mom and dad kissing next to you and JJWT kissing but ur mom's dress totally ruined IT!

brunette east coast cousin said...

I really loved how thoughtful your friends (from high school?) were when they decorated the "Get Away Car" for you! I wasn't sure if it was the passion of the evening from seeing the two of you so in love, but they really got into smearing the cake all over your car.

I also listened to how disappointed you were that you would have to cut the Honeymoon a little shorter than expected (it lasted only a month! *pout*) because JJWT had to come back to UT/ID start his masters degree.

Thanks for inviting me. It truly was a HUGE CIRCUS...I mean Fairy Tale.

And no, I didn't get you any of the board games and toys you had registered for at Target. If I remember correctly, your invitation spilled at least five of those "where we are registered cards."

gurrbonzo said...

What a day! Seriously, I thought nothing could top the fifteen showers I went to for you, but you went ahead and wowed us all again with that helluva party!!

Also, I felt bad when you kept hitting your tiara walking through doorways because it was so GINORMOUS, but that's the price you pay for such high (LITERALLY!) fashion. Also, it was awkward when you screamed at your mom and the photographer got a great candid of your eyes turning vengeful-red and that vein in your forehead throbbing with rage, and she put the pic on her website and your dad sued to get it taken off, but other than that, TOTAL FAIRY TALE.

Gretchen said...

I'm not sure who is writing this or what is really going on here but I have to say THANK YOU. I am in tears sitting here neglecting my family so I can indulge in your abilities. I have needed this blog many times. Finally my prayers have been answered.
Oh man, I am still smiling. This is awesome.

Melissa Parker said...

I hope you never go private so stalkers like myself can read your blog and laugh for like a hundred years. My friend told me about your glorious entries. I had a pretty fun mormon wedding but we weren't fortunate enough for acquired dancing...lucky...i just love the electric slide.

Mel said...

I took a break from getting my house ready for the "Parade of Homes" and found a link to you blog in my email from my cute sister! I am so jealous of your wedding story! I only had 1500 at mine! Do you know where I can buy size zero maternity clothes? I am sooooo going to drive to my prego friend's house in my Lexus that I try to look like I can afford and tell her about your cute blog! Seriously...I feel soooo blessed for having found your blog! I feel a spirchual connection reading this!

dharvey said...

I seriously loved reading about your wedding. Each day, I cannot wait to read about your fun filled life, and I think you should publish all this on one of those page-a-day calendars for 2009. You can decorate each page with stamp-it-up designs.....it would sell like crazy. Seriously! Everyone in cyber-space is talking about this blog. XOXOX ! Love you.

Whitney R said...

I thought the same thing, dharvey! But I thought after a year she should make a book with all of her entries and comments and her polls. I'd totally buy every yearly edition.

Ashley said...

I think I peed.

Brother on a Mish said...

Even though I wasn't actually at your wedding (because you had it the day after I went into the MTC) I feel like I was there for two reasons. 1) you had a big cardboard cutout of me in a suit put in your wedding line and 2) Mom sent like 4,000 pictures and a 14 chapter letter telling me every detail. I loved helping you put together all 2,500 invitiations with 6 "we're registered at" cards, 4 pictures, with an invitation that folded 3 times and a bow tied around it and three envelopes. I couldn't think of a better way to spend 2 weeks, besides mom threatened to not let me have a BMW when I get home if I didn't help.

Brittney said...

I think my favorite part was after you got home from your honeymoon when I got to see all the pictures, all 10,000 of them... your wedding, reception, honeymoon, etc. It was amazing to me how you managed to be in every pic looking perfect and blissful with JJWT looking at you with complete adoration on his face. Making the 12 scrapbooks was super fun too. I'm so blessed to have someone teach me all about stamps, stickers, and stencils!

Can't wait for your next candle party. My sweatheart just loved all 200 flavors I bought for our super cute home! Hugs!!

Reggs said...

I am still CRYING LAUGHING over the pearl harbor being "a total downer". LOOLLOLLLL

Victoria Elder said...

K Don't be mad at me for just picking a random gift for your wedding, your 97 pages of wedding registry at bed bath & beyond was a little overwhelming!

Kati said...

I remember how super blessed you were for the atonement, so you could go to the temple even though we watched a rated R movie that one time. I am so happy that you announced your pregnancy before your anniversary. I was starting to worry that you weren't going to follow the Lord's council to multiply and replenish the earth!!!!!!!! I was about to give you the number to my totally awesome fertility specialist. It took us like 6 awful months to get prego with our first! I was in complete melt down every month that my "aunt flo" came to visit! Good thing my wonderful honey took me on the best and totally relaxing Vacay! I totally got pregnant that night! It was the most spirichual experiences of my life! I guess all those months of fasting and prayer really worked! Although...my doc totally told me that I needed to eat sometimes so that my body could even get prego! I am so happy for you! Your life is so good. Although, not quite as amazing as mine! Remember how we promised each other that we would have all 12 kids by the time we were 30! I am so glad you are finally catching up to me! BFYMF! (Best friend young mommies forever!) We will be the youngest moms when our kids are in High school! We will be so hot! We can get all our surgeries done together! It is totally okay, because we are just doing it for ourselves...not anyone else! It is just to enhance our own self esteem! The Lord is totally okay with that!
Love you so much!

KT said...

Blog = fantasic. Song I Walk By Faith in your playlist = priceless. THAT made my morning.

Mindi said...

what really sucks is when i find a blog that i think is way funnier than mine, because that's like a bummer for my self-inflated ego. but i think i have met my undoing.

holy mother of trainwrecks--you are my new guilty pleasure.

and the hills. and apple bottom jeans. (not really.)

Jessie said...

OMG LOVED your announcements - you guys just COULDN'T CHOOSE A PICTURE so you put them ALL in it!! Sure, it was more like a book than an announcement but at least we got to see all the super cute pics of you guys, like him holding you, then you trying to hold him, and stuff, seriously SO CUTE!!! When I opened mine, all the little registry cards fell out THANK GOODNESS otherwise I would have had no idea where to even begin LOOKING for a gift. I just love those registry cards - TOTAL reminder of why you invited anyone in the first place. SO glad there were four of them, for four different places! And one at the credit union, too, just in case anyone wants to give you cash! "GIVE US GIFTS OR MONEY!" Got that message loud and clear.

I just thought that your mom did such a good job executing your wedding plans, even though it ended up being bigger than you thought you wanted. So down to earth - you really were just planning on having a small wedding, but it turns out your HECKA popular so, well, it turned into a big wedding! But we all got to see how humble you are, because your all "ohhh i just want a small wedding" but then we also got to see how freakin POPULAR you are! Best day ever. LUVS!!!

KT said...

Look, I know this is off topic of your perfect wedding, which I'm sure was perfect even though I didn't go because I was soooo jealous of you and couldn't handle all the joy or the fact that you stole my idea of the rhinestone flip-flops (I'm glad we could get past that over a nice hogi-yogi), but I really want to know what the big deal is over the Twightlight series. I thought her writing was mediocre at best and her characters were shallow. Come on, you can't say Bella was anything special and she described Edward as having dark purple circles under his eyes. I don't know, something about a hung-over vampire just didn't do it for me. Plus, everyone who has read it says "Yeah, the beginning is pretty bad, but you have to read 2/3 of the way through it before you're hooked." Why would I torture myself through 2/3 of a crappy book? I could only manage to page 52 before I couldn't handle anymore of Bella's crying. It's always been my feeling that a good book better have me hooked after chapter 1, otherwise I'm going back to watching people fall down on youtube.

Kristina P. said...

I too just saw the "I Walk By Faith" on the Playlist, and I figured that I don't even need to say my morning prayers or read my scriptures. I can just listen to that, and I'm good to go.

Oh, and KT, I have a Twilight post coming. Twilight makes me angry.

Whitney R said...

Are you cursing the Twilight!!? Oh heavens.... Bella and Edward are IN LOVE! Cant you see that by her descriptions of him from the first 52 pages??? I think it's such a great way to get away from the non vampire world we live in. But it's okay KT, I'll forgive you if you go back and read all of them in one day! (and if mediocre writing will make a stay at home LDS mom tons and tons of money, then more power too her :)

Kalola said...

What do I remember? Come to think of it ... not a thing! You didn't invite me! And I was one of your bestest best friends in kindergarten. I'm sorry I ever shared my Oreos with you!

jdb in AZ said...

Why are we even disCUSSing the Twilight series. I mean, seriously, vampires are evil, and just not an uplifting topix. Like unto witchcraft, which is why it's against the word of wisdom to even read the Harry Potter series. Seriously, I read that in the Ensign. Or was it the New Eara. Anyway, since we're only supposed to read good literature, if you read the Twilight series and/or see the movie, or any of the Potter series, shouldn't you like make an appt to go confess to the Bishop?

amber belmonte said...

you need this is your life: http://www.skinnyr.com/ [just sayin']... i mean you want to keep the sizzle from the fizzle right?
love you!

Chelsea said...

Pearl Harbor is a total downer.

Kara said...

This blog is amazing. I love you for writing it...whoever you are!

Anonymous said...

did anyone else notice that there are 11 months, 4 weeks, and 1 day until their first anniversary...AGAIN. and the embryo's been around for 4 days. is it even possible to have 11 months, 4 weeks, and 4 days until an anniversary after you get married? just wondering if the math works...

Becky said...

So my TOTALLY fav thing was that you weren't too good to serve the traditional "little cup o' mints & peanuts". All purchased from Costco, of course. And it was SO amazing that when we ran out of the little cups that a BISHOP just HAPPENED to be there (ok, there was 3, plus a stake president) and he was able to run and get some sacrament cups. *YAY* You are SO blessed that he must have listened to the spirit and decided to attend!!!! I totally BAWL every time I think about this!!!!! Ok, actually, I'm no longer a mormon so now it seems a little silly, but at one time.. I BAWLED!

Meagan said...

I heart the Twilight series, too. They're like, the best books ever written. They should get a Nobel prize, or whatever. I'm so glad I reserved my copies because they'll be classics one day.

Allison Ann said...

do you have any gay friends?

SuddenlySouthernCyndi said...

And once again the comments themselves are hilarious...

Anonymous said...

I remember I was shocked and appalled that you didn't have more pictures of you and JJWT at the temple. At MY reception, our temple photos were plastered EVERYWHERE, with the phrase "The right person...in the right place..." boldly proclaiming our righteousness for all to see. It saddens me a little when I think that didn't matter at all to you. Maybe you could get a wall-sized copy of one of your bridal portraits (it doesn't matter if it has JJWT in it)and hang it in your entryway, so everyone who rings your doorbell knows that you married "the right person...in the right place..."

Sher said...

You are freakin' hilarious! I knew I liked you when I wandered into your blog and heard Janice Kapp Perry playing! AWESOME!
Thanks for making my day!

jeri said...

My favorite part of your wedding was when we all got to pick up a bag of MnM's in YOUR COLORS and they had a bridal pitcher of you on them that said "Thanks for your gift and coming and whatever" and you didn't even have to send out thank-you cards. You are so freeking smart that way.

CHEEZE said...

OH MY GOSH.... I'm totally luvin' your playlist. Those are my total faves! Thx! I'm also totally luvin' the blog rules. LOL.

Katy said...

I totally remember your wedding. I was so embarrassed for you when you walked out of the temple, and you were wearing the same dress as another girl. It was AWFUL, but what do you expect when everyone shops at Alyse's.

You looked WAY prettier, skinnier and tanner though!!

My favorite picture was of you and JJWT kissing, and then the rest of us were cheering. I mean, I know we had to take a bazillion pictures of that pose, but it was seriously worth it!! So cute.

Collin Kartchner said...

i loved when JJWT waited for the camera man to shine the light on him on the dance floor and he grabbed the cute little fat girl and started slow dancing with her! And since she was way short, he had her stand on his Gucci's he got as a bonus for selling 200 accounts for APX last summer! And when everyone saw JJWT dancing with the fat girl, EVERYONE was like, "OMGsh, she is seriously SOOO blessed to have married him cuz he is so way cute." And how did you convince JJWT to shave off his soul patch he's had since high school? P.S. My Beta fish i took home from your cute center pieces just died...but i have faith he will be resurrected and is waiting for me in Spirit Paradise.

Megan said...

I love to rock out to these song's??? Brilliant.

Christina said...

My favorite part was how you and JJWT dedicated songs to each other. I just loved hearing the recording of each of you saying why the song you chose was "just perfect." My even MORE favorite part was after you danced to both of your dedicated songs with the rest of us watching, you also had your sisters sing your song for JJWT while your 15-year-old niece did the sign language. It was just PRECIOUS.

Tui said...

I'm still trying to get over the words you signed in my 10th grade yearbook..."Joe, Chemistry was totally awesome! I hope you have kick "a" summer. I heart you". Call me"! and then you never wrote your number down.
And by the way, Chemistry WAS awesome, I DID have a kick "a" summer, and no, I didn't call you because you didn't leave a fetchin number to call.
For all it's worth, I still heart you, like, celestial heart you...

Lisa-Lou-Who said...

Love the new tunes on the blog. Anything with Janice Kapp P. ROCKS!

Suzy said...

I loved how you wore the **super-CUTE** white dress with the cathedral length vale at the temple. Then for the reception you changed into an even super-cuter champagne colored dress with beading and a pink sash! It looked so good with your fake tan and fake nails. Everyone was so jealous...
I also liked the caged butterflies you used for centerpieces. Then we released them into the sunset. So FUN!

donnaraye said...

What I loved was how JJWT went and grabbed you out of that line and said "Nobody puts TAMN in the corner". Then he put the music from Dirty Dancing on and you did the entire last scene in that movie (which you couldn't admit to seeing cause it was rated PG 13 and not thought of as faith promoting). It was flawless, especially how you ran and jumped and he held you up in the air with one hand - Wow! Best Mormon wedding reception I ever went to especially when all the old ladies with their relief society arms started to dance. Thanks for inviting a Methodist!

Jennikunz said...

I loved how thoughtful you were to all of us non temple recommend holders, and decided on that awesome ring ceremony! I was seriously so blessed to be able to attend and witness your love. I loved that you walked down the isle to the song "amazed" by Lone Star... you are the prettiest girl I know!

Unknown said...

My fav part of the day was when you totally surpused JJWT and kicked you leg out behind you when your photographer was taking a pic of you in front of the Salt Lake Temple. That was seriously so funny cause he was like "oh my gosh" and you were like "that was so cute". It seriously made for a way cute pic. I am so glad that you had it blown up into a 45x37 poster and hung it over your fireplace. That is seriously so sweet and reminds me of how I cant wait to do the same thing!!

Ammy said...

You forgot to tell about how ginormous your Trousseau was.

Erika Sullivan said...

My favorite day was watching the videographer and photographer taking a picture of you on the temple steps with all your bridesmaids as you all struck a "Charlie's Angels" pose and pretended your fingers were guns pointing in all directions. And then watching the photographer taking pictures of you and JJWT kissing at every place possible on the grounds. Loved it!

Amber said...

I so remember how I tried to talk you into letting me make you a custom wedding sign-in book (cuz I totally own my own kick butt business that lets me stay home like every good mormon wife should: Something New Wedding Books)... but alas, you decided to blow up a picture of you and Mr. Hottie Pants and have everyone sign the matting (I won't say cliche, cuz your pink matting was totally original). Big mistake, though. You flipped when you saw the mini-stache Mr. Hottie's BFFs drew in-it totally covered yur designer lip gloss. Yikes. Better luck next time (Not that you'll have a next time...you and Mr. HP are super MFO of course)!

Wellesley Kopsa said...

Oh I like totally thought that was the bestest day in the world! And what that one girl said about your dress being the same as somebody else's was like ttly not true cuz gma Bhueler made your dress and it had way more uniq details then that other girls. Oh adn i luvd how ["omgsh" it's hard for me to spell like a ditsy girl] your dress had flowy sleeves and laces like a corset and looked like that barbie princess movie we used to watch when you would babysit me. OOh, and there were so many cute boys, that's where I mer my boyfriend, we made out that night (but it was ttly ok since i had found my ec, even though he turned out to be a dirt bag). And those gormet grapes you picked out for me and peeps to feed you while we rubbed your feet were perfect, and so was the esential oils we rubbed yur feet with. But anyways you like luv me so much becuz i give you all the twilight stuff i can find and i'm yur favorite neice so yur gonna plan my wedding " cuz i just fell in love with a boy and hes like so totaly spirchual and hes on his msh but we have our wedding date set for my 17th birthday (yur 1 and 5/11 anniversay)

luv ya,
Yur favorutest neece in the eternities!

Camille Farias said...

I so seriously canot beleve that nobody has sed that they liked ur fountains! Like the way you had 3 chocolate fountains for white chocolate and milk chocolate and dark chocolate and all the chocolate brownies and cake to dip in them and the strawberres so we cud make our own chocolate covered strawberrees. I totally hearted that. And the nacho cheese fountain was so sweet cuz my hunny bunny spent the whole night totally mackin on some sweet nachos. And I totally loved ur duet with your sister Brynnika when you where singing that Destiny's Child song dedicated to JJWT. That was so sweet. And it was super sweet how ur couzin JoyLeigh accompanied you both on her viola. What a gr8 wedding!