Top 10 things I love about my TAMNers:
10. I always thought you were hot and after a couple dates I forgot about all eight of my buddies that had dated you before I did.
9. I'll never forget when I found out you had used someone else's mom as your own. Yeah it was weird, but I couldn't even be shocked or mad because you were so cute explaining that you wanted me to like you so bad.
8. I think it's cute how after seeing Twitch and Joshua in the finals, you want me to try out for SYTYCD with the stagename AngelLoaf.
7. It drives me nuts that very time you borrow my truck you insist on taking 15 to put the "Yield to the Princess" license plate cover on and don't always remember to take it off, but it's cool and kind of cute.
6. All your GNOs mean that I get hours of uninterrupted Halo time.
5. Honestly, that time you nominated me for EQ prez was a little awkward. I felt weird passing out buttons and putting that campaign sign in our yard, but I know you were just trying to be supportive.
4. I love that all I have to do is drop a couple hundred bones on a spa day and then I can golf all I want.
3. You are such a good mother already. I am so pumped to have a little stud around to tell all my HS football/mission stories to so thanks for baring him.
2. The lunches you bring me every day at law/business/medical/dental school rock. At first the sandwitches tasted weird because of the perfume you sprayed in the lunchbag but now it only stings my tongue a little.
1. All those times our first year of law/business/medical/dental school when I told you I was studying but I was really watching R-rated movies and you didn't even question me.
Your the best. Love you babe!
God I love this blog.
Hubbies that write love letters on your blog are so stinkin' sweet and celestial. Share the hawt loving with the world... it's practically missionary work to show "non"-ers how totally awesome forever can be!
is she naked in that pic.....it looks like she is naked!!!
No, she is totally wearing a super modest one piece swimsuit!!
Just when I was starting to think I had the most romantic hubby ever, who was willing to dress up like Edward so I could dress up like Bella, to set the mood for nuzzling, JJWT has to go and write a completely amazing post, and I had to question my husband's love for me.
But then I saw that he watched R rated movies (what, does he drink Dr. Pepper too?!?!), and I realized that I truly do have a keeper.
I find spritzing a little Pink Grapefruit Body Sprtizer from B&BW on my JJWT's lunch doesn't leave too much of an after-taste and its like adding fruit to an already nutritious meal!
Ok, the tone of this one is totally different and perfect. "Even though she gave me the password last night"? Whoever you are, you are a genius.
HILARIOUS!!! Thanks!
Pure genius...just ignore the haters and keep the hilariousness coming!
Seriously hilarious!!!! My gosh--- I wanted to write a "satirical" comment to get into the spirit of this blog, but I'm totally speechless from laughing right now. I love that part about campaigning for EQ prez! Are you really LDS? I can't believe any of us have that kind of self-depreciating humor especially about our religion. We take it, oh, so seriously!
Wow! What a stud of a hubby! My husband would never take the time from his decathlon training (yeah...he's that awesome...TEN events!!) to honor me in my blog. *sigh*
R-rated movies!? Well, Schindler's List and The Passion of the Christ don't really count as R. Btw, did you know that PG-13 is the New R?? I don't even watch PG-13 anymore. I only watch DiSnEY! DISNEY DISNEY DISNEY! (That, and Desperate Housewives)
PS: Was that your trip to Hawaii where you told me that "When you're on vacation, you're also on vacation from wearing your G's."??
OMGosh! It looks like there is a HEART in the picture between you guys! Loves it! U 2 were so MFEO!
I make my husband keep his rated R movies in a cupboard so that I can pretend they don't exist!!! Yay! He always does what I tell him too! YAY!!
So, like, JJWT are you naked in that pic?!
That is sow not TAMN!! I see split ends- duble ew
LOL!! Thanks for my daily laugh. This blog is terrific!
I wish I could find a JJWT just like you! Your like HOTT with two T's...I'm just sayin ;)
JJWT is so super sweet. If he ever learns how to play guitar on that one he bought before his mission, I totally bet he'd write you a love song.
JJWT, what's yours and TAMN's favorite cable reality show? "Girls Next Door," "Real World," "The Hills"...
That is so not a photograph of JJWT and TAMN. They never went to Hawaii. I should know, I'm the photographer.
I just came to this blog today and I gotta say (though knowing myself I'd think that I would find some of it a little inapriopriate) I can't help but laugh my butt off! Good thing I'm easy going and have a good sense of humor. Thanks for using your talents to put laughter into our day... whoever you are.
I'm pretty sure TAMN is wearing a suit from Shade. I'm hoping anyway or I am soooo not reading this blog anymore. Also, wouldn't it be more appropriate to call JJWT President?
Bro-dawg! Brofess! What up! Remember when we sold all those alarms systems to old women suffering from alzheimers! Awesome freaking day! You said that day was way better than your wedding day, but it looks like things are looking up! Tell TAMN hi for me and ask her if she remembers our trip to MOAB before you guys met. APX fo life!
I keep thinking you're gonna hafta run out amazing stuff to blog about... but your blog is the gift that keeps on giving! (I know, I shouldn't be surprised, because your life is seriously awe-sum)
Laughing again... and again
oh em ge! I am totally in Hawaii right now and hope that I am righteous enough to have a picture like that before I leave! Pray for me ok??? JJWT, do you have any available friends?
Just sayin'....
"inappropriate" = hilarious!
If you're not laughing, it's about you.
I'll vote for you for EQ prez any day :)
Genius, love it!
LO freaking L! Mysterious blog writer, you've done it again!
LOVE your blog!!!! Keep it coming baby...
LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog... Keep em coming babe!
JJWT I think I totally saw u at Cabella's during priesthood session all dressed up in your suit...u rock!
Brosif, I totally hear ya. I'm in dental/medical/law/business school right now, and I am always "studying"/watching inappropriate movies like Zoolander, but it's definitely the edited version. my wifey would seeeer hate me if she found out though.
JJWT, I swear I saw you at Cabella's during the priesthood session of conference all decked out on your suit - you rock!
this is a great entry!! so nice to finally 'meet' theeee jjwt!!! (you can completely pass as a guy!)
This is kind of like how blurb highjacked dooce's blog, except he has admin rights. You shared your password, like a good EC should.
Your love is so deep and abiding. How do you explain this to all your single friends? Have you seen the "singles issue" of the Ensign this month?
oh ow ow ow ow
it hurts so good
I'm totally chastened by JJTW's example, I am going to go be more righteous right now
tears. tears. so funny.
Duh, everyone knows TAMN was dfnitly whering her super-cute yet ttly modest bikini!
This blog is so stinking funny I made my husband sit next to me so I could read it to him (in my BESTEST EVER valley girl voice of course)He laughed his hind end off just as much as I did...Funny chicks are HOT. My hat is off to you, funny girl.
OMG you are like the cutest hubby ever. Plus all the things you love about TAMN are totally cute!!
Nomination for EQ prez... that was so funny. You are so creative, I love it.
so funny!!! love the husband visit.
I echo the saying-- "If you are not laughing, it's about YOU!" Way to go, TAMN and JJWT! You are my fav couple ever!
It is so good to see husbands who cherish their wives. I talk to many people who just complain about their hubbys. Sounds like you got a good one. Every woman deserves a good one. (So is this comment ok, or did I miss something again:)HAHAHAHA
Oh BTW...do you know a Mao Sepulvida?
AngelLoaf is the perfect stagename. You should totally go for it. I know you would win because your wife is so seriously blessed so you will be too. Lucky!!
Oh my Heck! you are so super lucky to have your DH get on here and seriously tell everyone publicly how great you are. You have to totally give me a heads up when he auditions so I can like, dial and vote for him for the entire 2 hours.
Sometimes my hubby still wears blue shirts to church. I hope people don't get the wrong idea about him, because he really is a totally awesome guy and can be super duper spiritual when it counts.
Maybe TAMN should try the edible scents stuff so that JJWT's sandwich will taste more like a romantic wish than poison.
I'll vote for you to be EQ Prez! haha genius. :)
It's nice to know that JJWT and TAMN are so equally yoked!
I love this blog.
Does Tamn soften your rough edges with her femininity?
This is one of my favorites.
The perfume killed me.
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