September 12, 2008

The little stream is shrieking out!

Holy cow, could my life and therefore by association YOUR life seriously get any awesomer? Time for another gIvE-oh-gIvEawAy, better than ever! Thnx readers, thnx sponsors, thnx internet, thnx universe...hold on to your bracelets bc this one's a whopper. I thought about hogging these for Bunc/ko prizes but sharing is caring so here you go! What better way to celebrate my upcoming birthday and baby shower than to lead you by example and show what giving ppl cool stuff looks like??? You can win:
  • Two darling slash useful nursing covers, any ones you want, from Baby Coverz, a cute online boutique with tonz of darling changing pads, burp cloths, diaper clutches, funky car seat covers, etsetra. These are cute and great bc accidental boob exposure is only darling at the beach, NOT the mothers lounge.
  • A $50 yes FIVE-ZERO GC to Little Diddle Boutique, w/ tons of unique and chic stuff to keep in mind for my upcoming best ever baby shower: pink little girl high tops with sparkles, mommy n me bracelet sets which of course I heart, headbands galore, etsetra. Love love love it!
  • A Ju-Ju-be designer diaper bag of your choice! BAAAA! Fancy schmancy--you'll see 'em floating around big-deal boutiques and Nordy's retailing triple digits so this'll up your social status by about thirty billion.
  • A DARLING pink paisley girl's dress from Little Statements, great for your own daughter or if anyone adorable you know has a girl or, any of your friends, gentle dainty cough, have a really adorable fetus. SUPERcute and it comes with this matching bracelet which is lurvley.
  • A one-hour family session from Blue Lily Photography, with a disc of 20-30 high resolution images for you to show your fam off with! She's California-based but comes to Utah and Arizona so chances are, you or someone you know wants this, frills.
  • A set of "boo-boo bags" of your choice from Too Dizzy's Etsy Shop; freeze them or microwave them and they soothe all aches and pains. Sometimes I make JJWT warm mine up and then rub my back and feet bc lunching and relaxing and erranding all day makes me oober tired. BEST HUSBAND IN THE UNIVERSE.
  • 2 pairs of your choice of the darling BabyLegs leg warmers from Tender Cargo, a natural baby gear co with tonz of cute earth-friendly stuff. Hate to be demanding but if no one gives me these cute things at my best shower ever, not to be rude but I might have to clutch-with-frozen-smile til JJWT gets me some (love you angelbabe!).
  • A 5-card pack of your choice from the hilarious and darling Line Upon Line Cards (have you checked them out yet? They make me do my adorable snort laugh that JJWT finds so endearing).
  • Any little outfit you want from the freaking adorable Appledonia shop; bazillions of cute onesies with elephants, froggies, piggies, you name it. I wonder if they'll make MY baby a onesie with one of our wedding pics on it, so when I look at the bebe it's like I'm looking at me...?
  • A free portrait session from Green Apple Photography AND a complementary 8x10. They're in the Salt Lake Valley, so this is great for people who live in Zion or know someone in Zion or have the ability to come to Zion for some sweet slash gorgeous fam pics to put up by your dried flowers. This is just til I get MY photog business up and running tho, right guys???
  • Darling vinyl wall art from ScribbleIt: a large Mr. Owl (10"h x 20"w) and small Knobby Knee birds (6"h) in the color of your choice to babe up your house!
  • Last and DEF not least, a $100 gift basket of Oh Sweet Sadie! goodies. Oh Sweet Sadie! is a art and craft show happening next weekend and the one after (Sept 19th & 20th and Sept 26th & 27th) in two of my fave places, Draper and (you guessed it) SoJo's DAYBREAK. Basically it's a buttload, I mean, bumload of arters and crafters and etsyers. This truely ginormous basket includes: A $25 sample pack of cute note pads from Jot It Down, $20 of hair bows and accessories from Oh Sweet Sadie, a $30 watch of your choice from Which Watch, a hip appliqued boy's t-shirt from Oh Sweet Sadie ($15.50), and a set of those lil boy weener covers they call Wee-wee tee-pees from Hush boutique ($9.50). Those are helpful bc sometimes when baby boys P, there hoses spray on clothes-es. Ugh, I DEFIANTLY want to rig it so I win this gift basket...I mean, good luck!
BAAAAAAA!!! Just enter by leaving a comment on this post (one per person plz, preferably something nice about your struely) before Sunday September 14 AT 5 PM Mountain time and TWELVE yes TWELVE lucky winners will be chosen at random and announced next week so remember, VISUALIZE SUCCESS. Love you!

If you have something you want me to consider for a future giveaway, contact me seriouslysoblessed at yahoo dot com for promo info. Love you!


1 – 200 of 1679   Newer›   Newest»
Christina said...

We need some family pictures, so sign me up. Thanks, TAMN!

Curt said...

Lovin' it. We totally need the coolness slash awesomeness in our lives.

Kerry said...

TAMNERS! this is crazy! MO-PRAH! MO-PRAH!

Tracie said...

I hope I win, I majorly need a pick-me-up of cuteness!

Kim said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kim said...

TAMN you are SERIOUSLY the BEST thing that has happened to bloggerville!

Unknown said...

TAMN! This is a great give-a-way! :) I love all of it. I hope I get one of them

McKenzie said...

You are the coolest! I am totally just lovin' on all the freebies! I would feel seriosly, just so blessed if I were lucky enough to win something from YOU!

Sarah Heder said...

Holy crap! That's a lot of free stuff and I can't say no to free stuff! Hope I win something. You're pretty funny. How's that for something nice about you? Okay, your music selection is pretty hilarious!

Anonymous said...

sock it to me

Ashlee said...

So much fun stuff! You make me laugh lots.

Cristin said...

I need the nursing cover!

Angela S said...

Wow that is awesome! I'm up for anything here!

Because You Want To Know said...

OMG!! I LOVE everything you are giving away!!! Oh, I hope, I hope, I hope!!!

-kim said...

honestly, you make getting up in the day so worth it...i won't confess to you how much i check to see if you have posted anything new...thanks for sponsoring the sweet giveaway...YOU ROCK!

Katie (Feuz) Nielsen said...

oh my stars...I soooooo wish I was a cute prego girl like you, TAMN!

Amy said...

Love your blog! Congrats on making it a hit.

Charity said...

Just heard about your blog, and have been laughing since. HILARIOUS!! I haven't laughed so hard forever. Might as well sign up for the freebies, eh?

Julie said...

I want a family picture seriously so bad! Please choose me!

Erin said...

Love your blog too. So fun.

Guinevere said...

You're so UNSELFISH to share with us all! I'm sure you'll get tonz of even cuter stuff for your shower. It'll be a downpour!

Sara Ann said...

I never win things:( Please pick me!!! :)

Krista said...

ALL IT IT!!! Ü .

Karrissa Winward said...

I just found your sight through a friend and you have some fun stuff on here! I would love to be entered!

Rachel said...

I worship you and want to be just like you - I think we could be BFFs for sure if you let me win the sitting with Blue Lily!

Cassandra Anne said...

OMG! (G for Gosh, of course.)


Sign me uppers.

Kasi French said...

SERIOUSLY!?!? With this and only 13 days to the SEASON PREMIERE of Greys ... well, someone pinch me I may have died and gone straight to CK1.

Christi said...

I just want to say that your post on how to get your own JJWT changed my life. Seriously. Even though it was only posted a few weeks ago. Who knew that some hair extensions and lying about my graduate degree could count for so much! Count me in the contest!

Kati said...

Since me and my adorable family do live in Zion (So bleassed) we would love to get our darling pictures taken. Can't wait till you have your photog business going. Zion will be even more ri-chus.

The Girl said...

Pick me!!! I signed up on with a radio station here, and if they call my name, they will pay my bills! Maybe it will be my lucky week!

alishka babushka said...

oh TAMNers!!!! I was dreaming about this the other day! I was wishing and hoping for some marvelous give-awayness from you!! I'm visualizing success over here! loves! muah!

alexandra said...

I'm so jealous of you!! You have the perfect life! I want to be your bff!! Maybe I can just settle for some cool freebies!

Heidi @ Honeybear Lane said...

Oh wow TAMNERS I am so jealous-secretly-jugemental of your totally awesome giveaway!! If I don't dress up my future baby girl and current baby boy with all the super cute stuff that your giving away I think I'm going to pee my pants! Not really tho cuz that's seriusly gross!!

Steph said...

Sounds exciting! Sign me up!

[alisar] said...

I think I might be the last Mormon mommy blogger to hear about you! Love your sight and look forward to many more laughs. Thanks!

Kelly Hill said...

You make me smile, out loud! That's seriously the best compliment anyone could get from me. Here's to an amazing contest! I'm excited for the winners, no matter who they are!

Bethany said...

pick me, love me!

The Jbird, Hugs, and Bfran Gang said...

Free is the only way I can afford new things for myself. Please oh please let me win something.

Dawn said...

TAMN, pick me, pick me!!

Jennie said...

You TOTALLY are Moprah! What would we do with out you!

Vera said...

I need, I want, I would, I will.... Choose me, choose me...

zeeny said...

sign me up!

kathy said...

I've only commented once before, but the chance of winning something really awesome has tempted me beyond the ability to resist. Winning something would be such a blessing, so here's your chance to play G_ _ (it's not acceptable to actually spell it out loud, right?)!

Unknown said...

This is the BEST BLOG EVER! Seriously. So. Cute. :)

Talina said...

Wow TAMN, you are like, so generous. I mean, here we should all be showering you with great gifts for your birthday and you are offering US such adorable gifts. I really hope I win!!!

Bethany said...

Oh TAMN! How generous of you! Always thinking of your e-bffs!

Melanie said...

We're way behind on family photo's. Also, I LOVE your blog, and so do many of my informed family!

Anonymous said...

Pick me, pick me

hicktowndiva said...

Pick me, Pick me! I :heart: this contest!

Heather said...

I'm small I know, but wherever I go, I will tell people how cool you are, and of course - your blog!

Mia said...

OOO! OOO! Pick me! Pick me! I love free stuff!

Jenni said...

Sweetie, I'm sayin' this with luv, k? boob exposure isn't cute at the beach either. Love ya!

Amber said...

Would love any of the above!

Melanie said...

oh, do you don't know it yet, but we were TOTALLY BFF's in the premortal existence.

Pick me!

Mary said...

I am seriously so blessed for having found your AWESOME blog. Out here in the mission field it can be very difficult to get by...but you make me feel that much closer to the promise land!
I am only a Sunday School teacher now for 14-17 (combined b/c were in the mission field), but I am trying to prepare myself to be in YW someday. In fact, I will write it on my mirror and put notecards in all my purses and school bags. Here's wishin!

kwill said...

I love all the stuff, although my cute little fetus is technically still a cute little egg just waiting to be sent down from heaven. I don't know why she's holding out! We're like, SO ready for her...In the meantime I still have to build my collection of stuff for her, hopefully for next spring! That way I can be preggo during the winter and not be hot! just look Hot. perfect.

Justin said...

Are males allowed to enter? If so, here I am, entering. I hope I get the Baby Coverz.

Meg said...

I so so heart you TAMN! I would love to be entered for anything that you don't have to be in Zion for since I live in the mission field. I'm going to visualize success!!

Gentrey said...

What!?! No cookies? Oh well, these giveaways still rock. You rule Tamn.

Anonymous said...

ME! ME! ME! I will feel so blessed if I win! Especially from that Appledonia! Seriously so cute and I could really use it too. I just know that my hubby and I rightously concevied our newest posterity last night and I will need one of those cutie-pie onesies so that he/she will be the cutest new baby at HFPE night! Not that I'm compeitive....compeitive people make me cry.

Wendy said...

I'm visualizing my success, so give o give away

Lindsay said...

Wow! All so awesome! I'd love to be one of the lucky twelve. :)

tiburon said...

Count me in. I will take one of each!

Mandy said...

Last time my vision was off, but this time I can ToTaLly feel it. I see myself winning some totally cute stuff upping my social status in life.

Allison said...

Wow! PuhLease pick me TAMN... I have a cute fetus growing too and would love all this great mommy stuff! You truly are so give oh giving!

linda said...

My favorite thing about you is that you are such a good speller. I can tell that you are super pretty and smart(especially at spelling).

Cardwell said...

Amazing stuff!!! I want to WIN! Please, please, please! :)

Shepherd Family ACALPM said...

Wow that is one amazing prize pack! You are pretty amazing to get all that put together!~ Thanks for sharing the love!

Cheryl said...

This is some great stuff! Thanks for the chance to win.

Cheryl said...

This is some great stuff! Thanks for the chance to win.

annzy said...

Oh TAMN ~I love it when you go all Oprah on us!

Jenny said...

I found out yesterday, that I am prego (but my hubby said I am not supposed to tell anyone yet.) I would LOVE the Diaper Bag. Hubby sewed me one for my first baby...didn't work out very well. I would really like a real one! Otherwise, a nursing cover would be great too.

Gianna said...

OMGOMGOMGOMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CuTEnEsS OVERLOAD!!!! Plz pick me so we can be e-bffs forever!

kelliemcc said...

I love posts that remind me of classic primary songs. Thanks for the fun.

ATLP said...

Wow Great Stuff! Would love it!

Ashley said...

Ahhh snap! I can't believe you already have so many comments - you are so cool! Man oh man, I would love to win any of those awesome giveaways!

Sarah S said...

PLZ PLZ PLZ let me win!!

Jenn said...

Love what you're doing with your blog. Count me in on the goodies.

Tyson and Kate said...

LOVE your blog! Takes me back to the years I lived in Utah and came to heart all the awesome people like you. :) But you are the awesomest! Super fun stuff! Yay!

Staci said...

Oh my gosh! I am so blessed to have found your wonderful blog and bask in your awesomeness. Thank you for your wonderfulness.

Brenda said...

Your blog puts a SmIlE on my face everyday! Thanks for keeping life so real and for being so kind!

Lindsay said...

You are the most giving girl ever! One more reason to heart you :) I hope I win!

Janae said...

You are the BEST TAMN. So seriously you are. I have a little girl named Paisley, so that Paisley dress would totally look cute on her. I love matching!

I hope I win, but I will be Disneyland for like a couple of weeks, ***squeal*** but I won't have internet, yuck. I hope I win!

Heather said...

Holy Frijole - I would love any of those darling items that you are so graciously giving! You are the BEST Moprah!

NikkiAnn said...

Wishin', and hopin', and thinkin', and prayin', Planning and dreamin' each night of these charms...
Might that get one into my arms???

Melanie said...

Keep on going, hot and righteous!

The Harwood Family said...

TAMN thanks for the laughs! You are SERIOUSLY the best evah! Do you think we could have been BFF's in the premortal life? I feel like we are so much alike! :)

Ross Kellyn Moore, JD said...

TAMN! You rock the world. I'm just sorry I finished medical/business/dental/law school before JJWT did, or I know we would have been BFFs

Seriously, thanks for all you do.

Jackie said...

Get OUT! You are so super generous. Hope I win!!!!

Bonnie said...

Thanks for the laughs!

Noelle said...

Sign me up! :) It's too good to be true.

Courtney said...

WOW! TAMN your amazing!

Carin Davis said...

just found your blog....brings a serious smile to my face!

you keep fabulous company- great links!


Our Family said...

I would love to win!!!

Erin said...

PLZ. pick me!

Jen Nelson said...

I {heart} TAMN!!

Miranda said...

Pick me...pick me...

Maximus_Manimal said...

We have a cute baby girl, so any of the baby/little girl items would be super neato.

Jami said...

Moi! I've the winning feeling. Me. Me. Me. Can you win more than once?

Lindsay said...

We're already best friends on facebook but I know this can only strengthen our bff-ship. Can I bring darling chicken salad croissant sandwiches to your shower?

Crazy Herb Girl said...

Wow, I love giveaways! Count me in :-)

cold cocoa said...

I need some blessings in my life right now...I'd love to win any of those awesome prizes!

Chelsea said...

Holy giveaway! Count me in!

Brooke said...

How fun! You've got such great giveaways/advertisers! And thanks for making me laugh!

Angela said...

Any of these prizes wood up my soshal statis! Pick Me!

TJ said...

I don't have to just visualize myself as a winner. I AM a winner.

Liz said...

Wow, all of that is amazing and would be great if I could win one thing. I've never won anything like that!! I hope I win. by the way, you are hilarious!

kt said...

oooOOOOoooo Pick me PUHLEEZE !!!!

I would feel seriously so happy!

Laura said...

I am so glad I read the Secret. I can visualize I am winning! I am loving the prizes!

Leilani said...

Yikes, my life canNOT get any more awesomer!

Amy said...

You're the bestest! Sign me up please!

{B} said...

U R Amaze-ing!

BYU Athletic Supporter said...

Is that kid in the Photography photo about to head out for a night on the town and pick up some chicks?

Unknown said...

oh my heck! This is the best give away EVER! Tams pick me pppllleeeaaassseee!

Kate said...

Hey seriously so blessed....pick me! I really really really love know right?

Whitney R said...

WOW,your post has been up for 37 minutes and you already have 107 comments.

But, I'm so glad Tamn is a little stream!

JenSwen said...

Ooh me me me! Cuz you know I totally need it all.

Emma said...

I absolutly love your blog. i read it daily. My day is just not complete until I have checked out your blog. I love hearing about all of your fun outings and wish I was there with you! I have to say this give away is the best ever. love ya forever Tams!!!

Kat said...

TAMN, you are my bff. I know you don't actually know me, but you would love me if you did (mostly because I'd make you look so good).
Count me in on the giveaway (but that's so not the only reason I left a comment).

Queen Elizabeth said...

Ooooooooooooo pick me pick me pick me. I am waaay more righteous than all of those people so PICK ME!

Manda Jane Clawson said...

TAMN, you are seriously awesome and you really do have the BEST HUSBAND IN THE UNIVERSE!

How do you solve a problem like Malia? said...

I worship you TAMN! Is that so wrong?

Meghan said...

I really NEED all of this stuff!! Thanks for being so great!!

Alicia said...

I am TOTALLY visualizing success! Thanks TAMN! You are AWESOME! P.S. I totally wanna family photo session with you when you get your photog business up & running!

Karlee Turner said...

Your blog is awesome! Thanks for the entertainment! And I would love to win any of the above...

Corby said...

You should pick me! I said that in a totally unselfish way!

Nicole said...

I need to win to boost my self esteem! Help me!

Laura said...

What fun - add me - I just discovered your blog - how exciting!

Hillary said...

TAMN, you are seriously so blessing the rest of us with your giveaways. Oprah's got nothing on you... I have never seen her give away boob covers, and let's face it, there are a million of them to cover up with all the babies here in Zion - including mine! And the pictures? Dang! What a treasure for my geneaology charts!

Katy said...

Oh, if you don't pick me for something I think I'll just die!

I really love the dress and bracelet from Little Statements. My daughter is the cutest slash most adorable girl in my ward-this would just make her even better!

Jessie said...

K this is my first time at your blog, but you are hilarious. Seriously. I also wouldn't mind all the freebies!!!

Lisa said...

I would looooove to win any of it, but the family pictures would be best so I can put them on my husbands ad campaign for EQ Prez. You inspired us!

Nash said...

I want to be in on this, those are fantastic gifts.

Dianna said...

Wow, if I win I won't have to go shopping, cuz materialism makes me cry, too.

Laura C. said...

Ooooo, Can, I Can I!

Steph said...

This is hilarious-so nice to have a little comic relief in my life right now. Thanks. :)

The Kay Family said...

What an awesome giveway. You are a blogging super-woman!!

Nicole said...

Please please please pick me me me. If I win baby stuff, it'll be a sign that I will secretly stop taking the pill and get preggers. (but really its the photo shoots I want.)

Heather C. said...

Yea! I love giveaways!

Emma Bean said...


You have such a giving heart. I guess that's why you are so blessed.

Jax said...

I think that you are wonderful... and I mean that in a completely honest "in front of the congregation" kind of way.

~j. said...


heart you, tamners!!!!!

Louise said...

I love Blue Lily! And I want amazing engagement pictures, but I don't think I can afford the, Please sign me up!

Joanna said...

Ooooooh pretty things....must win.....leave comment.....done!!!! Lovin' the owl decals - sooooo lovely!!

Jessica said...

TAMN! I heart nursing but public display of chest makes me cry. I need a nursing cover so I can try to be as cute as you!

Katrina said...

Yeah for giveaways! You're so generous!

Mrs. Bennett said...

you are seriously, so blessed and so giving! please pick me.

Kristina P. said...

I feel like all these kid items are a passive-aggressive way of telling me I should have ten kids right now.

Thanks, Moprah.

Samantha Jane said...

I hope I win -- I hope I win!

Jana said...

TAMN, I always save your blog to read last on my google reader - you are SO fabulous! I'd love to win any of the giveaway items!

Brits said...

My hooters are not for hiding! So I shall visualize winning the grand prize instead!

rychelle said...

you know i don't have a baby yet (spinsty. sad. i know!) but i totally have a hope chest waiting for fabulous prizes.

Morgan Koji said...

Thank you for all the good feelings you pass along. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to have any one of these prizes for my little fetus!

Amy said...

CuTe Giveaway! Luv It! Pick Me Pick Me!

Fig said...

Plz pick me, I would LOVE to win!!! You are the BEST for having these contests and giving to the less forchnate, your going to be SO BLESSED!!!

Justin & Kamie said...

Best Giveaway EVAR TAMN!!

Brooklyn and Dave said...

you are seriously hilarious...

Emily said...

Wow!!!! I can't wait to win somethin' I love your blog and long to read it EVERY day! :D Keep up the good work!

J.R. and Tammy said...

Have you been reading the SECRET? I will totally visualize my gigantic win over all yall!

Becki said...

UR teh roxer!

sb said...

TAMN, you're so Mo-Prah it's crazy! I'm working on an awesome fetus myself, so any of these prizes would be totally cool. I hope I'm righteous enough to win.

Aimee said...

This is my first time on your blog, so to win a prize would make it that much better.

Justine said...

Wow, that's a lot of stuff. You must be famous or something, honey.

Rachel Oswald said...

Yay TAMN! Thanks for posting such awesome giveaways! You rock!

Marti said...

I'm totally going to pray that I WIN! This is seriously so awesome!

Ware Family said...

Visualizing the success!
Thnx TAMN!!!!
Lv U!!!!

BrookeJean said...

TAMN + Hottest Fetus ever = Super Hot TAMN and 1 lucky JJWT

Kirk and Dynelle said...

My 6 month old daughter NEEDS the Little Statements dress (and matching bracelet) she can make all the mia maids I teach jealous! You can see how cute she is at my blog!

Familia Fowler said...

In a house full of boys, my daughter and I need some major cuteness lessons, f-rills! Thanx for givin' it up!

Amy said...

Seriously I heart everything on here! Pick me cause I've read all the other comments and I can tell I'm way more deserving. LOVE YOU!!!

Hannah said...

cool gifts! you are seriously so blessed to be able to give all these things away.

Kim said...

TAMN I heart heart heart you! I don't even know you but I remember knowing who you were in high school and always being SOO jealous because you had the hottest boyfriends and the BEST clothes. I would literally die, literally if you chose me to win. My life is so unfortunate (still being single and all) and I could really use a boost right. Winning your givaway would make me estatic!

JoJo said...

What the heck! It's my way to play a lotto since it's not in accordance with the plan to play the rEAL lotto.

Ella said...

Goll, I hope I am righteous enough for one of these blessings.

Katie said...

TAMN, you really are seriously, so blessed. You are the prettier, skinnier, Oprah with cuter hair and a knowledge of the plan. How on earth did I get so blessed to become your friend? VOTE TAMN FOR RS PREZ 2008!

Beckie Perry said...

OMGOSH!!!! I'm totally shrieking out over here. I'm so glad that we are EBFF'S I just heart you and your blog...

Katie said...

You are so Moprah!

Chelsea and Spencer said...

These giveaways are at the height of cuteness. Pick me!!! Pick me!!!

Kathryn said...

TAMN, seriously, I totally just found out I'm expecting a bundle of joy. Hope he/she is as awsomefull as your little pumpkin!

Kathryn said...

TAMN, seriously, I totally just found out I'm expecting a bundle of joy. Hope he/she is as awsomefull as your little pumpkin!

Kathryn said...

TAMN, seriously, I totally just found out I'm expecting a bundle of joy. Hope he/she is as awsomefull as your little pumpkin!

Becki R said...

I'll be singing Give Said TAMN all weekend long! Love, love, love Give-oh-giveaway's but love you more!!! (in an e-love kinda way of course...)

The Halls said...

OH...pick me pick me PICK ME!

Unknown said...

Hi TAMNers! How is fetus doing? How are you feeling? Have you got to hear the heartbeat yet?

Rachel said...

oh.. I LOVE GIVEAWAYS. Free stuff is the hottest.. besides you of course. Pick me !!!!

perfect polite said...

Your "floating fetus" is looking less and less and less like a baby beluga every day!!!! Don't get me wrong bc little baby whales are SO CUTE TOO!!!!

Rissa and Jared said...

hope i win something!

The Johnson's said...

Your post are so funny! They are a great start for my days!

Jen Lee said...

Pleze pick me! I will share my winnings with you since sharing is caring and who could I care more about than you (besides my own JJWT?!)

Whitney said...

You are pretty much the nicest blogger out there! I hope I win something. I really think I deserve it.

Raich said...

OMGsh...I totally need a social #boost!!!LuV ya 4evR

Erin said...

I'm not preggo, but I'm sure there's a little one in heaven just waiting to come down (a little girl, of course). Also, my two AdOrAbLe boys need poster-size pitchers of themselves framed in there bedrooms!

carol said...

this is my first comment on your blog (I have felt too unworthy cuz U.R. so pretty and gorgeous and insightful) ...but i couldn't resist the chance of winning a hooter hider or a rockin diaper bag!! Yip Yip! Pick me!

Meeker home said...

Oooo- Pick me! Pick me! I'll take any of the above. You're the best TAMNers.

Wendi said...

I'm in...number 193. Hmm, what are my chances? Not good.

mirabelle darlene said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kateastrophe said...

I sort of NEED to win the photography sesh because I'm in Arizona! Yay!

erika said...

TAMN, you are so my favorite! JUST. LIKE. OPRAH. But better because your Mormon! If only I lived in Zion we could be BFF's! Lurve ya!

Amy said...

lovin' the little stream today!


bkbills said...

TAMN! Frills, it's a sign from above. I have 3 little boys and just barely had my first little girl. And I have to say that not only is she the cutest little girl on the face of the earth with her teeny tiny bows glued to her head every day with matching bracelets and out fits and pierced ears (at two months!), but her name is SADIE! So I think it's a no brainer that the Gift Basket from "Oh Sweet Sadie" is seriously ment for my little Sadie! LOL!

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