*best experienced with speakers blasting*
My take on oh-eight: TAMNs poli-tickle opinion's

McCain: Ack! Get that grandpy some white strips, STAT. And seriously, your on TV, spit out your jawbreaker! I know mad is bad, but I'm still T.O.'d slash way bummered out that Mitt can't run anymore because he didn't get enough votes. I would of loved to of lived in a country with that kind of spiritual leadership and have our nation be led by a success story of a couple where the wife waited for her missionary JUST LIKE ME! So that's a downer...oh well...Mitt 2010!!

Obama: honestly, I love black people! They are the best! I went to high school with one and he was WAY fun, sporty and kicked trash on the dance floor, so I really GET black people, plus Brock has always been one of my FAVE boy names. I get tonz of email fwds about him but their usually long so I just skip 'em unless they have pics like this...hubba hubba! J/K, JJWT, love you more, but way to go Sister Obama on nabbing that! Betcha she used Dr. Pepper chapstick too ;)
SERIOUSLY! It is not physically possible for me to agree with you more. I miss Mitt!
omgsh tamn - i lurve you too!
TAMN, you know I totally respect your opinion on polticks, but I find that some self tanner would be more affective than white strips. First a darker face would make his teeth seem lighter, AND it would help diminish his blotches and blemishes. Hope we can still be friends.
You don't need to listen to anything boring, you should always judge people by the way they look. It is called judging righteously.
Honestly, TAMNs, nothing on Joe Byedn? bc he looks just like JJWT in 100 years, I bet.
Aren't you voting for Obama because he's attractive? I know I AM!!!! Luv ya tonz!
Oooh me too-- I totally can't wait to help Mitt campaign in '2010.' Because you see, I waited for my "mishunary" too like you and the lovely Ann.
Oh and teen pregnancy? Just because you're 19 and MARRIED and pregnant doesn't mean you don't contribute to those statistics. It's still a teen pregnancy TAMN. Double standard. Tsk.
Hey, I know a black guy too, I bet it's the same guy.
TAMN you totally forgot the other old dude, Biden.
Not that I'm terribly surprised, everyone else in the media has forgotten him too.
I'm with you 100%...we should have a special election in 2010 to get Mitt elected! Who cares if it's two years early. That McCain guy will probably be dead by then and poor Sarah will probably glad to have him take over. Being president is way hard and really takes a toll on your skin, you know.
Did you know that there are some Mormons who are also the "D" word?
I know that they always read that letter in church before the election, and say that the church doesn't endorse anyone, but thank goodness there are many people who are able to read between the lines, and tell everyone that clearly, they mean you should vote "R." Makes me feel happy.
Brock is one of my favorite names too. I'm glad that we're finally deciding on our political figures based on how awesome their name would sound after "President". "President Brock" just sound powerful, like some guy on a soap opera (not that I watch them, immorality galore, uck) only stronger
Go Sarah
oh tamnatron, your insight is so...insightful.
Seriously too too bad about MITT! I'm still "sMITTen." HA!
So, if you end up having super cute adorable twins, will you name them Brock and Sarah?
I ALWAYS write in my husband's name for every election even though he's not a US citizen. It would just feel like adultree if I didn't ya know.
Both parties (a party??? where??) have pretty people. Brock...and Paylin.
Brock '08!!
Thank you! NO...THANK YOU!!! For finally posting something ReAl about politicals. WOW. Some poeple just donno about politics but I can tell you really really do so thanks for helping me make my so hard decision.
I freakin' love the Brock pic. Well done, TAMN. Well done.
TAMN don't forget that Sarah had a great quote about lipstick, and they keep showing it over and over. We all know how important it is for a girl to look good at all times.
And hay- did you see her HOT husband? If she gets put in we will definitely be seeing more of him. Hot happy couples are so cool!
And come on, we all know McCain is going to meet his post-mortal life soon.(No white strips will help that!!!), Which means that we could have a girl prez! Just like the Relief Society for the nation! That would totally be the best!!!!
Yay ;-)
Best post EVER!
Ok...so because I am the person who likes to sturrrrrrr the pot...and am a bit in to politics....lets try and vote for someone based on there credentials...not physical looks or family life...for me...if ANYONE throws just ONE flag away with out the proper procedures, that is it for me...not OBama did it with THOUSANDS from the DNC...LOOSER...he must really love this country.
still love ya...
Wait a second... This is an election year?!?!?!?! How come they haven't mentioned anything on the news?
Your incites are amazing. YOU are amazing!!! It's like you have fresh eyes so you just take things to the simplest, most basic level. BEST POLITICAL POST E-VAR!
Also, I will totally campaign with your for Mitt in 2010.
O m'hec! Ur so totallee rite on all uv it! I ♥ Brock for a name too and I think we should all vote 4 Brock because he didn't want 2 wear that DUM flag pin...I mean, how "chic" is a stupid pin nowadayz? F'realz, right?
Plus Sarah Paylin has, like, the CUTEST kids - have you seen her oldest son! HOT!! (Of course, nothing like my own JJWT, who is a TOTAL babe!) But seriyusly - hot mom, cute glasses, cute highlights, hot hubby, cute kids = Palin for Prez! She is like a WAAAY older TAMNster with glasses! Plus, like, I bet she hunts the way the Nephites do, I mean, it's ALASKA - do they even HAVE stores up their??
Seriously, your pole on the side has a frowny face next to stateside? Does that make you less of a missionary by serving stateside? Reason #153 why I left the church, after serving an honorable stateside mission.
TAMN, I was jus so CONFUZED after I got that "BROCK is the ANTI-CHRIST!!" email from my friends! But you have made everything so clare for me! I mean, how can anyone who looks like THAT is a modest swimsuit be the ANTI-CHRIST??? Plus, Sindee MacCane spent, like, $300,000 on her convenshun outfit. She looked hot, but materializm is sooo sad!!
Boo, I think it's sad that women got the right to vote in 1920. Everyone knows that the priesthood holder should make the decision on who to vote for. And it's also sad when mom's don't stay at home with their children like the profit said. So that's why my JJWT is not going to vote for Palin for the both of us.
*tsk*tsk* Palin should have thought more carefully about the presidency - it can really age a guy or gal. Oh yeah, she isn't running for *President* GO SARAH!
Um... TAMN.... i hate to burst your bubble, cos I know he's hott and all, but didn't you know Brock is a democrat?! Srsly, that's totally not with the plan. So sad.
I believe in being fair to both sides, so I have to call you out on not posting a picture of McCain in his swimsuit. Just cause he has an old face doesn't mean he doesn't have a 6 pack to die for. Don't you know he fought in the in the Civil War or something and all soldiers are totally buff? Even if they're like 90.
So speaking of "Brock" have you and JJWT picked out a baby name yet? It should be done soon the so the precious thing recognizes who he/she is right away. How about Kennedy/Avery/Riley/Emma/Natalie for a girl or Jaxon/Jaden/Wyatt/Tristan?
Neither of them will be as good as Mitt. They won't have conference talks to inspire them.
Hey, Brock must be Super-smart. I thought there were only 52 states all this time. I'm So glad glasses are finally hot. I've worn them for years...sad.
eeew! Totally grossed out by that pic of Obama.
"I would of loved to of lived"=best grammar ever!!!
And, forget first lady of the wives club and EQ Prez! I say "JJWT in 2020!" (when JJWT turns 35). Wouldn't electing you to First Lady of the whole USA be the best 30th birthday present EVER!!!
Yikes, You are in the land of Prozak and jello. I feel SUPER DUPER for REAL bad for you. BUT since nothing else on your blog is SERIOUS, I'll TOTALLY giggle at this one too. CHOW CHOW!
Bravo, TAMN. One of your best posts yet.
OH.MY.GOOOOSH TAMN! I think I've fallen in LURVE with your hilarity like WHOA!!
Your new bloggin BFF,
Katie! :)
I vote for 'none of the above'.
I find it interesting that even though you speak like a valley-girl or Paris Hilton, lots of people who comment resort to "lolspeak". Not the same thing.
When is JJWT going to run for prez? I would totally vote for him (just so TAMNers could be first lady...BAAAAAAAAA!) or maybe he could be Mittz running mate in 2010, they would totally make good bffs.
you kill me!! but in such a good way! i have been so wrapped up in these elections and this was such a great laugh! thank you!
Wait a minute! I thought Paris said she was running for president. She had a pretty decent energy proposal....
...nevermind. I just realized she's not old enough. Go Mitt!
I saw this pic of Brock in my Star mag last weak! It so totally made me want to go to Hawaii, but then I saw that hot super cold pic of every mom's Pal-in from Vogue and it made me want cocoa bad like (sugar free of corse!).
I've decided that Vogue def beats Star, so I know who I'm voting for! ;)
Once you go BLACK you NEVER go back!!! I'm with you all the way baby!
His name is not Brock...get your facts straight. he's a loser that will TEAR this country apart and he's SO not attractive.
I'm totally voting for John! It's because I totally want to be like Cindy when I am OLD!!! I love her look and that she tries so hard to look young! That's what we need in the ohvole office!
Gorgeous was JFK, Jr. Now TAMN, you're probably scratching your pretty little head, twirling your hair around your finger, snapping gum and saying to yourself: "Uh? Like who is JFK, Jr.?" Do some research and you'll understand that Barack Obama (oh, my, did you note his first and last initials = BO? Sorry ladies.) doesn't hold a candle to JFK, Jr.
Sadly, JFK, Jr. is deceased.
omgsh, I swear I totally saw a way hot pic of Matt McConahey on a beach like that this summer, cept his abs are WAY hotter. Brock could totally be on Hollywoods A-list don't you think?
Seriously...your going to be a mother soon - grow up. Your child is depending upon you preserving a way of life for him/her and their future. Get a backbone, grab and opinion and don't ever vote for someone unless you agree with their policies - not with their looks.
i totally LOVE the txt lesson perhaps I'll try it with the relief society sisters.
Oh, Diana (above) didn't get the memo...sad.
This is what's wrong with America!! Voteing for someone just because you think they are "Hot!" is so so wrong! I do not like Obama and hope he doesn't become the next president. I'm voteing for McCain. Please try to learn as much as you can about the person you are voting for. Don't vote for someone because of their age or how they look. We need a real leader!
You were just jumping on the Michael Phelps band-wagon weren't you? I mean come on, Barrack is so not, and Michael is so... well you know!! I bet you never really liked Mike you just wanted everyone to think that you did. But it's ok, I guess you can have your own opinion too.
But who's cuter? Mitt or Sarah's HUSBAND?
How are there people who still don't "get" this blog? I guess I'll be grateful for them, because the reprimands on here are hilarious!
Keep it coming TAMN and TAMN-haters!
Ladies- Are we forgetting our Mantra? WWOD? What would Oprah do? Well I think we all know. Yea for black people in the oval office.
Not only was this one of your best posts, Tamn, I think the responses were THE best I've read on your blog. I love laughing at politics and political figures, and I love laughing at people who don't get the joke.
BRock On!!
You're just amaxing! (that's amazing to the max)
Is this even serious?
Palin kicks butt!! She's so going to make McCain the best pres!! She's got the biggest balls over Obama that's for sure!! Maybe she'll even be pres after McCain if they get in! SWEET!!
Umm. Isn't it like imoral to go swimming without a teeshirt on? I mean, lets talk about standerds, whydontcha.
Holy funny! Brock... Sister Obama... clever. {smiley slash winky face} You remind me of Lucille Ball on I Love Lucy, how she was really good at singing TERRIBLY close to on pitch, but so not, and it was because she was- in real life- actually a really good singer who could pull it off. {wink, wink} I heart the word "squeee" now!!
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