Holy shiz. Your quiz results are so off the charts, our results are malfunctioning as the whole Internet unites in one giant collective BAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!
You Are 182% Vain |
What Asian Country Should You Visit? You Should Travel to Japan
You'll love Asia and fit right in because you're skinny, fashionable and heart Hello Kitty. Not to mention all the Asian you've picked up over the pedis! And who knows? Token Asian Friend, *MARY* and Grumpy Angel might even show you around!
I heart online quizzes.
182% vain??? Bahahahah! Oh, TAMN, how I love you.
Weejees are freaky!
Zero percent on spelling? LOL. Why, why, why doesn't this surprise me?
I told you you should be Rosalie for Halloween! Only the super uber hot for you TAMN!
Not sure why you took the geek test. I mean, of COURSE you're sexy and all the other things. Not a bit geeky!
But why didnt u take the Disney Princess quiz??! Im totally betting ur Cinderella, since u work SOO hard as a SAHP and - come on - what girl doesnt need her man to bring her shoes!!?
heeee heee hee. So glad you mentioned Mary. But you should mention me next time. Bet yuo can't figure out how to include a CTD. If it was CTR, maybe.
You are so funny.
It is nice to see you talk about yourself for once. You deserve it!
wow. You HAVE to be much much prettier than Rosalie.
Oh, and Tamn.. didn't you remember that I already called Mary to show me around Japan. Wonder if she's been there.... been to China.. I should ask.
TAMN -- you need a ShareThis or Stumble! widget/button. 'Cause this is so way stumble-able!
A fajita platter of righteous heat?? That IS sizzling!
Can't believe you broke the vanity test. Thanks a lot.
Token Asian Friend cracks me up! You'll have a blast if she shows you around the Orient! But how in the world did the quiz know that?? CREEPY.
OMGosh! I scored the exact same on the caffeine intake quiz... We are like twinners!
Okay, while acurit, the spelling quiz wasn't very Christlike, at. all.
Go TAMNers! I got the same as you on spelling!
0% on spelling...hahahahaha...I loved this...SO WITTY!!!
and BTW...totally got a 100% on the spelling test...Does that make Geek thingy more than 0%? Cause if it does, I'm totally going to pretend I don't know how to spell. Because my dream is to be on Beauty and the Geek...and I'm not the GEEK...
Okay therapy session over...until next post!
I'm a little hurt that you didn't count me as one of you Asian friends. I am .12 percent Asian. I'm practically Lisa Ling.
Frick I totally know...I could DEF. learn Asian if I just got more manis! Who needs class? Pfft!
0% geek! I knew it!
Kristina, it wasn't TAMN, it was the quiz. Go tell the quiz you're Asian and you'll probably show up next time.
I'm super jealous. Like how the frick did you find all those quizzes before I did?
And it totally buggs me that i cant leav anonamu bipoler-type comments on yer blog.
Man you and everyone else should totally go private if the internet knows that much about us!
"Holy shiz"..genious!
And I did break the caffeine quiz...sorry guys, I do love the DC!
You should TOTALLY go to the bestest quiz EVER! You get to create your own qwiz and find out who your TRUE e-BFFs are from how they well know you in like 10 questions. It's totally authentic and you can make it as adorable slash mysterious as you want!!
its at quizyourfriends.com
you've gotta do this won!
No offinse, but I don't do those quizzes because they are kinda like witchcraft.
That better not be the Rosalie in the movie. She's not attractive at all.
whoa! i thought you were OFF diet coke??
I just booked the flight. And, I've arranged with the Japanese Tetris game show to have you be a contestant. They weren't sure, though, if than any shapes skinny enough to be a challenge for you. And, that Japanese Prime Minister invited you to his house to teach him how to make your world famous sushi!
It's going to be awesome!!!
You should stay away from Japan.
I've never been there, but my ancestors have. I don't think they liked it very much, why else would they have come to America?
My brothers went on missions there and they both came back smelling like fish and burritos and wearing bright glittery lipgloss.
Okay, the most hilarious thing is the made up/edited quiz results. <3 That's just awesome.
Hey TAMN, you forgot that triggerfinger is Asian. I hope she/he isn't upset and doesn't do something CRAZY (his/her name is triggerfinger, TAMN, triggerfinger! Of all the asians who stalk your blog, you forget to mention the one named triggerfinger!)
TAMN, I'm a little worried about your caffine results. Do you need to go see your bishop?
Oh! I never noticed that the bird now says trick or tweet!! Totally cute!
Um, HELLO Twilight quiz people?? THAT Rosalie's hair is just ONE COLOR. Our TAMNers hair is WAY cuter - yay for highlights/extensions/streaking in a totally cute way!
Um, I hate to be the one to bring this up, but if you shorten Seriously So Blessed it becomes SSB, which we all know already stands for Short Squatty Body - something you definitely don't want to be associated with. You really ought to think about changing the name of your blog. EW.
Hey, I just want to say that if you go to Asia you need to go to some Asian boot camp/spa where you graduate beyond dainty sushis and sashimis and learn to actually eat fish with their eyeballs still staring up at you. Honest. I showed a friend around once and when we got served fish she freaked out and declared she couldn't eat fish that's staring at her and she so offended the host :-( Not good. So I will definitely be happy to show you around but just be prepared because culture can be tweaky :-)
I talolty got a hernudd pencrent on teh spinlenlg tset. YAY ME!
Krista, we already did the Disney princesses quiz! I think "fajita platter of righteous heat" should be the next t-shirt
I have tried for weeks not to like you but I feel that I must confess that this completely off the wall post has won me over.
(threw my head back laughing so loud the neighbors heard me). Ya. I figured you prolly hadn't heard that one before.
You're welcome.
OH, and... I'm sure there's a medication(s) for that.
Oh TAMN... Please, please pick me! I have had like the worst day to day... I couldn't keep my mascara from clumping.
whoa..........I am old but not too old to say "yeah." You have the best bo-log ever... I am dropping all the kids down to the bottom..of my family list..your blog is at the top. Could care less now about all those dumb grandkids... Made my day, my life........so fun to find fun.. Mormonas..........Ok headed for therapy........love to you
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