October 27, 2008

fluent in lurve


Used to think grumpo preggers hormones were totally made up as some dumb excuse for my downer friends to hate the world because they were fat, but now I have totally gained a testimony of the preggo grumpies bc this weekend I felt sad and mad for no reason! NOT like me who is usually seriously all the time happy!

My emotional bank acct was drained and depositless so I knew what I had to do: I snuck the quiz about which of the 5 love languages you speak inside my scriptures and took it during sacrament! No one could even tell bc I used my red seminary pencil and folded the paper so it fit perfect inside my triple and the whole time I took it, I did my ponder-pout so everyone probably thinks I'm Miss Scriptorian USA! Get the sash! LOL! Anyways, good thing I took the quiz bc my empty love tank just filled right up with amazingness! In case your not familar, the languages are compliments, nuzzles, stuff, time and service. So deep and so true!

Literally shocked me, but would you believe my primary language is stuff? Brought me SOOOO much peace to finally know that bc it means now when I demand Anthro trips I'm really just showing my lurve :)!! So glad to have my needs validationed.
Angelbabe's is service (YAWN), but I'm trying to learn to speak it (even though its laaaaaaaame), soooo I signed up to bring a compassionate service meal to some geezer who just had her like 6th kid. Hope they like Lean Pockets!!


Wendi said...

FIRST ONE!!!! Love lean pockets and I think that's a fantastic meal for someone who has just had their 6th baby. You are the best, TAMN! Congrats on getting your lurve back too. take care of those little munchkinfeti.

Kerry said...

Ew. She sounds like a geezer! 6?? What is she, like thirty??

jhjonze said...

Weird that you are into stuff, you know since materialism makes you cry and all. I totally thought you would be service since you are so thoughtful and giving!

BYU Athletic Supporter said...

I love the red Seminary scripture pencil.

Kerry said...

TAMN's not materialistic guys, she just loving. LOVING. And the way she gives and receives love just happens to be through stuff. Key distinction.


Alyson | New England Living said...

A geezer who has 6 kids should be grateful to get lean pockets. Hopefully, she'll get the "lean" hint and take that baby weight off pronto!

Anonymous said...

Seriously, LEAN POCKETS?!!You need to really take it easy....Just order a pizza!!!!!!

Whitney R said...

I had a weekend downer, too.

The root of my problems is school. It has to be.

Unknown said...

if your a geezer with 6 kids i wonder what the duggers would be with almost 18 ;-)

Unknown said...

craziest thing . . . I just started reading "Five Love Languages" TODAY!

Kate said...

Seriously, you should have brought her a shake for breakfast and a shake for lunch.

Ashley said...

I don't think people over thirty have wrking taste buds anymore anyways...something about "old age", so you could bring her anything and shed probablly snarf it up. Good call on the LEAN pockets- you are sooo thoughtful!

kris said...

I am peeing my pants, TAMN! This post is awesome and that KJZZ segment is so hilarious. All the advice the other guests are giving sounds EXACTLY like advice you would give us. Love you!

Token Asian Friend said...

I ponder-pout when my husband asks me hard questions, like, "Where are the kids?" or "Did you really spend $9,000 shopping online?"

AS Amber said...

OMG! Watching the show now! Finally they get past all the yawner shiz and get to YOU! You're the BESTEST!

Kristina P. said...

My red pencil is my iPhone stylus. It looks like I'm reading my scriptures that I uploaded onto my phone, of course, but I'm really looking at the J Crew website, trying to decide if I can tuck and pin for the new cardi I want.

Jules AF said...

can't you just get you're emotional bank account filled from church? i know i can everytime! i must be more spiritual than you, sorry.

kits54 said...

My kids LOVE hotpockets (lean ones-not so much).

M.Howerton said...

Love Compassionate Service - Love people with like 6 kids!! Way to go for reaching on being better - that's why you are so Loved!!

Olivia Meikle said...

TAMN, I have been spelling validationed wrong my HOLE life! Thanx for helping me get more smart! You are literally awesome!

Lisa said...

Seriously, TAMN, don't ware yourself out cooking Lean Pockets in the microwave. Just bring them a box of Frosted Flakes or something. You've got to think of yourself and those darling feti.

Lisa said...

Seriously, TAMN, don't ware yourself out cooking Lean Pockets in the microwave. Just bring them a box of Frosted Flakes or something. You've got to think of yourself and those darling feti.

mom of boys said...

TAMN, it's great to leave you with my first comment ever! I must agree about wearing yourself out cooking the lean pockets. Seriously, people with 6 kids can't afford to ever take their kids out to dinner, so buying happy meals at Mickey D's for their crap load of kids would be SUCH a BLESSING for them.

And since your love language is stuff, I've found the cutest idea for you. In that cute and original vinyl lettering, make a sign for the outside of your front door that says "Missionary Training Center". And then make another one for the inside that says "Entering the Mission Field". That way everyone that comes over will see what righteousness you are raising your adorable feti in.

Risa said...

I totally thought your love language would be nuzzles since your prego with twin feti. My bad.

Heidi said...

You rock Tamn!

Lana said...

TAMN, lean pockets are totally amazing--and pretty much all I eat except for apples and diet coke, but I thought you had a deep freeze filled with casseroles?? I mean, ew, you can't actually EAT them, but some moms don't really care about size and cuteness. You could totally make it a GNO (except a GNI cause you're home cooking). And then all your friends would know how spirichal and servicey you are. Just a thought!! Worked for me!

Katherine said...

My sister is having her 6th at 25, so maybe she isn't way disgustingly old.

. said...

LOVE that you got a testimony about the preggo grumpies! I've gained a testimony on other things too too, such as how much I love Goldfish crackers, and how it's super important to get your hilites done every 6 weeks. Exposed roots are just icky. There was even a super-"in tune" lady who bore her testimony about her cat during F+T meeting. Wow. I'm jeal b/c she's so spirichal.

Rach said...


You've done it again, TAMNers. Thanx for trying to speak the nerdy language of service. You know how sharing is caring? Shopping is love!

Rach said...


You've done it again, TAMNers. Thanx for trying to speak the nerdy language of service. You know how sharing is caring? Shopping is love!

Anonymous said...

TAMN, this totally esplains why materialism makes you cry. People treat things like poseshuns, and you no they are soooo much more. They are tokins of LURVE!!!! You R sooooo deep!

Lobbie said...

Wait...TAMN, you said MISS Scriptorian USA??? MISS? TAMN was that a Friggian-slip or something? You weren't like sekretly thinkin that you want to be single again just because the fetis were giving you a hard time today were U?????? Seriously, TAMN, I'm gonna skip meals for you.

Rachelle said...

I love funny peeps. And I hope funny peeps love me too.
p.s. I think TAMN is a funny peep.

Anonymous said...

Ponder Pout? I just spit my caffine free diet coke all over my keyboard....HA! HA! HA!

motivated said...

I missed you on tv? Its time's like this that I wish I had divo! Grrrr! Now Ill have to go and google it. Go you for being genrous with the lean pockets! Your genrous and looking out for her best intrest.

Megz said...

If she's had 6 kids already, hasn't she figured out how to feed them all? Heq, you're the one who needs some Chang's delivered pronto. Your compassionate lady really needs to get more in tune!

seriously sooo tired said...

6 kids makes you old even if you are only 25.
Even young moms with lots of kids dress like they are 60. No shade tops with cute tank-tops over them, no almost to my knee skirts. What's up with that?
But don't worry TAMN.
I know that won't happen to you.

Sue said...

Geezer! Sixth baby! Lean pockets! Laughed out loud to read that. So could be me. Really.

Kerry said...


I love how pop psychology is treated as scripture.

kris said...

ponder pout!!

Cheri said...

Your love's got me looking so crazy right now!

Cheri said...

Your love's got me looking so crazy right now!

Madame Palmkey said...

I know she was super contravershul and all but could I hear a little more about Ruth? Also way to go on faking richusness. I don't have a palm pilot but I do have a mini-etch-a-sketch I keep in my church bag. I think the geezers are fooled b/c they don't know the diff between it and a phone, while the younger fellas look and think "oh my freaking heck she is prepared to be a mom but she isn't married yet lets make a date for eternity." Just throwin' the idea out if any single readers are lookin fer tipps.

Melwel said...

I'm a total gift girl too. NOW you need to test and tell us what color you are-- white, yellow, red, or blue. I'd be so interested to see if we match.

Maddy said...

Maybe you could take her the Jim Gaffigan - Beyond the Pale DVD to watch while she dunks her Lean Pockets in the TOILET!

Jaclyn B. said...
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Jaclyn B. said...

I just wanted to thank you for the lean pockets. Moroni, Alma, Faith, Brigham, and Sariah weren't sure how to react to them since we usually only eat nonprocessed, wholesome food from our food storage, but they were all so grateful for your selfless act of service.
P.S.- If you wanted to, someday when this "geezer" looses the baby fat I could teach you how to make a REAL pizza- with whole wheat crust of course.