So addicted to learning patience! Seriously. So true that with adversary my strongness increases. Life is still def bliss, but pain in the tail bliss. The new ancient brat I VT told me that since I haven't been visualizing my twinses genders (just can't make up my mind what I want to have! Studs or princesses, studs or princesses, so preplexing) that they'll show up neuter bc I didn't send the universe a clear message! Not sure if it's true or if the on-ree grump's just trying to ruin my life but either way --> stress in my way fun life. So, I'm praying for TONS of faith, patience, and non-neuter feti. Plus, even though I'm seriously so blessed, tough time for me bc JJWT keeps blabbing inscessintly about whose getting how many votes and socialism and the stalk markets and the gays and Maverick which okay, I love their fro yo too but shut the H up!
Totally kidding babe, love you.
All I'm trying to say here guys is that I've had opp after opp after opp to excercise patience and I luv it, but UGH I'm so over it. Just when I thought things couldn't get any tougher, the universe throws me this heartbreaking curveball of devastation...
Jessie and Deanna broke up! IS NOTHING SACRED? Now I can't even count on reality TV romance??? All I have to say is (so-white-as-to-be-transparent teeth-clench) there had BETTER be at least 3 hot LDSaints on AI this year or TV and I are officially broken up.

Sad. First Matt and Monkey and now them! Tear...
I'm with least three Mos in the top 12 this time or I'm off TV.
They broke up, I guess all I have for true love examples is you and JJWT.
DOn't worry about AI. Token Mormons are the New Token gays. They're way IN.
Thanks Tamn, my day is RUINED!
Seriously how awful!
TAMN, you are so inspirational in how you take such a positive, uplifting approach about all of these trials. Joy in the journey, right?
WHAT. I seriously so had no IdeA. My testimony was completely founded on the success of their relationship. First the economy, now this....these are totally the last days. How could two people with so much fashion not just be perfect for each other :(
Right?! They really seemed like they were going to be the new Trista and Ryan.. The glam wedding, babies, big mansion in the mountains... My faith in TRUE romance has now died... blah.
wow, that is a lot to take in. Break ups, potential break ups, possibly neutered feti - how do you do it? So glad you are so blessed.
This is tragic news - tragic!!! I was so sure they would make it last forever. If Trista and Ryan ever break up I will just die.
so sad about jesse and deAWNA. :( another one bites the dust, i guess. but i'll still be addicted to that show when it comes back!
I've had a few scary VT's in my day, but yours sounds totally loony tunes!
What?!!! Jesse and DeAnna broke up?!!! Now my day is ruined!
I'm actually glad they broke up, Deanna is and emotionless B, and Jesse is totally cool guy... could do so much better!
First Hef and the Girls, and now this?!?!? What is this world coming to? I'm pretty sure the Second Coming is right around the corner.
I never saw this coming. Sob.
You're so hot, grams is just jealous. She was prolly a fat cow during her pregnancies back in the 1800s. Love ya!
I am so super sad, TAMN!
It is too much for me! And it is raining!
Are you cereal? (HE he) I can't believe's not true. You can't really believe they broke's just for ratings...right?? Right???? RIGHT!!!???
Oh Crap..I'm going back to bed to go pout.
I had this friend who refoosed to vizualize her fetuses gender and even made us throw her a gender neutral shower. Ick. She only wanted yellow stuff and wouldn't find out the gender at her ultrasound. Even the nursey was gender neutral, and guess what? Her baby was born gender neutral. Lesson learned TAMN, you better start vizualizing now. And you know how much I hate agreeing with old hag VTs.
she totally should have picked daddy...he was much cuter and had a better nose.
Hahahaha... Maverick froyo... *wipes tear* hahahahahahaha!
Oh, how much I love this blog.
So seriously bummed! So what's next, Obama as our prez??? We're all gonna be sooooooo poor!
I quit! I can't take it anymore...
Really? Seriously? Whats next, Brad and Angelina break it off??? The world would totally come to an end.
They broke up?!
I just don't know what I believe in anymore.
OMGosh! I cannot believe Jessie and Deanna broke up. Glenn Beck said that was going to happen.
Actually my husband said that was going to happen and then he scoffed and his sisters and I got in a fight with him over it. And now I'm wrong and I have to apologize with my tail between my legs.
How embarrassing.
Hope you learn patience soon!
What the WHAT?!?!? I knew Deanna should've picked Graham.......even Jeremy would've been better. At least he's hot with a REEL career!!
Seriously. I can't believe they broke up. I mean, we all knew Matt and Butt Monkey wouldn't make it, but I had high hopes for Greek goddess DeAnna.
So super sad.
Just read Shannon's comment - I forgot about the daddy?! What was his name again? Dang. He was so cute and sweet.....built in family. And his son was frickin adorable.
Maybe he's still single.....
I can't beLEAVE how bad deanna screwed up her one chance at love.
I knew she should have picked Graham!! He was way hotter than jessie and we all know hot=righteous.
Ok I agree, total hearbreaker but didn't we all see this coming? I mean I'm like 85% sure that when they invite to stay the nite on that last date they totally nuzzle so how happy could we expect them to be when they weren't even living the LoC? I mean best case scenario their love was for time only. They should do a reality show about singles wards. Your average student ward has one eligible guy who doesn't have a gf and all the ladies are angling at him anyway. You usually have a crazy who smashes soda cans against her forhead, those girls that have talent-testimonies or treat tramps that buy love with calories and there is always that one gorgeous girl who was obviously MEANT to snag him! Or even bestest idea why don't they reenact YOUR courtship and all the guys who were vying for TAMNs sweet loves! ohmyheck I am so a total genus! Love ya !
K I thought the dad's name was Jeremy. No?? Hmmm IDK. Seriously so sad! Why did they break up? What the heck? Details people! I need details! Oh and what is "Al"? I don't get it.
Maybe you should nominate Yvette to be on the Bachelor with cute dad Jason....something positive to think about anyways!
Who are Jessie and Deanna? Now, if you had said you and JJWT were through, that would be tragic news!
Oh well, I heard "Joe the Plumber" is going to be on the next Bachelor show....he is smart, cute and handy to have around.
AI is for American idol :)
de. vu. stated.
I thought they would be together forever. that their tv love was real. if they can't make it, is there any hope for the rest of us???
Sounds like JJWT might need to go to the Marriage and Family Relations class so he can learn to be the pillar you need when trials like these shake you to your core. If he left you in your time of need to do trivial things, like go vote, that is a serious sign that he needs to revaluate his priorties!
Since today is election day, and I'm supposed to do something about my public duty and vote or something-- I toss my vote in with the others who thought "Daddy" was a better choice. There, now that I've voted on here I don't have to go stand in line, right?
The one thing in my life I had to look forward to. Where's a high window? I really thought she would be okay being married to a man that couldn't support her. Arg.
I knew that it wouldn't work. She should have picked Jason the daddy! He was way way sweeter! They totally meshed!
I am so ready for AI!! Another David A. is what this country needs!
I hope that Jason is still available and they get back together. They seemed perfect together!
I've had it. My day is ruined. I can no longer stay off the bottle. I am going to drink my Dr. Pepper now.
LOL...that's great...didn't know that, but now that I do, I will have to have a moment of silence! :)
I'm bummed for Jesse but totally didn't like Deanna so I knew this was probs going to happen. But you left out the BEST PART! Jason, aka "The Daddy" is the NEXT BACHELOR!!! BAAAAAA!!! I'm def going to be watching - can't wait!!!
P.S. - I think you're going to have a princess AND a stud. That way you can coordinate their outfits but they won't be too matchy-matchy.
tamn your language is getting harder and harder to decipher! it's a little out of control!
You KNOW you should never pray for patience. I think that's what's wrong with your Kick A fairy tale life right now!
I LOVE YOUR POSTS. :) I love Maverick's frozen yogurt too, whoever writes this, you are seriously the funniest person ever! And I was totally heart-broken when Jesse and Deanna broke up too! Maybe they'll get back together again. Let's hope. You should add them to your myspace, and give them the L-D on eternal marriages, TAMN! They could so learn by your example!
Who the heck is Jessie and Deanna!!!!???? Am I a loser for not knowing? Don't think so. TAMN, you flip on over to Pushing Daisies. That's what hotties with brains watch. I'm tellin ya! None of these cheesy reality shows, Okay? Bad for your feti. They can hear all of it and are absorbing it as they swim in your way cute uterus. Don't you want them to be smart like JJWT? So mind your TV viewing choices Missy!
TAMN, the feti will be perfect, gorgeous and seriously so much better than any of our little precious ones, Jesse and Deanna--well, guess they weren't part of the plan but, and this is a HUGE butt, we have a new national crysis on our hands and our Country needz you and your blessedness. Did you see Sister Michelle's dress?! Okay, Brock, hottie pres-elect always looking good, Michelle, clearly could use some Sarah Palin hand me downs.
blogger who you use for your blog is owned by google who doesn't support traditional marriage. Delete your blog in support for traditional marriage and follow the prophet!
Also don't forget iPods are evil too since apple doesn't support traditional marriage either
Dwight, so wish I could be equally as spiritual as you, but frown, I'm not!
TAMN, what a bummer of a VT! Maybe you should talk to the bishop or the RSP about switching, cause it sounds like this one needs some serious counseuling. I don't think even all of your spiritualness can pull her out of her frump, though knowing you, you'll just give, give, give said the little stream!
Jessie and Deanna Broke up?!?! I bet she told him she had prayed about it and it just didnt' feel right. She shoulda picked Jason. I can't wait to see him totally get over her this season on Bachelor.
About your trial, I didn't think feti self neutered. I thought if you didn't pick, they just came out as a litter of puppies... I'm pretty sure I'm having a puppy.
Patience is hard, and totally gets me down. Ugh! Well. About Jessie and Deanna. I was like. BAWLING! Omgoodness! My mom was like. Ugh, get over it. I need a mom like you!
DeAnna and Jesse were not MFEO (Made for Each Other). Clearly she should have chosen hot Dad (new Bachellor, so excited) or that guy who kept coming back and making her breakup again. (Seriously? What was his problem?)
Hugs TAMN! I am sooo totally here for you girl! Just remember, all these things shall give thee experience and so increase your hotness. Or something like that.
TAMN- What do you think of Prop 8 passing?
Personally, I'm happy. What do you think?
Om gosh not Jesse and Deanna. First Brad was a total fluff now she's breaks up with Jesse?
OH MY GOSH TAMN! I did not realize they broke up until I read your blog. I have been way too concentrated with this stupid election!!!!!! I am absolutely devastated right now. Really thought they would make it. I even pictured a sealing in their future...sigh.
LoL! I wish my "trial of my faith" was like yours . . . I guess you really are seriously so blessed that you haven't had anything worse.
I want to kill Deanna.
Maybe now she can go find Jason, the man she belonged with anyway@
I'm way bummed. I was looking forward to watching a televised wedding agian!
Who are Jessie and Deana?
"So addicted to learning patience!" is awesome.
I think it needs to be made into one of those motivational/inspirational/totally tacky looking bracelet things.
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