JJWT and me have had fhe seriously every week since we got married {...you haven't? Ew. Sorry about your worldlyness...}. Last nite for fhe we watched The Bachelor, which is PERFECT for fhe bc it's fun (reality tv is my gilty playsure :)) AND it was like a double whammy of service since one, he's trying to follow the plan through marriage and if I watch from the start and choose my fave early I can send the universe a clear message that will lead him --> happiness and two, I serve all the MiaMaids with uptight moms who won't let them watch it when they come over and be part of OUR fhe! Fills rilly sparkly-warm to bless all those girlses' lives (the MiaMaids and the grossies I'm visualizing Jason ditching).

Not to be rude, but if your not watching, you hate service.
Sparkly-warm is my most favoritest filling!!!!!!!!!!!
I like Molly! Or Nikki. Should I be embarrassed that I'm on a first name basis with them? Perhaps.
Yea! I love service and I love the Bachelor! Great FHE idea. Did you see the promos for the season at the end??? Deana comes back?!?! DRAMA! Can't wait!
HAHAHA! I can't even tell you how many Bachelor posts I've seen today. Dead on as usually ((applause)).
This is seriously gunna be so great for Jason. His cutie lil boy totally needs a new mommy!
Man, are those MiaMaids lucky to have you. I bet their moms LOVE you for all that help.
We have a similar FHE.
1st prayer (send the kids to bed)
2nd lesson (gossip girl- the life lessons are endless)
3rd snack! diet dr.pepper (since i'm so off dc) & The bachelor
The Bachelor this season looks awesome. I can't believe Deanna comes groveling back! I think he ends up with her in the final two, we shall see...
Hubs & I always rate the girls as they come in. That girl and her vision boards was a little crazy. someone has read the secret one too many times! And TWO girls from Alberta! Hotties are true north strong and free bred!
What about the clothes, TAMN? Is it ok to be skanky to snag the dude? And did anyone else see the stalker chick? So funny. Most entertaining fhe ever.
I must hate service, and I wonder if these means I have to stop reading this blog, because I have NEVER watched the Batchler in my life. Something must be wrong with me.....
Ohmygosh . . . totally love the bachelor. I think Heavenly Father sent it to us to teach us about "the plan." Great FHE idea TAMN!
This post made me laugh out loud. I don't watch the Bachelor (or much reality tv...I know, who am I??) but I always laugh at these kinds of posts on real blogs. Reminds me of Kelly on the Office. Is it when someone comes back from being gone and asks what's new with her and she starts talking about how Tom Cruise had a baby?
it IS service.
"playsure"--completely perfect! you must be from Utah... ;)
Thank you for enriching the lives of the sweet spirits that the Mia Maids are by teaching them all about eternal marriage and integrity (or lack of from some of the ladies on the Bachelor!. Clearly those uptight mothers don't care too much about The Plan if they withold great teachings found in The Bachelor!
A girl I work with was on the show, Stacia, and I just couldn't believe she would bring herself on a show like that. Sad really that she can't get a date the normal way. I bet she has even tried...internet dating (gasp)
Weren't you so sad when Deanna chose the other guy last season? UGH! I didn't know how I was going to live!
Going to other families' FHEs are always better than going to your own!
You are so CTR by choosing this as your FHE activity. I also think you need to watch the Hills for FHE b/c really, Spencer and Heidi need a lot of prayers and you could totally help them with your righteous praying and blessings.
TAMN I am sooo greatful that you put out your thoughts about this! It is so super that the Miamaids come too. MY miamaid leader let us watch Grease on condition we discussed at what point Sandy should have left Whatsisname, I think you should make SURE you take the time to discuss man snaggin' topics. Just watching isn't enough. For instance, last night that one girl got drunk and said way too much about herself -- Word of Wisdom is soo important, you don't want to look like a crazy hussy! Also be careful about judging other girls OPENLY because you need look nicey-nice (how awkward for those girls who ended up having to live with someone they voted off!) Also, remember you can butt back into a guys life even if you tossed him aside (you did with JJWT and Deanna still can) so remember nothing is ever really over. Don't hesitate to muscle in on another girl's one-on-one time -- who is she to dance with your future husband? Also, note that NONE of those girls shoed any mipple so they were only doing what they had to.
There's always some teaching moment in any tv show. It's our duty as mothers in zion and YW leaders in zion to watch and take the opportunity to increase rightcheousness in others. I hope everyone also tuned in to "True Beauty" right after the Bachelo...there is so much more to being beautiful than being a "20"
(Oh, btw, watching the feti do their swimming slash flips makes me think that they absorbed some of what they heard from the Lympics. Maybe you've got a little mike or the cute smiley Fievel girl)
Did you not REALIZE Jason sent home the two girls from UTAH (aka Zion?)!!!!! OOOH. MY. GOASH! I can't believe you're still watching...
Any man that would go on a television show to find a mom for his "kid" (I sincerely hope that kid was paid to act like his child) is the devil, frills. Not to be rude but you watching it makes me think of Satan.
I'm so glad that we aren't the only ones who watch reality tv for fhe! It makes my heart fill sparkly-warm :D
Did U say "send the universe a clear message that will lead him"? Woah, disn't that sound a little like whichkraft or something? I donno if I can keep reading you and keep a valid temple reckomend. Sorry to say it ...
You have inspired me, TAMN. My hubby and I haven't been very good at doing FHE but now I know we can watch a TV show and call it good! You know, as long as you throw in a few prayers and treats.
You've saved my marriage and my spirituality!!!!!
Ok. I tried to watch it last night but got lost.
So, he's been on it before and some homely girl turned him down??
So they had him back on the show to try again? But in the meantime he got somebody else preggers?
See? This is why I don't watch tv.
Maybe you would be more rightchuss if you lived in New York city and had to defend your beliefs with famous people.
That's so great of you, Tamn. Because really, if there's any questionable content in the show, wouldn't it be better to have their spiritual advisor there to guide them back to the path? You're so thoughtful that way.
TAMN, my mind boggles to think how deep you are. Nothing superficial about you. Your MIA Maids are the luckiest girls on the planet.
For FHE, you watch reality television shows! ROFL !! I bet that is because you get a lot of spiritual lightenment from them. *snerk*. What an inspiration to the Mia Maids. :-) .... D.
We canceled FHE last night since DH was sick. The kids get mad when we cancel but we pointed out that we had THREE big extended family get-togethers in the last week and that ought to have counted for something. But to console my 8-year-old I still taught her how to find verses in her scriptures which is what she had requested for the lesson.
Obviously we are TOTALLY doing it wrong. But next week we'll watch "24" with the kids for FHE; will that be enough of a repentance? I think the 2-year old can learn a lot from watching Jack Bauer.
So for those of us who aren't "in" on the plan...could you post a glossary of abbreviations? I've got CTR and a couple others, but have no idea what FHE is! Thanks!
So for those of us who aren't "in" on the plan...could you post a glossary of abbreviations? I know a few, like CTR, but I have no idea what FHE is! Thanks!
I was super bummed that the Mormon mom from Utah was ousted on the first episode, seriously!!!
Aw RATS!!! I totally missed the premier! Dang it! I freaking love service...when it's being rendered upon me. Otherwise, I can't be bothered.
YESSS! Me and the hubby watch that and Heroes for FHE too!!! haha. OMG how bitter were you that DeAnna comes back??? If I could only swear....oh dear.
I watched the batchelor b4 our fhe and it put me in the most blechy mood. Cannot beleive he send my girl Treasure home! Not only is she way cute and smart and CTR's but she works at a day spa and gives botox injections. Srsly Jason, you just lost out on learning about the plan and free botox for life. sad.
fhe = family home evening.
A TAMN glossary would be a great eye-di. It's a whole new world. A great world, TAMN, but confusing. Love you!
Wow. I must have been hating service for a long time. Thanks for bringing me to the light. I'll have to start watching.
Okay, what hapened with the one girl who had her message boards and was send the universe messages about Jason? She totally didn't get a rose? I guess she's just not as good as vizullizing as you are TAMN.
that show made me realize me know for sure that the church is true....and when I ride my bike and i see my friend....that too.
the bachelor is definitely the bomb dot com. i'm doing service for myself by watching it!
TAMN! Why don't you ever post pics of you and JJWT? I wish I could see how hott you are so I can be even more jealous of your perfect life!!!
I had to comment on Mhana's comment, because my YW teacher used Grease too as a teaching tool! We had to fight our Mia Maid teacher because she didn't want us to listen to the Grease soundtrack on the 3 hour drive to Girls Camp. We won, but then she made us discuss all the ways that Sandy basically loses her individual worth and integrity. Oh, and we couldn't listen to "Grease Lightning" because of all the innuendos!
Just for you TAMN, I just recorded the whole season of The Bachelor so I can stay on top of it!
You are awesome. i think i love you.
Lame Mia Maid moms not letting them watch it with you. I love Jason. Deanna Pappas totally made the wrong choice. Years ago when I was in my 20's and a Beehive leader I got busted in front of Relief Society for letting them watch Girls Just Want To Have Fun, at a sleep over! Stupid!
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