October 20, 2009

oposition in all things

Ugh. It's soooo hard when I'm so blessed but then all the sudden challenged at the same time, like my heart is being squozen in two!

Blessings: cOrN mAzEs and gArDnEr viLlAgE wItChEs!! Also, my favorite garment-optional holiday is coming up! Yay!

Trails: Had the cutest BOOing planned for our neighborhood and then someone else started an ugly one from like 1987.

Life can be really unfair.


Laura said...

what about family pictures taken with leaves all over. don't forget to make them into a photo collage - similar to your engagement photo collage, but now you have the twinsies.

Jules AF said...

Start your own BOO anyway! Please. Yours is so much cuter. It'll totally overtake the other ones, and everyone will love that you put your flier over someone else's!!!

kendahl a. said...

Just pretend their BOOing never happened. Do your own, and if confronted about it, tell them you were doing your part in making the neighborhood cute!

Mrs.EBG said...

Perhaps life is being unfair because although we all know it's a garment optional holiday, it's kind of an unspoken rule... just a little helpful hit to help you with your trials.

whyimstillsingle said...

hahaha. thanks, tamn!

Kari said...

Garment optional party?!?!? I didn't know those existed?! How fun!!!!!

Kathy said...

so so sad, rude oldie booers!

Kristen said...

hahahaha. I hate those ugly 1080's ghosts. Seriously, can't they even use a cute font??

JenB said...

Oh my h*ck! Garment optional? Does that mean you are wearing exercise clothes or a bathing suit?

My fav is when peeps get married in tha temple so they can have there hub and kids silled to them n then they stop wearing there garments... Gahh!

Cam said...

Wow that is terrible about the 1980's Boo. I HATE those.

Oh well, at least you get to look naughty on Halloween.

Anonymous said...

what is a BOOing?

Geoffrey and Sharee said...

I love those witches!

JjHansen said...

No comments yet?!?! Say it isn't so!

I just have 1 question: If this is your favorite, what are the other garment optional holidays? Easter? Laber Day? Pineer Day?

Just wondering when it's rilly propreate to be skanky.

Lindsey said...

Sometimes I linger on your blog after I've read the (hilarious) post just to listen to Glee music. Thanks! :)

Science Teacher Mommy said...

So what ARE you wearing for Halloween?

Anonymous said...

I think you should share that cute booing with the rest of us so that we can start it in our neighborhoods...SOMEONE should get to enjoy a TAMN worthy boo riGHT?

Frau said...

"my favorite garment-optional holiday is coming up! Yay!"

You mean Valentine's day? Who wants to flash them for candy when you can get jewelry for that in another couple of months?

Christa said...

I know it's horrible to laugh, but I almost fell out of my chair over "My favorite garment-optional holiday."

Goob said...

Garments optional dress up like your favorite whore day is my favorite day of the year! I'm seriously considering latex. Boo for ugly booing from 1987...so lame, I'll bet the poem didn't even have as good a meter as yours.

Scott and Jillian said...

That is such a hard trail, but it just gives you the chance to make lemonade out of lemons. Start a different "Boo" that is 10x cuter and boo, like, 5 families so that your ghost spreads like wildfire!!

BaconandBitch said...

Ha! Ha! Love that it is garment optional!

Anonymous said...

Not to judge TAMN because I heart you so much but are you just mad that someone else got the boo out first? I bet it was Lynzii (sp?) only she would use such an out dated ghost.

Sarah Schulz said...


dharvey said...

Garment-optional holidays are teh awesomest Modest Halloween costumes are lame. Go for something at least 8 inches above the knees. XOXO -- D.

Frog Prince Las Vegas said...

"garment-optional holiday "


I heart you to infinity!

Megz said...

You'll get thru this trail and be so much prettier because of it. Trust me.

Anonymous said...

What's a booing?

Karen said...

We got burnt cookies on our porch from the "Boo" phantom. My daughter didn't want to put up the Boo ghost, hoping for a better treat from someone else that didn't know we had been Boo'd yet. Tempting...

Abbey said...

TAMN. Thats simply DREADFUL!!!!! I'm so sorry that now your whole neighborhood has to suffer with a ugly BOOing. I hope you can find the strength to SP&P and make it through this trial.

Holly said...

Yay for garment-optional...
Start your Boo anyway and don't post the one you already received. Your cute one will only enhance the season and neighborhood.

larainydays said...

When you're in the willows being tempest tossed.
When you are discouraged cause you're not the boss
Count your many outfits
Name them one by one
And it will surprise you
Cheer you up a ton!

Jeannie said...

What are you going to be for Halloween, TAMN?

Rachel Cunningham said...

Miracle. First comment. Just change the "Boo" sign when it comes to your darling doorstep because you know it will. Nobody will ever know.

Joy said...


Mrs. Clark said...

Oh, TAMN, your trails are so, so hard. But suffering makes us stronger! So you will be even more blessed!

Kelli said...

First comment! Sorry about such awful trails...totally rivals unemployment and death!! Could it be me that started the 1987 boo?

Muum said...

Im kunfosed, do you mean there are OTHER garment optional holidays, and Halloween is your favorite,
that this holiday is your fave b'cause it is garment optional???


J-Dub said...

Garment optional holiday is right.

SevereTown said...

I LOOOVE gardners village! ssooo cute

Brooke said...

Bless your squozen heart.

Stephanie said...

Funny - We went booing last night for FHE. But, we didn't have time to make cookies on Sunday, so I bought cookies and candy on Monday. I figured it was better to just do it with store-bought goods than not do it because I didn't make something. While I was printing something off the internet for it, I saw these elaborate crafts you can make to boo people with. Sheesh. Who does that? Now I know! And now you know where the ugly boo from 1987 came from. :) (Start earlier next time)

Katie M. said...

I just can't believe you forgot to include vegan style pumpkin muffins, Uggs, and black feather wreaths under "blessings". Sheesh Tamners.

strongmom said...

Someone needs to re-do the Boo, I say just start new. Yours will be so much better. I have to say the comments to your blog are as fun as your blog *almost* . Just to let you in on a little secret, I hated the font that was on our ghost, and I redid it. It made me so fulfilled to see the new one circulating this year.

debbie said...

Laraine Eddington is my new best friend. I seriously will sing her version of the hymn for the rest of my life, or at least this Sunday.

Melanie said...

This post makes me so happy, because just yesterday, I was driving through my neighborhood, thinking about BOO's, and images of a sparkly party-hopping Adam & Eve came into my mind, and Iwondered how long I would have to wait to hear what TAMN & JWTT are this year. I don't think anyone dares BOO around here unless it's To Die For because of you. Hearts.

SuddenlySouthernCyndi said...

Thank you for saying "squozen"... I haven't heard the word squoze or it's variations since I left Happy Valley/Zion/the Morridor whatever you folks are calling it these days.

Kristen said...

TAMN, I don't live in Blessed Zion, so I have never heard of these BOOings! What are they so I can start a super cute one (but probably not as cute as yours)??

Blogger-In-Chief said...

All the kool moms dress their familys up like those family stikers on the back of cars and go trick -or - traating together. -brig

PinkPirate said...


Jennie Blaser said...

Am I the only one -- how come you haven't already posted about A & T's costume extravaganza! This is their first Halloween! Are you one of those that takes their 6 month old babies out trick or treating? Of course, you probably don't actually eat candy like the rest of us normalites do.

jengerbread said...

Booing: Like Secret Santa but for Halloween. Leave a treat on someone's porch, ring the doorbell, and run away. Then, the person who was boo-ed is supposed to do the same for someone else. And, they don't only do it in Utah. My neighborhood in Colorado does it and they aren't even Mormon.

Anonymous said...

A friend on FB told me what a Boo is! Here you go, ladies: http://www.skiptomylou.org/2009/10/20/booing/

Karen said...

Booing, or the PHANTOM GHOST (as we call it in our neighborhood) is a picture of a ghost and a poem about how you've been Boo'ed, and a treat. The poem instructs you to copy the Ghost and poem and give to two other families in the hood along with a treat, and to put a copy of the Ghost on your door so everyone will know that you've already been Boo'd. The concept being that by Holloween, everyone will have been visited by the Ghost. Only last year we weren't. I'm still bitter. This year we got burnt cookies. Should we move?

Mike said...

Utah has an official unofficial list of G's Optional Occasions.

1. Halloween.
2. 4th of July, at Pal/Powell.
3. 24th of July, at Pool Party.
4. New Years Eve, any fancy party.
5. Valentines Day, dinner out.
6. Any summer day if you have a pool, or a boat.
7. Any pool party.
8. Yard work, or tanning.
9. Baby makin'.

Unknown said...

Garment optional holiday.....I think I just peed my pants!

Jacque said...

Girl, you do your Boo thing anyway and make them choose!!
Put CTR at the bottom of your little paper...see who's boo gets passed around more! Your's will for sure...
don't forget to put lots of glitter and ribbon to make it look ofishul.

Sherry Leal said...

I love how you say it's your "favorite" garment-optional holiday...as if there's more than one. :)

Tat said...

"my favorite garment-optional holiday is coming up," as in, there are more than one. Hilarious.

Also, go TAMN for knowing enough about punctuation to hyphenate "garment-optional." That's impressive. But aren't you afraid it makes you seem frumpy and boring to be that smart?

Rachel said...

Love you, Laraine Eddington. Almost as much as I love TAMN.

Little Lovables said...

garment optional holidays... like honeymoon cruises and house cleaning, trips to the store like on the same day/week you went to the pool, right?

Brynn said...

G talk makes me ubber uncomfy, but sacrilegious as it is, your dead on. You should totally be a beer wench, like the Provo beer girl, but TOTALLY hotter, and not so chunky!

The Snow Queen said...

I just peed a little in MY large white panties.

Anonymous said...

I honestly just got booed this week with burnt cookies...it would have been a consolation to at least get a "cute" boo sign to ease my annoyance