Guys, you can definitely still enter the giveaway (see below!!) but I canNOT beLIEVE that I spaced telling you that we hit up the AI concert this week! Love the Davids!!!! Totally shrieked out the WHOLE time, but know what was even better?? That's right, getting a YUMMY hot dog at one of those dirty stands that freak me out but I sometimes go to anyway because they make me feel so urban! Not only did we get hot dogs (which some may say I shouldn't do bc I'm prego but I say whatever, faith'll destroy Listeria) but guys, look what JJWT put on my dawg! COULD HE GET ANYMORE ROMANTIC!? Best most amazing awesome husband ever! Love you angelbabe! Thanx a ton!!

What, your hubby doesn't show his love through mustard!?? Oh.
That is the most tenderest thing I've seen. Your level of blessing never ceases to make mine feel more telestial or even outer-darknessish. Sad.
It's not for me to judge appearances, but I don't think the prophet would approve of what appears to be a request for alternative forms of nuzzling. Think twice next time you accept from JJWT a hot dog and and eat it. It's not just your physical health at stake! I testify that in so doing, you will be blessed even more than you already are.
Bishop Higgins
that hot dog is gross
I put chocolate on the one I gave my wife, but that's just me
I hmmm Dot Hogs are the best!
Oh my HECK!!!! I tots saw you at that concert!!! I saw that hot dog and told my honey buns about it, and I turned my back, and he wrote Luv ya tuns!!!! on it in ketchup! You're so adorabul in person!!! Did you see me? I was the one wearing the I heart DA forevah t-shirt with his face on it!!
1- how do I get Bishop Higgins to read my blog.
2- that is so sweet
3- A blogger never goes anywhere without her camera, huh?
Omigosh I totally am gonna have my husband do this no matter what I'm eating!(but he totally won't use mustard on everything LOL!)
On my pancakes he can write in seerup, on my sandwhiches he can make smiley faces with onions and tomatoes and on my chicken he can use leftover entrails!
So presh!
My husband hates mustard. I am sad that I will never be as happy and bleesed as you.
My hubby once wrote something sort of similar with whipped cream, which was a little too private to put on our blog, but we did manage to capture it on video. I'm sure it will never get out, 'cause those things never happen.
I'm curious, did the hot dog help strike the mood for JJWT Jr's big arrival?
Wow, my husband has never said he loves me on food...maybe that's why we're getting divorced.
Faith will destroy listeria! But only if you bless it...
Ick!!! I like my "dawg" with relish and onions. But I did like the message from JJWT. You are "seriously, so blessed" to have such an awesome, fun loving, lovable, awesome hunk o' hunk of burnin' love for a hubby.
EW!! Nevermind the Listeria- think of the carbs! THE CARBS!
You guys are soooo seriously romantic. my husband is a loser that would never do something that thoughtful & unique. HOW did you get SO blessed?!!! wow
OMGosh, yeah, fur sure watch out for Listeria. Especially since you're all of 1.5 weeks along, meaning you just got done with a visit from Aunt Flo 3 days ago and technically haven't yet conceived--I mean haven't "lain with JJWT in a marital way". Sry, hope I didn't, like, embarrass you! Loveeeee.
It's true that faith will destroy the listeria if you bless the hot dog first, BUT you don't need to bless food you buy on campus at BYU because I heard it was blessed before it was served. Seriously, I heard that. So you're automatically going to be MORE blessed by eating at BYU and you'll get DOUBLE blessed if you bless your food after you order it.
Speaking of eating at BYU, remember when we used to go to the Cougareat during the busiest time of day and get one of those super-huge tables with, like, ALL of our BFFs and we would study and sleep when everyone else was looking for a place to sit down and eat their lunch?! That was so totally awesome. I know some people would get really mad, but they just weren't as blessed as we were because they had to work while they went to school and didn't have time to get to get to L&T before everyone else got there.
Do you have modest styles of the LOLOMGWTFLDSBBQ shirt? I don't want to have to buy one of those extra long undershirts with the lace on the bottom from the mall.
Anyway, it's just so spatial on this Thursdee to be able to hear about your spirchal jirney.
That is so cute! I thought you found that picture online but to know he did it for you makes me so happy!
I'm not sure whether to like your blog since it's funny... or hate it because the content strikes too close to home.
Have you gotten some of your ideas of what to make fun of from my blog? Oh well.
P.S. Just so you know... I really am seriously, so blessed.
My sweet sister in the gospel, I surely hope you've been counting down the days until Bella and Edward become available for the fourth time at the Deseret Books. Just a couple weeks away! I'm seriously camping out the night before, I think I'll get my Escalade detailed and looking sweet so I can admire it in the parking lot all night. We're so blessed to have 5 kids and such a safe car (plus it makes me look hot). Guess what, I'm preggers too and due at Christmas. It's our little baby Jesus, now that's a message from the H.F. that we must be a chosen and select family, choice above all others. Send me your address so I can mail you an invitation to my Pampered Chef, smart books, Mary Kay, homemade jewelry, nuzzling toys party. It's going to be the best ever!
Eternally Yours!
Kristina.... That's hilarious.
But TAMN, you like mustard? That's just nast. I totally thought you were the coolest person ever. Now, I'm sorry, but Kristina is. (Until you come back and denounce mustard!) It would have been much sweeter had JJWT hearted you in ketchup
Those stands make me feel urban, too. Expressing deep, abiding feelings through condiments is very, very sweet. I mean, mustardy.
back to lobbie at the top. "seerup"= the best mispelling EVER.
I have to agree with the raybould family here, mustard? It's quite an alternative choice, even the bishop thinks so. However, I support you eating this type of food because I think it's a positive choice for you to gain weight during the pregnancy. Lots and lots of weight.
Token Fat Friend
Raybould family, I don't know if I can ever out-cool TAMN. Have you seen her fetus? But thanks for the shout out.
My husband NEVER writes his love on food. If he really cared about me, he obviously would. :(
my husband writes in ketchup. now THAT'S devotion. i hope you took a moment to bless that hot dog to nourish and strengthen your body...
Maybe JJWT can write some of his feelings in a blog post. I would sure love to get some more tips on how I can make my wife as happy as you are!
I just can't believe DA (David Archuletta) was able to write a song as aaaaaaaaaaaaamasing as "Imagine" at such a young age! The lyrics are so deep and they make me think about tons of stuff. Like Africans and other poor people.
I just discovered your blog and what a hoot! It took me a while to figure it all out (call me slow) but this is pretty darn brilliant. Then again, you don't need me to tell you that. I'll be back!
I was directed to this blog after I posted about wanting to keep it real more when blogging. For any of you readers who would like to join the "Keeping it Real" Revolution you can get a logo and read about it here:
An actual facebook conversation
Girl 1:
omg. those pictures you tagged are so UG but funny.. lol. I was laughing but at the same time I was like "how the freak did I let myself get that fat?... and pasty.?" cheers.
Girl 2:
ew whatever. i was the fat one.....
Girl 1:
you know, I always think that you are the only one who understands how fat i feel sometimes. because other people would just be like "omg, whatev, you are skinny." ... lol, but only other skinny ones can understand how huge 110lbs feels. :)
Girl 2:
hahaha so true.....
It's not true love until it's been written in mustard.
And Suzy, I want to sit my fat, pregnant backside on those girls' faces. Tell me they are in high school--I might be able to forgive them.
Not to be rude or anything, but your blog is, like, so boring. You need a scrappy header and some awesome paper backgrounds. Or you could just get stuff from the cutest blog on the block:
I KNOW you would want YOUR blog to be THE cutest blog on the block.
Have you seen these t-shirts? When Is aw them, I just knew you and your readers would love them.
kt, college grads. one from a massage therapy school. omg we're like so the skinnier than anyone else! lol!
Holy lovebirds! You guys probably PDA all the day through.
I love that! What a cute hubby! That's pretty darn romantic. I think after being married for so long you stop doing those little things. It's sad really. I hope yours keeps it up.
just got back from gerl's camp! seriously, soooo blessed! it was so spirtual. i can stell fill the spirit. hope it's not too late to blog, that would make me cry.
TAMN! Emotion overflow. I thought I would never find out what happened to you after the Dear John. I totally though we were forever. It was like yesterday that we met at EFY BYU. Remember when I got chocolate on your dress from the boutonniere you gave me? A Hershey’s Kiss glued to cut out red lips pined on my shirt. It was melting from the spiritual energy arching between us. I hear you now, "OMG, that was my DG dress that my Dad bought for my sweet 16 to match my BMW." Who's there? It's me, Dylan J, your ex-eternal comp 2B. I found your blog cause I'm doing my part to help the world through the AAAAA (American Association Against Acronym Abuse). Your blog had like 61 offenses, level Red. I'll let it ride this time. I would totally love to hear some memories of EFY. I have tons. Congrats on the crib midget. Way cute floating fetus
Does Edward sparkle? I thought werewolfs and vampires were enemies? Why would anyone want a werewolf t-shirt? Anyway, ya'll better hurry because I noticed there are only 7 left in stock. HURRY!
Hey, check out the Utah Baby Namer for total inspiration for your sweet little new spirit's name! It's got a reedly neet matrix to make up your very own, uneeque name!
Awwww... tender. I hope to be as blessed as you one day. Maybe my missionary will still love me when he returns...
awwww. too cute! i hope you're digi-scrappin' this pic up. then you can look back on it years from now and remember just how seriously blessed you are!
I totally agree with lisa-lou-who ... please put a cute font on your border, and a flowered background... plllleeeeassse!
Good thing for faith.
To the anonymous girl who writes this blog: you are a satire genius. I thank you for bringing the light and glow of SSB into my life. Forget the haters, this blog nails those ridiculous Mormon mommy blogs on the head. Keep up the good work!
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