April 6, 2009

my milky way

Hi guys! My darling new babies Alivyiah and Tridger ROCK and are AMAZING and i love, love, LOVE them but I need some of your in put!

Is breast seriously best or should I go bottle full throttle?

Breastfeeding pros:
  • my you-know-whats are ginorm
  • waaaay smarter babies!
  • bragging rights
  • show off my adorable hooter-hider in the mother's lounge
  • my darling lactation ticker which doubles as a scoreboard for my dedication to motherhood -->
Bottle Pros:
  • JJWT has to get up in the nite instead of me {hyperthetically...don't worry guys, they already sleep thru the nite}
  • No painful rhymes-with-mipples
  • No embarassing leakies
  • Keep my chest young and perky instead of a drooperfest
  • I can stop eating.
What a kinundrum! What do YOU think? Remember, no offense, but irregardless of what I decide to do, chances are it'll make me a better parent then you.



Michelle said...


just pray about it since you can't fast of course. just follow the spirit. i know you'll do the richeous thing!

Michelle said...

total kinundrum. you should pray about it, of course since you can't fast. I know you'll do the right thing since yer so richeous.

Brooke said...

Definitely go breast ... but not because it's best for your munchkins --- THAT would be a silly reason to make a decision regarding your kids! No, I say breastfeed because you'll drop the weight faster. And you know you've got to get back into those skinny jeans before Lynzii returns to work at Anthro.

Sarah said...

I can't decide which ticker I like better - the lactating one or the one that keeps track of when your third degree tear will heal.

WRYUN said...

Young and perky all the way, there are so many advances in formula, who can really tell the difference, plus, if you hide a bottle under the hooter hider in the lounge, no one will ever know.....

Maja said...

Boobs are best!! Other than looking good, and fun for JJWT - that is what they are there for! And besides, if you ever need a "lift-me-up" after your done you can always through in a couple extra fixers - since your their anyway (not that you would need it...). Seriously WAY easier than bottles!!!!! And bragging rights and way smarter babies (and the completely o-natural monster gazongas...) SO beats painful mipas . You can do it, b/c you = best mom ever. Also (Best Perk Ever) - YOU are on mom duty at church and no one will even wonder if you spend all three hours chatting it up in the mo-lounge on Sunday. Can't do that if you bottle feed. You can only go there to change the babe's super stinky formula -oo (vs. breastfed buttered popcorn smelling -oo. WAY BETTER.) Seriously... no question!

Derek, Nikki, and Avrie said...

i am studying to be a dietitian in school and would most def say and advice to breastfeed if you can! breastfeeding by far offers way more benefits to your BABIES....it has exactly what they need to continue to grow properly! it also passes on antibody's to help out your babies immune systems! ! and thats what we all want right?! our babies to grow and be the healthiest little things possible! good luck deciding!

Greg and Alyssa said...

TAMN, no offense but you are a worse parent for even asking this question. Don't you know all righteous mothers breastfeed their babies? It's probably just the devil trying to tempt you to be wicked. What do you think the other INSPIRED nursing moms will say when they see you giving your preshus babies FORMULA in church? I mean... if all you're thinking about is yourself, then... go ahead, DON'T breastfeed. Just wait and see what Jesus has to say about it later.

mhcs said...

Hey there girl. Just a little FYI, this is a well-kept secret but hooter-hiders in the mothers' lounge are TOTALY for frumps. You should let all those other moms know that not only are you way hotter than them, but also nothing says "I am too hot to even THINK about having body image issues" like goin' ALL-OUT!!!1! That's what the door is for, hello!

So concievably it IS possible for the brethren to have to come in to give they're wife something, but that's not your problem- your just doing what's righteous, right?

Amy said...

So not that you need it at all, but Breastfeeding totally makes you drop the baby pounds in like a second.
Worth it!

The Price Family said...

If you don't do it and Lynzii does you know she will totally rub it in your face for like, forever!!! Can you imagine how many people will think you are so righteous if you do? Celestial Kingdom without a doubt! And there are some WAY cool breast leak preventers out there that work wonders:)

Kathryn said...

Breastfeed all the way. I got to go almost two years without fasting (pregnancy plus breastfeeding). Now I just have to gain a stronger testimony of fasting so I don't get so excited about that with the next one.

Johnna said...

Breast seriously best. You can carry a way cuter smaller and lighter diaper bag if you don't have to pack the twins' lunch.

Stephanie said...

Breast feeding is like an extra workout - but since you're already jogging (with a third degree tear, ouch) you may not need it. I know it must be difficult to breast feed TWO!

Plus, I don't know if your twins can go to the celestial kingdom without being breastfed??? You gotta give them a fighting chance at least.

Sarah boo said...

Breastfeeding for sure! You are all about natural, and breastfeeding is the natural way to go. Plus, it gives you an excuse not to fast. Oops, I mean, it makes you more righteous because by choosing to breastfeed your babies, you are sacrificing your opportunity to fast. WAY more blessing this way.

Catherine said...

Is it even possible to b-feed with fakies? (I mean not that yours are or anything.)

Unknown said...

Go for the boob cause you'll burn an extra 500 calories a day...which is like, all of yours. Wait a minute! If you're feeding twinners that's like 1200 calories a day (I think that math is right - math is for frumps!) so you will be super-skinny in like, 3 days! PLUS - think of all the $$$ you'll save that you can drop on designer baby duds. This is a no-brainer TAMN!

P.S. - If you are going to do icky-bottles I love the idea of hiding it under your super-stylish baby/booby hider! More time in the Mama's Lounge! Just be sure to switch sides every now and then so no one gets suspicious!

Leah said...

PS, once you have a baby your oobies go south no matter what, even on the bottle. So you may as well breastfeed and enjoy them huge knockers for a while.

Kate said...

i bottlefed my sweet angel. And her immune system ROCKS! She didn't get sick/a cold until she was NINE MONTHS! Plus, I could get my beauty sleep!

Sandra said...

Breast feeding all the way-
*smarter babies
*babies with less allergies
*healthier babies
*no sterilizing bottles
*food is convinent and right temp

But the bestest reason of all- You loose the weight really super duper fast and look hot sooner (victoria's secret helps with any drooping)

Jules AF said...

Breastfeed until 5. It's good for them!

Jo said...

You do realize that when you are breastfeeding is the ONLY time in your life you will LOSE fat cells. Not that I am insinuating you have any to lose, but it is like having your very own lipsuction, so you will be even skinner than ever. You can eat SO many calories and you won't gain an oz, and still lose weight and be skinner than EVER. Go TAMN! Besides I think BF if part of the PLAN...

Diagnose Rachel said...

you have to stay with breast. The perky damage was already done from pregnancy. If you stop now, they will droop to your belly button, and you'll never get them back up again. So keep nursing them until they are 6 or so.

SB said...

Yeah, and did you hear they just found traces of rocket fuel in formula. True story! It's such a tender mercy that this was discovered now and not after you had been giving your precious twinsies formula for a year. Breast is best always and forever. Did your mom breastfeed? I'm sure she did cuz your so smart!

Carina said...

Breastfeed and then when you leave your twinzers in three weeks to go on your WAY TO BIRTH A BABY Cruise prezzie from JJWT, totally complain that your milk dried up and YOU DON'T KNOW WHY.

Anonymous said...

I breasfed both my boys until they were like four months and now my boobs are like dried up prunes. Ugly and tiny... But my hubs said he'd buy me new ones so I guess that's okay. You should probably avoid any part of your body becoming disfigured since you're like the hottest mom there ever was.

Kara said...

Breast is best! JJWT is totally gonna pay for a boob-lift afterwards, anyway.

The Crash Test Dummy said...

Oh Tamners, I just read your whole birthing story and was ROTFLOL!

Oh my goodness! Soooo hilarious. I was wondering how you were going to pull that off.

Brilliant, girlfriend. You still ROCK!

mindy said...

I don't care what you do, I'm just so glad you've joined the motherhood circle, and can now give me advice on how to be a better mom! I am so lucky to have you as my best e-bff!

whatever you choose, I hope you don't get mastitis--becuase I'm sure it would be the worst case EVER.

Jill said...

Do BOTH. Why limit yourself?

*Meg Larsen* said...

If you breastfeed, you can justify the perfect (rhymes with Moob) job later because you just want to get back what HF blessed you with. It's the perfect excuse for a little nip and tuck!

Chelsea said...

breastfeeding helped me leave the hospital in my skinny jeans ;) and didn't formula like kill some babies in china or something? moms who bottle feed don't love their kids.

Laurie S said...

Do the opposite of whatever Lynzii is doing with her babies. Then go on and on about the virtues of whatever you've chosen.

Be sure to point out, with a sincere frown-smile, her selfishness (bottle feeding). Or how she's becoming a soggy, saggy frump (breastfeeding).

Token Asian Friend said...

Leakies are NOT embarrassing. They are just your body's way of showing how hormonally in-tune you are to your babes.

Kami said...

HAHAHAHAHA. Your ticker totally creeps me out. I'm amazed you found it ...

Totally go with breastfeeding. You can
A) keep the ticker
B) lose baby weight fast
C) pump and still make SnookieBum (or whatever you're calling him that day) feed the babes in the middle of the night
D) Embarassing leakies = solved by pads. Hooray!
E) ... c'mon. You get to keep your big "moobs". If they later become droopfesty, nobody will know if you took out a third mortgage and got them fixed up a little. ;) Er, I mean you could use the money you saved by breastfeeding to pay for it.

Muum said...

oh....... breast IS best. Any leaking, soreness, etc, has usu resolved itself by 6 weeks. maybe w/ twins, you can do bottles, too!

Jeannie said...

No offense TAMN, but I learned the hard way those aren't for them, their for HIM.

I used to be a 34C, now their just 38 LONGS.

Dapper & Dainty said...

People say that the baby is smarter when you breastfeed......WRONGO!

Your babies will tell you what's best!

Candace said...

Doesn't having to eat an extra 500 calories (no wait...make that 1,000 calories since you have twinners!!) make you just want to gag yourself IMMEDIATELY??!

You would be totally going against EVERY teeny-tiny fiber of your TAMN-ers being to do that!!!

THINK ABOUT IT! Eating MORE than 500 calories per day...??!


I just can't IMAGINE what you would look like if you WEREN'T the type that lost weight with bfing....


Makayla Mackie said...

Go for the Breast! It's really only about one thing bragging rights about having Smartest kids around!!

Amber P. said...

Totally went breast all the way with babe #2 and it's SOOOOO much better. I can stay groggy and half-asleep at night when I feed her. No lights or going downstairs to make a bottle! Plus I love the closeness and cuddling.

With twinners, tho, you may need a combo of the the two. Giving them formula at night is said to help them sleep longer!

You'll so know what to do. You're the mamma and mamma knows breast! I mean best!

{krista} said...

Oh, as if the perfect TAMN would ever have leaks, pain, or sags. Come on! Remember who's asking here!

Rachel said...

Go bottle full throttle! For this reason: your boobs may be huge now - but they will shrink to NOTHING when you stop nursing. You gotta keep those breasts a bouncin!! Plus you may hear you get back to your pre-baby weight the fastest with the breast but it's a big fat lie. No joke. I never lost weight until I stopped nursing.

Katey said...

OMG, that is such a sticky situation! Honestly, I think you should wait until after swimsuit season is over to stop the boob. You will look AMAZING in your suit. Don't worry about that baby weight. Knowing you, you have probably already lost it...and then some!

Becky said...

Go for breastfeeding!!! You won't regret it. Personally I lost TONS of weight breastfeeding, I practically melted- now weighing 10 lbs less then before pregnant. It depends on the person, but the INCREDIBLE bond that you create with nursing cannot be recreated with a bottle...sorry guys.

Whitney said...

i totally lost weight when i breastfed, but that's not why i did it of course! i knew it was best for my baby. but my baby was so hungry ALL THE TIME that i had to do both breast and bottle... and i stopped breastfeeding at 5 months because he was preferring the bottle... kind of sad, but it was so nice to stop and just have a bottle esp when i was out and about... it is SO much easier than breastfeeing in public, even if you get to show off your hooter hider... glad your babies are here safe and sound!

Constance said...

The damage is already done. It is the hormones of pregnancy that cause saggy breasts, not breastfeeding.

Why would you want to give your babies somethings as un-natural as formula? Gross!!!

Stephanie said...

Okay. Breastfeeding gives you all sorts of freedom. Bored in Sacrament meeting? No prob, you totally have to excuse yourself to breastfeed. Don't wanna teach the mia maids because they won't leave the babies alone? No prob, they're hungry anyway, gotta go breastfeed. Want JJWT to make dinner every night? He won't do that if you have nothing to do! Breastfeed! Wanna tease Lynzii's husband while being totally appropriate? Invite them over to a bbq and show off your byutees axidenly while whippin 'em out for a feed session. He'll go home taht night and tell Lynzii, "Sure wish yours looked like hers." breast is best.

Brossettelewis said...

{looking around all innocent} Totally breastfeed your twins, I did... like it's hard or something?? Plus, JWTT with totally respect your 'football holding' of his children while nursing. Plus, your tots will be gi-normas. Plus, you can buy a hott hooter hider (thinks that's what they are called) to show everyone you love your babies the most. Plus, clea-VAGE up to your neck. Plus, plunging necklines make for easy access.

Sarah said...

Just keep in mind that Lynzii probably can't breastfeed with triplets, so you'd have that to hold over her. I mean, it is SO self-sacrificing to breastfeed your babies, and you can be SO grateful for how unselfish motherhood is making you. And then you can frown-smile as you tell Lynzii how sorry you are that she can't have that same refining experience...

cchrissyy said...

that other poster is so right!

breastfeeding at least a couple months will totally justify getting that "moob job" after all!

Shari Davis said...

Breast is the best! I'm doing it for my twinners right now and I've lost 40 lbs (no lie). But YOU don't need to lose weight because you're already super skinny and back to your pre-pregnancy bod anyway. Lactating will bring the best of times and the worst! Good luck!

kristen said...

breast is ONLY the best if you continue to do it until they're 2!!

Madame Palmkey said...

Super tough call Wundermom! However, I see absolutely no reason why you can't bottle feed your children under your hooter-hider and have the best of both worlds. Also, I don't see why JJWT can't get up, get the babies and hold them to your perky mipple for you while you catch some zzzs sitting up because you're oober tired from mothering all day AND going to school (conjointly because HE is an it wears ya out!) whereas he just goes to school and doesn't have to parent as well. I'm sure your "mits" will stay perky and youthful as long as you are faithful in attending Enrichment and are supportive of your husband's participation in Ward Ball regardless of what you choose. Though isn't it nice to eat at Cheesecake for three?

. said...

"irregardless" is redundant. It's "regardless!"

J. P. said...

well if you do go bottle, make sure you ONLY carry GLASS bottles, ONLY! All your retarded neighbor kids got retarded from drinking from plastic bottles, so make sure that even when you go to the mall, the zoo, the stadium, any place that prohibits glass containers of any sort, that you proudly pop out your baby's glass bottle and stare down/glare down anybody who looks at you like you are the one that's the idiot. They obviously drank from plastic bottles when they were a baby and so they can't really be held responsible for being retarded and thinking its not ok for you to just sweep the broken glass peices your baby dropped on the sidewalk away with your foot while they all tromp on your shards of glass that make you a superior mother.

Melissa said...

You should get the best of both worlds by supplementing with donated or purchased breast milk from someone else.

Laura said...

It's called a PUMP. You breastfeed all day, then hubby feeds at night and you pump first thing in the morning. What could be better???

Little Lady Cakes said...

Seriously, hire a wet nurse. You would be so trendy, not that you need any help in that department!

Scarlett said...

OK, serioulsy, do what is best for you! Your kids will be way smart, way gorgeous, way healthy either way. I tell you what, though, there is no way in H E double hockeystix that I would breastfeed if I had twins! Good Luck!

Sam, The Nanti-SARRMM said...

You should switch it up on them so they don't get too complacent. It'll teach them that your awesome and random, and to expect the unexpected from a pair a hip parents that you two no doubt are.

On that note, can I be the Godfather?

Anonymous said...

Kudos to Anne for finding your one language misuse and correcting it for you. She's got sharp eyes!

To be a little humorless myself, it does occur to me that if you haven't yet decided whether you're going to bf or bottlefeed, I would think you'll end up bottlefeeding, because the first days are the hardest for getting bfing established and if you don't go at it with a really high commitment level it's not that likely to happen.

But, since this is you we're talking about, I'm sure that WHATEVER happens, breast or bottle, it will totally be the Lord's will and will work out exactly the way it's s'posed to.

(P.S. I'm feeling way jealous of the myriad proponents of weightloss through breastfeeding -- let's just say I'm one of the unlucky ones who plateaus about 4 weeks postpartum and stays there 'til I wean. Also, even though I breastfeed my cycle starts back up about 2 months postpartum. I only share these kind of deets here since I know we're all girls here.)

lazyizzy said...


It's o' natural!

Eli said...

Remember, it is regardless not irregardless, sweetie! We already know you are going to make super cute decisions. That is why we follow your blog! No need to rub it in TWICE or anything by being redundant! (Between you and me, we know how redundant some of those girls can be. Not us!)

My vote is for the rhymes with nest feeding! Srsly. You have to do what is best for your bbs! Just like when you took ALL that time to do your hair before their birth so you'd look so cute for pictures and not embarrass them later in life! I was SO inspired by you that I rushed to the nearest salon and was able to take priority over the customers already there to buy $70 worth of product. You are such a blessing, TAMN! I mean, who would want to look into the mirror in the sealing room and see bad hair going on for...eternity?!

But back to the bbs. You could always just pump and have your hubby buns get up in the night to feed them that! Oh, and invest in some spanx for mamas! I heard that it helps with stretch marks, cellulite AND saggy, um, twins.

j and s (but mainly s) said...

boob juice, hands down. did you not pay ANY attention during our child development class that one semester we went to college?

and i gotta agree with some of the other bffs, just use a pump, girl! that way jjtw can wake up in the middle of the nite.

i hope you choose the right!

Brittany Ann said...

I breast fed my boys. But I'll be honest with you, if I had twins there's a good possibility I would do both. I'd breast feed and supplement. But, you have to make the decision that's right for you. :)

ABrunettesLife said...

The "Breast is Best" is totally trend following. I say start your own trend "Bottles not (rhymes with moobs). It doesn't really matter what you do, we are all just waiting to see so we know what WE should be doing. Thanks for being SUCH and Xample!

Motion DeSmiths said...

Anne must be WAY smart if she can only find ONE grammartickle error in your flawless blog, TAMN. wtg!!!!!

Jess said...

Hmmm... Well, I've always heard that breats feeding was the way to go, but this past week I learned that breast milk doesn't have vitamin D. So, you'll have to give your baby yuck yucky (tasting, smelling and staining) liquid (and brown, not some fun colors like orange, pink, or purple) vitamins.
I always let my kiddos get the colostrum (before the milk comes in) cuz that's where all the antibodies are. So they'll be strong and healthy (cuz you always pray for that stuff, so why not help the big man out and make it a little easier on him).

Lisa said...

TAMN, you must breastfeed, gurl! And as you sit in the mother's lounge, you must admonish all those who bottle feed that they are in the wrong. You must use this as yet another opportunity to be such an awesome example to others.

Elizabeth said...

TAMN! Boobiefeed all the way! And pump extra between feedings for baby food storage. Not only that but more pumping and more feeding =s more calories burned! You'll be skinnier than before the babies if that is possible! Lynzii will be so jealous!

Little Lovables said...

breast, and then pump those things and let the man bottle feed too.

He can take off his shirt and pretend he is breastfeeding too (using a bottle of course)!

Little Lovables said...

oh yea, you forgot one of the most important perks of breastfeeding!!

Breastfeeding will prevent your *tmi alert* period for like a loooong timer. Srsly, I went like 3 years w/out one since I had 2 kids real fast of each other with only like one or two mini periods in between preggnancies!

Katia said...

breastfeed def - - - don't you want your angels to be twice as smart as EVERYONE???? (That is on top of how much smarter they are just being your darling children)

AmyJ said...

You forgot to mention a pro to breast is best list...your oober tiny waste will get ooberer tinier with breastfeeding!! HUUUGE plus!

Kizi said...

I hear that breast feeding drops the LBS LIKE THAT! Not that you need to drop any lbs... But Just saying...

Sarah Schulz said...

Honestly TAMN, what would your twins do years down the road if they found out you BOTTLE FED them?! Show them some love...and don't for get, bfing gives you the same hormones as nuzzling!!

Unknown said...

I just thought of something! Didn't they find rocket fuel in formula?!?!? SO, if you bottle-feed your babies they could be ROCKET SCIENTISTS!!! Wait, we wouldn't want Alivyiah to be a frump...so, problem solved: boob for princess, bottle for the stud! YES!!!

Paula -- CutieFruity said...


then, JJWT will actually have fun "doing the dishes". Who wants to scrub bottles???

Jillian said...

Just so you know...it *is* possible to b-feed triplets. I did. So, if you are trying to compete with Lynzii, it's not impossible that she might be giving her kiddos Mommy juice. Just sayin'...

Wendy said...

You totally need to breastfeed them. Jesus was breastfed, and we all want to be like Jesus, right?

Unknown said...

Just to warn you TAMN, I once had someone tell me they got smaller after breastfeeding... Just something to maybe keep in mind.

GladysIcanbe! said...

As a mom, it's your richus duty to breastfeed as God intended you to do! Think of how freaked out your kids will be when they realize how they were fed. Just be sure you stop before they start preschool

Matt and Jennae Porter said...

I think you should breastfeed one and bottle feed the other. Then see which one turns out better. A perfect little experiment! TAMN that will like totally make you a smart scientist!!

Chillygator said...

Don't the twins know baby sign language yet? Just ask them what they want.

dharvey said...

"irregardless of what I decide to do,"

LOL, TAMN. I love it when you use the non-word "irregardless." Too funny. And, no matter which way you choose to feed your baby's, they'll still turn out to be the best. Hugs, from D.

Hillary Hall said...

I love it! Seriously, people totally looked at me like I was trying to poison my baby when I gave him formula! What-ev! Go for formula. (You know that your baby weight can sometimes stay on longer when you breast feed right. Who wants to deal with leaking hoo hoos and being a fatty fat fat???)

Megan said...

breast, DUH. dont be a selfish baby hater

MaLyn said...

OMGOODNESS! If your adorable twinners are already sleeping through the night, they don't even need milk. I say you start them on captain crunch asap!!

Stephanie said...

to Anne: It's not that "irregardless" is redundant. It's that it's not a socially acceptable word (which is why TAMN uses it). It's probably a blend of "irrespective" and "regardless." Redundant means repetitive, so "irregardless" is not even redundant. It's just dumb. But it IS a legitimate, found-in-the-dictionary word. TAMN would NEVER use made up words, frills.

Carrie said...

Formula is against The Plan (I'm acutally really surprised it's not mentioned in the W.O.W.). Why else would women be given "rhymes-with-moobs"? Breastfeeding is the Celestial choice.

...Unless for some medical reason you can't breastfeed, in which case *sincere frownsmile* I'm sure it's a major trail for you and you'll be forgiven.

Camilla said...

I'd say breastfeed for a few weeks for the immune system boost and then go to the bottle. You don't want to feel like a milk COW for like a year do you? I thought so too.

Rachel said...

Your Milkles will stop hurting soon. I say stick with nursing.

Anonymous said...

Breast feed ALL the way! You can even get them matching onesies found here: http://www.wearsthebaby.com/shopping/advocacytees.html

You will get extra blessings for giving them the "real" milk!

Ranee J Fratangelo said...

Twins? Hard...but I know one family who have done it...but I also know moms who go phsyco momma on breast feeding. So if you are ok doing it then do it also if you need a break there is always a bottle. Heavenly father invented modern ammenaties for a reason. Don't feel pressured to do something that you are not comfortable...or if you just need a break! Good LUck!

Tara said...

I bfed twins.... actually a total of 5, so yes, you can only image the beauty that lies across my chest HOWEVER, i credit bfeeding all my kids to getting back in shape quickly and having a flat awesome tummy.... so in that sense...go for it because you both make on this deal.

Momma Nielson said...

do what i did. nurse one and bottle feed the other. seriously.

Lindsay said...

I'm just wondering how you are going to breastfeed twins in the mother's room by yourself? Did any mothers of twins do this? I breastfed mine for 2 months but I was a complete shut in the whole time, including from church, anyway. It's hard to be discreet when one wants to nurse but the other is cranky so you have to hold him up and pat his back at the same time and then switch the nursing one to the other side while putting the angry one on the couch for a minute...ohh memories.

I wish I would have breastfed longer. Breastfeeding twins + moving to another state + husband starting grad school + mom starting a new, very stressful part time job = no more milky way. =( It makes me very sad when I think about it.

And the breastfeeding/smarter thing is a myth. Women who breastfeed tend to be smarter and more educated anyway, hence the correlation.


Sarra said...

Hmm, you aren't a very dedicated mother if you don't breast feed. But that's not to say you can't pump and still make JJWT get up at night (if he ever needs to) to feed the kiddos. Plus, breast feeding shrinks your uterus faster.

Karen said...

Be Hannah Montanna/Miley Cyrus with the Best of Both Worlds!

Kaymee said...

My sis in law and friend told me about your blog- i just want to say...My kids are all bottle and they are totally smart! I know alot of dumb kids that were breast fed! :) I don't think it's a big deal. It just costs more to bottle. Good Luck

Unknown said...

Even if you go bottles, honey won't wake up to feed them unless you kick him out of bed. If you are breastfeeding, you don't really have to wake up. You can just snuggle back into bed with them. And the health benefits list gets longer every year. You want to be the bestest mom! Feed them the bestest food!. And the love snuggle time of feeding is great for you too. Just get plenty of protein, and you will get back to slender and beautiful, pronto!

Kassie said...

You'll still be drooperlicious whether or not you continue to breastfeed. The damage is done sista.

Allison said...

"Breast is Best" It rhymes, so it must be true.

The Football Wife said...

Boobies all the way!

rebecca said...

They go droopfest without breastfeeding. Besides, it can come in handy when you want to get out of jury duty. I mean sit in flourescent lights for 8 hours a day for an unknown amount of time? Gross.

chelsea mckell said...

I'm so glad I found this post! You linked to it from your most recent "best of 2009" posts. I'm relatively new to this blog, so I hadn't seen this. Srsly, best post ever - because of the comments. It's awesome to see all these bottle-feeding mommies trying to defend their poor decision to deprive their babies of what HF intended for them - and disgusting to see them try to do it through idiotically denying hard scientific evidence. And even more awesome to see all the brilliant women standing up for what is best - BOOB JUICE! For at least a year. Stop all that "at least a few months" crap.
It's also nice to be open about how I really feel. I have to be more Christlike when I'm face-to-face with bottle-feeding mommies.