My spinsty friend Yvette has FINELY come to her sense and thanx to my and yours e-urging, she's taking an in-on-the-plan single's cruise! AND ITS THIS WEEKEND!!! SHE'S LEAVING TONITE!!! Just got home from helping her pack and she is going to be so suprised when she sees that I tossed her lame one-piece and snuck a modest bikini into her bag so the boys wouldn't accidentally think she was some uptight RM. Your welcome, girl!! :)
Got any advice for her, you guys??

Basically, if she doesn't come back w/ a purely-given hickey and/or a ring, she's a perma-spinst, so cross your fingers.
Oh wow! How different would my life be if I'd had your help in packing for trips?!
U R Such a Great friend!! She will totally appreciate the switch a roo....later.
Hmmm, maybe make sure you are seen reading the BoM while sunbathing? SO they see how richus you really are.
Tell her to watch it around the all-you-can-eat buffet tables! She doesn't need any extra pudge!
Did you give her some glitter lotion and Sun-In for her hair to use when she's stretching out in that modest bikini on deck????
Yvette is SO lucky to have an amazing/non-spinsty friend like you. If you packed her bag she is sure to come home with, like, five giant rings and you can help her pick which guy is the most worthy to take her to the timpuhl.
I think she should aim for coming back engaged! Come on!!!
Yvette, don't due anything TAMN wouldn't due!
Spinsty? I'm sure she loves being called that. Good to see that you're building up her confidence...
"Spinsty" is merely motivation to move forward. Like, I'm so greatful my mom called me fat all those years, because it motivated me to get all purgey!
Yvette, channel your inner TAMN. Wet t-shirt contests are practically part of the marriage prep class.
Some people might say "be yourself", but I say maybe she should try something different than that, because obviously whatever she has going on isn't working for her.
She's totally gotta send herself flowers and love notes all the time so all the RM's will think she is something to be desired...
Hope you find your E.C. Yvette!
I hope you told her that she isn't sposed to swim in her swimsuit. I mean, droopy hair makes frownsmiles not marriages.
Of course, if there are kewl guys in the water she shud totally play modest pool games.
oh, I hope it is a good one! I know a few singles who went on one of those cruises and they were so excited because most of the people on the cruise were MEN! Good odds to find a good one.... except it was a cruise for GAY men. OOPS!
Yvette, Just remember that if you don't get a ring AND a date, he probably isn't serious.
Kiss at least 10 RM's Righteously, But seriously, Hazard in the Horizontal! (Don't worry, it is all TOTALLY in the plan)! And Bountiful is the new SL temple, so totally make a plug for that!
Did you pack a hot semi-modest dress for her? A lot of cruises have clubs or dance nights on them, and we all know that being a good dancer is part of the Plan!!
well, i just think it all depends on where you got the bikini and if she sports it. If its a tiny anthro or jcrew thingy, then that = confidence and for sure she'll land a man... if she can just shun all midnight buffets, wear the teeny (hopefully) anthro bikini, and maintain a tan slash size too figure, then no longer will she need a singles cruise.
Purely-given (or however you misspelled it) hickey? I want one of those!
Don't say the words "biological clock" or "in grad school" or "practical" or "eco-friendly" unless you want to end up with a He-Ruth.
She'll totally shriek out when she sees your help with the packing!
The modest bikini will make all the difference.
A true friend would do that ---get rid of the "modest/boring" suit and put in a slightly sexy, yet not too whorish bikini. One that simply says, I am open to suggestions,,,and hickeys. HOPE SHE HAS A GREAT TIME!!!!!!!!!!
Forget coming back engaged...she should come back already married!
OMGosh, I hope you took her for a bikini wax before she left. That's what a REALLY good friend would do.
I swear, the comments on this blog are often as funny as the posts... Keighty, first of all, snaps on the name spelling. Your motivaton to "get all purgey" made me spurt liquid out my nose. Token Asian Friend, as always, thanks for the laugh ...He-Ruth. And of course TAMN. SHRIEKETY SHRIEK SHRIEK back at ya! Thanks and all.
That's so generous of you! We'll have to all keep her in our oh so righteous pray-ers!
Right on the $, as usual. Good luck, Yvette! We're pulling for you!!
I think 'perma-spinst' is my new favorite word.
btw TAMN, you should make the links on your blog open up in a new window so they don't navigate away from your page. Just sayin'.
You're so funny TAMN, or whoever you are!
I'm rilly just commenting so the smiling feti will flutter happily but hmmm... since Yvette doesn't hafta flirt to convert she should definitely GRIND TO FIND- I hope you gave her a crash course in how to NOT dance like a spinsty :D
K I want to be yout friend going on a cruise. would you buy me a modest bikini lol....and maybe the cruise? lol
Advice: Don't arrive 30 minutes late and miss the boat! (Thank you Continental Airlines for the great start to my Honeymoon...sucked!)
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