AND a yummy candle?! The winner chosen at random is...
oh my gosh the suspense is killing me! Literally!
holy crap you guys, who's it going to be??
Betcha can't wait one more milli-second!...
Heather, who said "I don't want a stupid candle, but I want to win to somehow be connected to you and your awesomeness. ps...thanks for making your comment box pop-out...love listening to your cheesy tunes while laughing my arse off at all the cool people who read this blog!" And two runners up receive "Where's my JJWT?!" bumper stickers...anna ("please, for the love of all that is good and holy!!-pick me!") and The Raybould Family ("spoiled TAMN...or just seriously, so blessed? whatev, your both")! So winners, send your mailing address to seriouslysoblessed at yahoo dot com right now and start sashaying around like I do!! Get yourself a pedi to celebrate! Call me and let's shriek out!!

Love you!
SOOOOOOOOO GREATFUL! This was my wish and it came true because I visualized success! Thank you, Universe! Thank you, TAMN! Thank you, The Secret! Thank you, Oprah!
Seriously though, that stuff is hilarious.
OMG I can't believe you sell your shirts in XL. :O
I was going to hole up in my bed all day, and not go into work when I realized I didn't win, but then I saw that I can buy them! My fasting and praying worked!
Apparently, Rachael's invocation of 'The Secret' was better than mine, 'cause I visualized it too. God likes her better, I guess. She's probably way skinnier than me. God likes skinny people.
I cant handel this dissapointment!!! Puh-leaze do another giveaway!!! I can't buy them at the shop. My honeybuns is making me "cut back" a little this month, so only 2 mani-pedis, NO GNOs, and we can't get that darling puppy I've been wanting to get in place of the child I can't have yet!!!!
I'll do anything for another giveaway! ANYTHING!!
What, no etsy?? :) I am actually really glad you're selling the shirts and I was hoping you would when you first announced them because this whole thing brings me such joy. Julie, maybe we can save up together? No fro-yo for a week? Or sell your "fur-baby"?? TOTALLY worth it. You could be walking by other Seriously so blessed readers and never know it, but through these shirts we can connect.
Holy Sh*t! I won?!?!!!!!!!!
I am seriously so NOT surprised!!!
I cant wait to put my bumper sticker on my cute little black Jetta right next to my butterfly sticker! Yea! Holla!!!
Adam and Kristina, I think God feels sorry for the faithless thin people, because scripture tells us that all those who trust in God are made fat and I know without a shadow of a doubt that this is true, because I am SO fat. SO much trust. So He may love Fat people even more.
the other me, I so hope you are right.
Oh well, no winning for me...I will just have to buy my JJWT bumper sticker like the rest of us seriously un-blessed.
I was admireen your babystrology ... thing ... but I have a concern: For your FYI, it’s “JJWT AND I’S BABY.” “JJWT and me’s” is SO West Valley. But I’m for sure it’s jest because your SO busy and focused on so many other righteous things that will breen you joy and happiness and a BMW and jetskis. It’s AWESOME to have humility!
Sure ’pre-shate-cha. I wesh you all best! YOUR the best!
(and ef you could mention Braxtopher in one of your blogs, he’s my wife and I’s [see?!] gifted 2-yr-old who already knows his colors and prolly still talks with angels sence he’s so close to the vell and LOVES singeen hims.)
Hahahaha! Adam & Kristina, I didn't even win. I just visualized that TAMN would sell them because I think that LOL shirt is genius and I want to parade my love for this blog publicly. Yessss!
Wow...I never win anything! I am seriously, so blessed!
Thanks TAMN! I can't wait to testify on Sunday about how my righteousness has given me yet another blessing to rub in everyone's faces! Now I just have to figure out how to dress up my new shirt for church!
K you are super famous now (not that you weren't famous before) because I just read a story about Seriously, so blessed on Deseret News online. Rock on TAMN!
I can't believe you didn't pick me. You suck.
And no guy's sizes? You double-suck.
This whole blog is totally lame. I never liked it anyway.
How many more minutes until your next post?
You shouldn't wear that shirt to church on Sunday. It's not righteous.
Keith! Didn't you see the fine print? At the bottom it says guys' sizes are coming soon for the "Materialism makes me cry" shirt. Don't stop believing!
I'm so sad I didn't win!! I keep BAWLING!!! The shirt I wanted was in pink and brown.. I *totally* heart PINK AND BROWN! Tell me the truth why you didn't pick me. Is it because I'm no longer a mormon? Or because I'm fat!?!?!?
You know.. maybe I should start paying my tithing so I could be more blessed.. or I could take out the second set of earings. Definitely H.F. would heart me more if I did those.
Oh, shut the front door! I totally forgot I didn't enter the contest. Never mind!!!!
Love you!
I can't believe I didn't win!
Oh well, I'll just wear my "Edward Loves Brittany" shirt instead.
Apparently, I can't read. You can just replace "Rachael" in my comment, with "Heather."
Thanks, Heather, for rubbing it in my face that God loves you more. You're skinnier and more righteous.
I'm definitely not skinnier, but I am way more righteous (obviously!). I had to order my free shirt in XL. Sad.
K- So I am new to this blog, but I so totally feel like we are kindred spirits!!! I know I knew you in the pre-earth-life!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- So I didn't know about the contest, and I am so bummed because I didn't have the chance to win! (You know how you feel when you go to get a pedicure, and they are out of the sparkly pink polish, and you have to settle for silver sparkles (yuck!) and it totally messes up your whole wardrobe for the week -- that is sooo how I feel! So I really think that you need to do like a new contest or something!
I still so think that you rock!!
all my electronic dreams have come true.
Guys, she needed to include fat people. They so need to feel included!!!!!
When they ware those AWESOME t's and drive around with the bumper sticker on their cars, people will associate them with coolness. Others will know that they're TAMN's friends (well kinda) and people will prolly treat them better.
TAMN you are so righteous!!! You get brownie points in heaven for treating all those poor fat people like well, people.
I am so freakin' sad I din't win, but I am so freakin' happy you have the shirts fer sell on your web site, I am gonna buy them all for my wife then we can post pitures of us cuddling on our blog in awesome clothing.
TAMN (allegedly) - Who in the heck are you and why are you a flippin' genious. FLIP! I haven't laughed this hard since, well, Sunday, when one of the priests had to repeat the sacrament prayer 4 times. That's always hilarious. Then we pelt the kid with the extra sacrament bread in young mens so he gets it right next time. I love working with the youth too. Definitely the chosen generation.
Your blog rules.
Remember that time we tried to set poor single Yvette up with JJWT's little brother/best friend because, as the blissfully married couples that we are, we can't stand being around single people anymore because they are just sooooo much less blessed then us that it makes us sooo depressed? It was, like, soooo sad when they didn't get married. Sad. So what if JJWT's little brother was only 17?
oops! wrong post!
Dang I din't win, but I tolly took advanage of the grate dill! Thanx!
Oh. My. Heck. Seriously just found your blog! It is SOOOOO fun! I'm looking at it, and I says to my wife, I says "Hun, come 'n' take a look ut this!" We must've laughed till Sundee. I seriously laughed so hard that melk came out my nose! Sure do pre-sh8-ya!
I know that I should be so offended by all this...but I find your blog freakin' hilarious! Refreshingly true, and yet so ridiculously not true. Thanks for the laughs!
YAAAAAAAAAA! Where have I been??? OH YEAH! VAY CAY!! I WON I WON! I better email TAMN for my sticker!
Why oh why did you spell layman wrong??
Because it's a play on words. As in Laman and Lemule.
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