Honest, 12-3 every day can seriously WEAR a girl OUT and I was just sick of working my cute preggo butt off, even though I have the best job ever and couldn't love it more. I just needed to kick back and have some ME time, you know?! I asked my dad to give JJWT the day off, he said YES (thanx, Daddy!!) and then we had the funniest/craziest time ever! LOVED IT :)! First, we went on a huge hike and JJWT is the most active person IN THE WORLD, so no suprise, my sweet Angelbabe totally kicked my trash. But if we're being honest, my tan is better so it basically evens out. Anyways, me and AngelMuffin both did way good and got an awesome workout and some legit nature time, THEN we munched a yummy lunch which was so delish I could just EAT IT UP. Which I did! Totally crave eating now that I'm preggo, weird I know. THEN AngelTart took me shopping...I love Anthro, and I am NOT just saying that to be cool because everyone loves it, but because I love LOVE love it (insert pics of what he bought me here). So excited for AngelBun to graduate school so he can take me shopping even more! THEN went to my fam's new pool and just laid out in my modest bikini. Guess what, you can totally see my baby bump already I swear!! But only bc I started out so skinny, at least, that's what everyone says. (CanNOT beLIEVE I am 2 weeks along already, seems like we just barely found out and here we are, only 38 more weeks to go, insane or what?!) Anyways, after laying out and cuddling like crazy, AngelBearClaw and I caught a flick and smooched in the back row the whole time...sorry girls, he's TAKEN. THEN, we went up the canyon and had a ginormous bonfire with tonz of our favorite couples and played cards til so late! All our friends were being so spaztic, literally laughed my head off (don't worry, a 13th article way, not spacious building). It was extra fun bc AngelFritter and I beat everyone else at Phase 10 & Texas Hold'Em and then got to cuddle in a hammock for like 4 hours while our friends took pictures of us that I accidentally erased when trying to get blogger to post them as 11x17s...SAD! Anyway, cute AngelBiscuit & I had a great day and I feel bad that it was so fun when your day was prolly a little lame (not to be rude). Mini-vaycays are the best! Love you, loaf of angel!
Prolly the best post I've read today. UR sweet.
You're right. My day was a little lame compared to yours!
I really hope that you're not planning on working when the baby comes. Then you will be part of the 'spacious building' and might risk being exed or something, according to the old guy who bore his testimony a couple of weeks ago.
Did you get your modest bikini from Downeast Outfitters? I saw some there the other day, and I was trying to figure out if I could still wear my garments with them. I'm sure I could make it work.
Totally crave eating now that I'm preggo????
Just when I think it can't get better, it does. WHOEVER YOU ARE, I WANT TO WORSHIP AT YOUR GENIUS FEET.
You know "Vay cay" might be a little too close to "vay jay jay", I'm just sayin, so your fan base doesn't get confused, you might want to think before you write.
I say that in a totally 13th article not a spacious building kind of way.
Wait, YOU WORK???? I used to totally worship you, but now that I found out you work while your pregeant, I can't keep you up on that pedistool!!!! Don't you know that your hurting the baby?
You need to rethink you're prioritys. You've gone down in my mind.
I for one know that vaycay is the new short trendy version for vacation, lol! I haven't used it yet b/c it annoys me, but "whatev" used to annoy me too, and I use it all the time now. :) This post had me ROFL, "LoveBearClaw" "Fritter"- working from 12-3 can wear you out... you're too much! :)
All I heard was tart, bearclaw, fritter, muffin, and lunch. Now I'm going to have to pack a way bigger cooler on my way downtown to sleep out for the big parade!!
i HATE HATE HATE that blogger doesn't let you post 11x17s...blech!
Can I just say that I have to log in every day to see what you have done? It makes my lame life so much cooler! I wish I lived in Utah so I could be your friend. Sigh.
You totally crack me up--(sorry for the lame post but how can one hope to be witty when in awe?)
How is your blog so popular? i really wanna know why. make a post of tips on how to make your blog the best!
Big fan of the baked-good references. Your hubby sounds so adorable I could just eat him up!
@ Bree: Please tell me you're serious. That would make my day even more than this post.
@ JJWT: Good catch mate.
@ TAMN: your satire is amazing. Just when I was despairing for quality LDS writing, this is genius. Well done!
Actually, dearie, if you're two weeks from conception, then you are considered to be four weeks "pregnant" because they measure from the first day of you last ... *ahem* ... menstrual cycle (sorry if that's too graphic!!!!). So only 36 weeks to go instead of 38, hooray!!!!
-K So officially you are so like a Hollywood Star!
I am soooo going to call you J-TAM!!! (You know lk Brangalina, and Bennifer) Except for you are so way cooler because I so know J-TAM are MFEO.
Dnt worry I so totally won't worship you like an idol or something like that--That is so way not cool-- Great and spacious like!!!
BUT You so totally rock with awesomness!!!
Ignore those people who say you can't do math because THEY ARE MEAN and jealous and stuff.
Plus, when you are as cute as us you totally don't have to do math ever again PARTTAAAY!
Your posts are prolly the best 15 minutes of my day. Just ordered my fav LOLOMGWTFLDSBBQ tee, can't wait to see how stinkin' cute I am in it. You rule my world. Keep up the geniousosity.
I say these things in the name of JC...
quick question: do you guys wear matching outfits when you go out?
I'm still laughing about that guy saying vajayjay in your comments.
crap now i am hungry!
Well now this is embarrassing! I "get" the humor but at the same time never thought I was even close to one of those being made fun of ...that is, until today. Yeah, the hubster and I totally use the "baked goods" terms of endearment.
SAHM...HAHA! Half the stuff mocked here applies to me so if baked goods is the first one to hit home, you're in pretty good shape. Please tell me you use fritter, bearclaw and/or loaf of. That loaf-of kills me.
Oh my goodness. This site is the funniest.
I'm sure you know that women who have conceived 2-4 weeks ago do not typically yet know that they're pregnant, haven't even missed a cycle yet. That only makes it funnier though. Maybe TAMN is one of those girls who lacks the ability to keep track of her cycles?
Anyways, this site is great. I think with the math on that approximate timetable, will this supercouple have the 'bestest most adorablest Valentines Day baby ever!!'? Yes, run this site till at least then, and even longer please.
juliet...wait, what do you mean? What does tracking your cycles have to do with knowing you're preggo? She had it confirmed to her by the Spirit the second it happened. Didn't even have to take a preggo test or anything! Thank goodness because, peeing on a stick...ew!
TAMN, you truly are a genius. Your posts make me sad that I live in the mission field and don't get to see more amazing couples like you and JJWT in action. Sad!
your blog is in poor taste
I’m not sure what’s funnier; those that don’t “get” the humor or those that think the humor is somehow “inappropriate” b/c they take their culture/religion/themselves entirely too seriously. Either way, readers are seriously so blessed to read these comments and get in some good eyerolls.
this blog is the greatest! so funny! real (hope not) or fake (hope so)...it is a great read! keep it up!!
you really better stop working, though. you don't want to hurt the wee bebe!! too much stress is not good!
Two words...Totally Spectacular!
I SERIOUSLY feel like we are kindred spirits. But I bet that my loaf of angel tastes better than your loaf of angel.
U rilly need to post some recipes. I bet u're a rilly helthy cook and I want to eat like you so I can be skinny too! Pleez?
Funiest blog in the internet! ROTFLOLMFAO!
"Your blog is in poor taste"??? WTF??? I love,love, love it! I gotta get me one of those modest bikinis. You go girl!
P.S. I know this blog is true...
It would help if you would push the "Enter" button every once in awhile when you type a post and give us some paragraphs to work with.
Someone I deeply respect gave me this advice once, and it has worked really well for me.
Great post!
@brian - thank you for blessing us with your opinion. Sounds like somebody needs a mini personal vaycay.
What a fun little staycay you had! Wish I could have been there...not for the smooching part but definitely the shopping part!
Seriously. Rilly. Rilly. AWESOME. Rilly.
All I can think of to say is...LOVE YOU!
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