Summer before last, on my way home from shopping at the Gateway, the WORST THING IMAGINABLE happened. My car got a flat, and not even close to home either, five blocks away! My cell was out of batteries so I couldn't even call for rescue! Ugh! So, I had to walk ALL THE WAY HOME carrying TONS OF STUFF and it was NASTY, STICKY HOT and my darling shoes cut into my toes. So hard! When I got home, I went with my mom for a MONSTER diet slurpee to make me feel better. Since then, I've thought a lot about how my experience was like those poor pioneers, and how I bet they didn't have cell phones either, and I bet their shoes were just as uncomfy as mine, but not even stylish, and if they even had slurpees, there's no way they were as good as they are today. Anyways, SO grateful they persevered just like I did on MY way home. If it weren't for them, we wouldn't even HAVE a Gateway!
omgosh!!!! you live in, like, zion, someone should have totally given a cute preggo gal like you a ride.
Don't go private, WE would not be able to make it through OUR day without your inspiring anecdotes. WE are seriously so blessed because of you!!! Sorry about your feet. Get well soon.
I totally know how you feel! I think that everytime I go camping-- tent camping, not the nice camping you get to do. And, like how could they make their kids pick up ox poop?!
They have DIET SLURPEES???? Where?? I've ben drinking regular ones for years!!! All those calories when I could of been drinking DIET!! Why haven't you shared this secret before????
What a testimony builder for you!
Why would you go private?? Too many crazies in the world?? :)
Oh pretty PLEASE do not go private, you're such an inspiration to so many!!!
Shout-out to the pioneers!!
Can you believe all those racist States that don't even celebrate Pioneer Day? They obviously don't care about their heritage. Sad. :(
Oh no! If you go privit then everyone else won't get to see the SUPER-CUTE little bundel in THIRTY-EIGHT WEEKS! I could still because we're like super close right?
Is it because there are so many creepers out there? You need to consider your babies safety...
omgosh if you go private, my google reader will be full of boring things!
ha ha...you wouldn't dare go private. How else could you rub in...I mean share your super-fun life with all of us? How else will single people remember that they are supposed to get married? Oh yeah...they tell us every 30 minutes in church!
It's just like that primary song where they said pioneer children sang as they walked and walked and walked. I bet they said "walked" like 200 times in that song. That is totaly like what you did. But I bet they didn't have trials like getting their cute stylish shoes dirty like you did. You are so much stronger than them.
OOOH! OOH! Next year you should totaly get to ride on a float for the parade! JJWT can be with the adorable baby and you can ride and waive to the people in the street.
What-ever. You seriously canNOT go private. I mean, I did because, like, SO MANY people were like wishing they were me and stalking me and stuff, but you SO should not. I mean, like who else's stuff would I read? Well, *of COURSE* Stephenie Meyer, but like, who ELSE?
OOPSIE! My Michael Maclain ringtone just informed me that my BFF is calling, gotta jet!
Our netflix movies that were supposed to come today won't come till tomorrow.
Speaking of sacrifice, I'll buy a tshirt if you stay public.
I might be kind of sad if you went private. Unless, of course, you sent me an invite.
Happy Fourth-of-July, Part Deux!
I bet the pioneers didn't have cell phones either! I'm SO glad you found a way to fill the hardships that our fourbears did.
I do stuff like that (by visiting memorials to them, like Gardner Village) and when I see those TINY houses they had to live in, it totally makes me fill seriously, so blessed to live in this daya nage.
The pioneer thing is way AwEsOmE because it's my birthday!!! When I was little I thought all the celebrations were for me. Total bummer when I found out the truth, but I still pretend. Pioneers Rock!!! (They really, really did. Over rocks and stuff and they rolled too in their cute little wagon thingies).
TAMN, you can't really mean to go private, can you?! Where would we get our inspiration on how to treat frumpy visiting teachees? To tell us about diet slurpees? I'm so going out to buy one!!! I usually don't go in those stores because they are super skanky, but I would for a diet slurpee. Face it TAMN (did you ever notice your name sorta looks like a certain swear word?), we need your guidance and dierection. Don't abandon us now!!! Gurlfriend you got the power.
I'm pretty sure if you go private, that would be considered a secret combination, and we all know how God feels about those.
And is it weird if I actually like listening to "I Walk By Faith" and actually sing along with it?
I think you should totally go private. That would be very elitist of you. Also, you would avoid all those pervy people who are obviously obsessing over your fab life and will most definitely stalk you. One of two of them might even show up at your house pretending to be the FED EX guy. This is seriously a scary world with all the not blessed people and all.
Don't go private!
"And, I'm seriously thinking about going private."
Hahahaha. I'm a new reader, and I can already tell that you said this just because you need confirmation that people love you. Seriously, we do!
Your experience reminds me of the time when our former bishop bore his testimony in Sacrament Meeting about the trial of having a new roof put on his house. The noise was one of the biggest trials EVER! Everyone else in the ward, who were mostly dirt poor and needed new roofs, felt so incredibly sorry for him.
I bet he knows exactly how you feel.
don't go private b/c you can only have 100 readers and you have so many more friends than that and your circle of friends is only growing bigger because you are seriously so awesome!
LOL! WHO ARE YOU? and how do you just keep getting better? This is so dead-on. "I'm seriously thinking about going private" is the funniest thing in a long time...I love how people "threaten" and then never do, and it's always the people who don't write anything very "personal" anyway. You've got this blogging thing down to the last quirk and it's genius.
And you're right, if it weren't for the pioneers, we wouldn't even HAVE the Gateway!
You seriously can not go private, I think I will die if I don't get to see your wonderful baby in like 10 months! Like oh my gosh I know there are a lot of creeps looking at your blog, but you just can't. If you do, for sure get my e-mail address! :)
Just saw you in the mormon times! I love it!
Wow. Just discovered your blog today and it is HILARIOUS! Haven't laughed that hard at anything on the internet in a long while. Congrats on packing so many good-natured jibes into so little space. It is amazing. Definitely worth checking daily! Glad to know that someone else notices the saccharine quirks of LDS culture. Anyone who doesn't think this is funny takes themselves WAY too seriously. ;)
Oh wow. I can't believe JJWT didn't pull up behind you when you got your flat and rescued you!! I hope he is rubbing your poor mangled pregnant feet and getting you some awesome pedi's because they need some R&R.
P.S. If you really do go private... can I come too?
My recommendation would be to create a whole new "private" blog that focuses on the super personal things you currently hold back on and the journaling types experiences you have everyday.
Then you should tell everyone that reads your public blog that the "whole" story (of every single blog post)can be found on your super secret private blog that can only be accessed if we simply ask you to invite us. Then we can all read about your life, like, multiple times a day in two very special formats!
I've been thinking about going private to! Its like you don't know how many total pervs are reading your stuff and that is FREAKY!!!
You should totally go private.
Please oh pu-leez, doNOT go privit! Your blog is the first one I check when I wake up in the mornin! You are so awesome!
gbhunt...you just woke up? Lucky! You must be in Utah, where y'all are getting the day off. I hate you guys.
Ah yes, the obligatory Pioneer Day post--I knew it had to be coming!
Yeah go private sahm is stalking you. Seems like she knew what you were going to post. Creepy!
hagna: LOL! Oh wait, I meant; LOL OMGWTFT! (WTFT: What the French Toast)Yeah, that's right.
Yeah, going private is very important to protect yourself from all those crazies out there.
And what's better is that threatening to go private is a great way to get comments from all those lurkers. You just need to know who all thinks that you are seriously so cute!
Because you are! Who wouldn't think so?
If you do end up going private, I bet you'll have the longest list of allowed viewers EVER!!!!
And please don't forget about me if you do.
luv ya!!!!!!!
thank god for the gateway! thank god for diet slurpees! thank god for you and your blog!
i am surprised you didn't mention anything about the amazing pedicure you got after your 'trek' last year and how the poor pioneers just had a mud scrub and no paraffin wax!
Hey I remember that day, I saw you walking so I pulled over to offer you a ride but you just rolled your eyes at me and told me you'd rather ride in a covered wagon and wear a bonnet than be seen in my kia and to come back when I had at least a lexus. I felt so stupid for even offering you that ride, you were so right for turning me down. Looking back on that day makes me so sick. The only reason I drove that car was so I didn't hurt my dad's feelings, he took a second job so he could buy it for me as a welcome home missionary gift. Anyway after that day I totally sold that car and bought a lexus. I had to quit being a SAHM and get a job and my husband had to quit school and get a night job but it's definitely worth it and the kids are loving day care.
Adam and Kristina said...
And is it weird if I actually like listening to "I Walk By Faith" and actually sing along with it?
I get it! Rhetorical question, right?
And TAMN, pleeeeaaase don't go private, just think if the Pioneers had done that, we might still have the Gateway but we wouldn't know the *meaning* of it.
I know we all go have to go through trials in this life, but I just can't even imagine what you went through! You are a modern day pioneer for sure!
You are also like the pioneers because you are famous like they are.
Um I feel like I'm the only one here that know that we're not suppose to judge other people!!!!! If you automatically assume that people that read this are perves then that makes YOU a perve dont you know that?? We need to give everyone the benefit of the dout and thats why I think you should stay public and post as many naked pictures of your [future] kids as you can bc they are just soooo cute and everyone that wants to see them should be able to okay? Judge not least ye be judged, okay people?
I just found out about Seriously Blessed from a good article in today's Deseret News article by Ms. Molly Farmer
http://www.deseretnews.com/user/comments/1,5150,700245322,00.html I went to the website OF COURSE, and now I'm already ADDICTED!! TAMN's blog is like American Idol or Survivor...you just get addicted to it right away and HAVE to have more of it. I just have to say that I am so HAPPY to have found TAMN's blog and will be checking in tomorrow!
Oops. wrong link..go to this one for the Deseret News article.
So...my friend totally went private to protect her privates. Well, now I heard that nobody reads her blog!!! You really should think about that, plus how would all those people from High School find you?
About the pioneers...I heard in a talk once, I don't remember who said it, that we have trials...or fires...or our fires are trials...
Anyways, somethings about being refried makes us strong. Maybe pioneers had to eat fried food, I'm sure it's what carried them thru. Fried food now just makes us all fat. I know, so sad:(
You cannot go private! Last night, we had the cutest Enrichment and I had to give a devotional, and I used your post about GUIDANCE.
We need your insight :)
I know what you mean about going private! There are crazy blog stalkers out there that have super amazing technology that can find out who you are and where you live just by your pictures and blog content. They probably have singled you out of all the millions of blogs because of how blessed you are! Gotta protect that floating fetus! :-)
Just found out about you today in the paper too, AWESOME! You are my new best friend. I am going to share you with a few of my private bloggers in St.George though.
So the Pioneer Day Parade was cool (my 1st time seeing it). Did you see the flower cart pulled by the horse that tipped over? Man, they were so fortunate to have so many pioneer relatives there watching them. Everyone just jummped out to help right away. Thank goodness I had my digital mega zoom camera and could get pictures of it.
It's always good for us to be reminded how spoiled & blessed we really are.
my mama always warned me to stay away from the privates
HOLY COW!! If you go private, I'll go back to being an old granny! Your wit and wisdom take days/weeks/months/years off me each day I read about your cute shoes. You make me me feel young and "in the know"! PuLeAzZzZe don't desert me...and the rest of your AdOrInG FaNz!!!!
TAMN you cannot ever go private! I read your blog every day right after I check Stephenie Meyer's Breaking Dawn quote of the day of course (love Edward! Love Love LOVE him!) As an un-married 30-year-old-non-teased-curly-haired-brunette I totally have to live vicariously through your perfect-celestial world hear on earth-life. Seriously you are SO SO SO blessed, I can only hope that one day I can have a life just like yours, even though I prolly won't be able to but I can dream, right?
I so wld understand if u go prive, its so scary now that you are so totally J-TAM!!
I so cant bleve you had to walk soooo flippin far... And getting hot and sweaty-- eeew. You are sow an example/awsom loaf/pioneer!!!!
-So totally BFF's FOREVER.
You so way totally even rock waaay super more!!!
i've been livin' in the mission field so long that i totally couldn't belief you like live in zion and git it n stuff. i think we could be BFF's fer sure.
so what kind oof new car did your dad buy you to replace the 'ug one with the flat tire?'
Who is this j/k who signed your threat to go private? Like, is he some evil altar-ego or somethang causing you to stray from the straight and narrow? A friend of mine recently went private and she started posting dirty jokes and her language became "less refined" and all. Puhleee don't let this corruption happen to you!
And speeching out against corruption, have you seen the new Black Canary Barbie? (google for details.) Barbie is supposed to be a kid's toy, but they've turned her into a Dominatrix with black leathers and fishnet stockings and she even comes with a whip and a motel room. Where's the modesty here?
I think all the good Mormons in the blogosphere should petition Mattel, call them to repentance, and urge them to come out with a temple wedding Barbie, complete with 6 bridesmaids and a cultural hall. How else are we to counteract the evil capitalists and keep our darling daughters sweet and pure? Definately a sign of the last daze that our children's toys are so very worldly.
"jdb in az"--I asked my husband about your comment and he said it was total apostacy and that I shouldn't be reading this. I can't beleive that you said sucha thing bout the capitalism. That is so gainst the gospel. TAMN, I am glad that your blog is so inspirachonal, but maybe you should go private so that we can make sure that only rightchous comments are posted. Luv ya babe.
The taking the blog private thing was the most genius part of the whole post.
to the "secret combinations" person-
You should so totally go private. It is way more safer and more private-like. The pioneers would have seriously done it, way safer!
i can't believe you're actually real. if you go private, what will i do with my seriously non-blessed life?
That so happened to me!! ;) My husband had to find a way to get to me because we had just moved to town only 4 days ago and when he got there, he looked at me and said, you should know how to do this!! So watch closly I'm givin ya a lesson! We needless to say it looked quite easy, but doing for the first time I might hyperventilate! did I spell that right?? nay way. Totally funny blog!
This blog has been making me laugh for about a month or so. Don't let Satan win by going private.
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