The winner will receive a yummy scented candle and your choice of either an "LOLOMGWTFLDSBBQ!" t-shirt or one that says "Want me to put it in Laman's terms for you?"
Two runners up will receive "Where's my JJWT?" bumper stickers! Couldn't get any awesomer, right?!
To enter, leave a comment on this post by 5 PM MST on Friday July 18th. One comment per person and the winner will be chosen at random and announced this weekend after I get home from four-willing. Love you! :)
1 – 200 of 299 Newer› Newest»I just want to say...thank you for this blog. It just BRIGHTENS my day.
Honestly, though. Genius.
I prayed for this exact thing last nite and I am just so greatful that God answers our prays and has put such a sweet spirit like yourself into my life.
PICK ME! I need a candle!
Your goin 4-willing? FUN! I'm wayyyyyyy jealous.
Four-willing... I had to read that one out loud. Classic.
Pick me pick me! I need a yummy-scented candle in the WORST WAY!
I'm so jelus. I want to go 4-willin' to.
And I really want a LOLOMGWTFLDSBBQ t-shirt. That totally sums up my totally awesome life.
PLEASE can I have a Laman's terms shirt!
I have a great hick of a friend who calls it "four-wheelerin'" but four willing is pretty good.
Can this day get any awesomer? I'm doing a happy dance while singing "Pick me, pick me!"
Even if I'm only a runner up, it would be so cool to have the "Where's my JJWT?" bumper sticker.
You're my bestest best, better than best, better than bestest best friend. :)
Do those shirts come in Large? If so, I'm IN!
The Token Fat Friend
Oh! Pick me! That is hilarious!
Frakin' Sweet!
I need that shirt.
I love lamp! I love carpet! I love lamp....I love lamp!!!
Me, Me, oh me!
My coworkers are staring at me right now, as I shriek out. They don't understand the love we have for each other.
Be careful 4 wheeling. Make sure you protect your precious little bun in the oven!
OMG, I NEED one of those shirts so my amazing church friends will know we're having a ginormous LOLOMGWTFLDSBBQ later this summer. YEA!
Ooohhh I want the Lamans terms t-shirt!
You have such a sweet spirit!!
OMG (gosh, of course) I NEED to win!
BAAAAAAAA, I need stuff! Pick me, pick me!
Love the JKP on your playlist.
Now I'm shrieking out too!
Exactly how yummy is the candle?
can't get much awesomer than you!! i hope the scented candle is a scentsy one cause what is yummier than scentsy?!!
I wanna win!
I can't express the joy that enters my life everytime I see that there is a new post on SSB. I'm seriously, so blessed to have you in my life.
I'm dying to put that candle on my nightstand. Maybe if its lit while my version of JJWT (his name is Edward, isn't that the best name ever?) and I nuzzle we'll be able have an amazing conception too!
I'm really random! Pick me :)
I was on here about 20 minutes ago and there were no comments and I thought, "wow, I'm the first one," but then I didn't comment because I thought, "nah, later," and then I come on 20 minutes later and there's already 26 comments and I'm all, "Ah-hay this blog is popular," and now I'm like, "I'm going to barf up the 1/2 gallon of ice-cream I just ate." Moderation is for suckas.
I am so screaming out Loud right now! Yay!
Pretty, pretty please with cherries and whipped cream?
(I would also pay big bucks for a "LOLOMGWTFLDSBBQ!" t-shirt.)
OMG, I totally love scented candles!
Be careful four-willing this weekend. Hold on to JJWT tight!
I literally can't stand it, I seriously HAVE to win.
***CROSSES FINGERS*** I seriously so hope I win!!
BTW, I love your "Happily Ever After" family photo at the bottom! YOU ARE SO SKINNY EVEN THO YOU ARE SO TOTALLY PREGGERS! I bet the morning sickness helps keep your totally rockin' hot bod, huh?
This is me shrieking!
i'll pray for you to pick me. i have faith.
pick me pick me!! I read it all the time!!! Luv it!!
I could totally use a cute new shirt!
Four-willing. Perfect! I am loving this blog. Almost as much as I love Home Family & Personal Enrichment!
ooooo oooo oooooo!!!! i always wanted to be invited to a BBQ!
Ahhhhh!!! I so LoVe candles! Me me me!!! :)
All the other girls in the ward would be SOOOO jealous because I would just look SOOOOOO cute!!
Oh my heck! If you pick me, I'll totally mention your blog the next time I bear my testimony!!
You really are seriously so blessed.
Love you too!
I'm getting picked since I'm the best blogging friend out there and I *totally* win everything.
Lovin' it! So fab!
Contest! Yesssss!
My life is nothing with out a "LOLMGWFLDSBBQ" t-shirt!
Oh, I'm so excited! I hope I win!
I would totally SHRIEK if I won this giveaway!
Thank you for this site.
Yay!! Free is good- no, better than good! We're all way seriously blessed to have found you and your blog. I'm totally doing the happy dance! Pick me!
comment. post. win.
Luh-HUUUUVV a shirt. Shirts with funny stuff are so awesome!
ooooh!!! PICK ME!!!!
omg, i just used my cricut on that sun!!! perfect for Pal!1!!!!
I would so heart to get a candle n' shirt
4 wheeling and pregnant?! Better be careful you don't bob that baby around too much!!
Hey, I was one of the first to read this blog, that should count for something...do you think it could get me a couple extra entries? Plus, I would wear my "Lamans Terms" shirt with pride.
LOLOMGWTF I have GOT to have an LOLOMGWTFLDSBBQ t-shirt. Eeeeeee! So.Cute.
I will like totally be your baby's long distance grandma and send her little satiny headbands.
Way to awesomerize your blog with a giveaway! I'm going to have to award your blog the "Awesomerest Award".
I am so daggum excited!!!!!!! Please please please please PLEASE pick me me ME!!! You should pick me because I am your super-most-bestest BFF EVAR!!!!!
Love you. Mwah*
Be careful four-willing with that precious cargo!
hey i would love that shirt!
That would totally help me be a less frumpy Stay At Home Mom.
I wanna win so stinkin' bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOLOMGWTFLDSBBQ!!
This is so fab! I just LOVE free stuff and giveaways! My husband and I go to Costco like almost every Saturday and get all the samples and call it lunch! Plus, we go to all the wedding shows and enter all the drawings and get all the free stuff even though we've been married for three years. They totally think we're still dating cause that's how cute IN LOOOOOOOVE we are!
You must just be the most nicest special person ever, you must just know how much I need candles in my life!
Winning a prize would almost be like having my very own JJWT!!!1! And for like, two seconds, I might be able to feel just as special as you.
wow! so this is totally lost in the biggest sea of comments....
just found your blog. you may be my new favorite person.
please pick me. please, oh, please. pretty, pretty, please, please.
I've had a lot of trials and tribulations lately, but I know, with every fiber of my being that you are going to pick me for the winner of the shirt. I know you're not spost to talk about your patriarchal blessings, but mine says I'm going to win a fetchin' awesome contest one day. Irregardless, please stay cute and cool. And after you get back from 4-willin' in Pal, please come visit me in Lay-un. I live up by the mou-uns. If you guys want to sleep over, you can use my pellow.
I love stuff!
Holy blogorama! This is awesome!
ohmygoodness! this is fab-u-lous!
ps: this blog is the best. but you already knew that, right?! ;)
I totally NEED one of those bumper stickers! It will look great on my SUV <3
I connected your blog from a friend of a friend and I couldn't be happier to find you. I feel like I know you already. I feel so blessed to have cyber friends like you. lol
"Long time reader, first time commenter!"
OMG, TAMN, I wish I could be your BFF, b/c your my merican idle! I would LUUUUUV an LOLOMGWTFLDSBBQ shirt!!
OMG! This is totally awesome! How exciting. Totally love the blog! It cracks me up everytime I read it! Thanks to whoever is behind this. I am totally addicted and I just found it yesterday and read the whole thing! Thanks!
Do I really have to shriek? I would much rather whisper dirty nothings into your ear, late into the evening...
T/A/M/N/ my positifely high pitched shriek was cut short by your mentioning that you are going four-willing. As super fun and totally awesome as four-willing is, you must know that four-willing is on the "know-know" list when you have a little bun in that oven. Please tell me you are just going to watch and won't partisipate!
Of course, maybe J/J/W/T can give you a blessing before and you will be protected since you are seriously so blessed.
a candle? boy i sure have been looking for one! i love your blog, it makes me laugh! :-D
Shoot i don't want the candle, I want the t-shirts...
or the bumper sticker
Yes, where IS my JJWT???
I am so seriously acronym impaired. I'm going to need a Urim and Thummim just to decipher what all that LOLOMGTTFN....whatever, means.
That doesn't mean I don't want one, though. I live for getting free crap.
OMG I want!
Ok, maybe I haven't been reading your blog long enough yet (but TOTALLY LOVING IT!) but what is "LOLOMGWTFLDSBBQ?" Just curious :)
Hi TAMN, if I won a shirt I would list it on ebay and then with ALL the MONEY, I would buy some colored pencils for our HF&PE humanitarian project with part of it and with the rest I would buy cute hollister flipflops!! Then we could be a 'good works team' because good works was always my FAVE YW VALUE! Except that I hate yellow.
comment complete
WOW, you've made so many ElectoBFFs in SO little time, there's like, no chance I can possible win. But you're SO good at making us all fill loved, so even if I don't win, I know you wished you could give candles and stuff to all of us.
I <3 this blog!
Oooh, ooh! I wanna win! Pick me, pick meee!!!!
OMG! Could this blog get any better?!?!
If I win the shirt can I have the explanation. I'm not good with acronyms?
YES! I HEART free stuff!
I'd love to have a shirt that matches the vinyl letters I had made!
Please, please, pick me! I heart you and your little CUTE peanut (she really does look like a hearing aid though).
I want to win! You are hilarious, seriously.
I want a shirt! But only if it's modestly tight.
Ummmm.....yes please!!!!
wow mention free stuff and suddenly you get over a hundred comments
my hart would just burst with happyness if you picked me to win your givaway.
Yay!!! I totally want the Laman's terms shirt, but only if it's on a Shade tee -- 'cuz "modest is hottest!!!" Ummm, also, could you make it an extra extra small Shade tee so every one can see how skinny I am/how big my fake boobs are?
Thanx! Love ya!
I just popped out the bun in my oven and now my house is starting to smell like diapers!! Super eww. I totally need a super yummy candle! Please help me de-stink my super cute nursery!!
OMG you totally need maternity T-Shirts for all the blessed future SAHM's out there. And then onsies!!!!!
Winning this shirt would be the pinnacle achievement in my life to date, and that includes the birth of my son and when I singlehandedly defeated the entire Vietcong army with my bare hands back in 'Nam.
Give-o-give away!
Love the blog!
OHMYGOSHAREYOUFREAKINGKIDDINGME? I heart blog giveaways! Your blog is the best and you and JJWT are the best! Even though we've never met I feel like we could be BFF!
I want the bumper sticker!!!!!
I just KNOW that I was lead to the gospel two years ago just so I could understand half of what you talk about on this blog! Truely a tender mercie of the lord!
I don't even know what "LOL...blah blah blah..FLDSBBQ" means - but I don't want ta go ta an FLDS BBQ?!?! Ewww. But I do need that bumper sticker.
You are FAB!
I read about your blog yesterday in the D-news and I was so stinkin' X-cited! Please pick me!
Shirt me.
free stuff is the best. ill feel seriously so blessed if I get picked!
Your blog is WAAAYYYY funner than mine! You are seriously so blessed!
I just found your site. I'll totally be stalking you now!!! :)
Please tell me the shirt comes in xtra small. I'm not quite that size now, but having that t-shirt would totally motivate me to have a seriously blessed bod like yours. Thanx!!! xoxo
oh man, I'm a FSAHM (not fakeout, but future). I just married my JJWT but I'm still working!!! that's where i read your whole blog today and now i'm uber mcSuper exside for when i can be a SAHM!!!! but not a fat one
I'm laughing so shreiking hard. Love you. Will read you evEryDaY!!!!!!
Please. I need this.
I love how you share your seriously so blessed life with those less fortunate souls. Definatley commendable.
Pick me and I SWEAR I'll come to your next candle/kitchen gadget/jewelry/modest lingerie party!
I am so blessed to have found your totally fun blog!
You are too hilarious! ohhh pick me pick me!
A giveaway already!? This is too good to be true!
oh my heck, this is freakin' awesome!
oh my heck, T/A/M/N, of course so many people just love your blog so stinkin' much! it is fer sher the cutest and funniest and specialest of my LIFE. winning a t-shirt and scented candle (can it be one that smells like clean laundry? i could light it and imagine the joy of my future J/J/W/T's and my g's fresh from the dryer! OMGLDSBBQ) would be almost as great as that time we baked chocolate chip blondie brownie surprise bars and left them on the doorstep of that inactive girl and rang the doorbell and then ran away to make her want to come back to church! she was seriously so blessed to have secret anonymous friends like US!!!!!!!
Ooh I hope I win!! Seriously love you blog!
p.s. If I don't win won I will slash my rists no way j/k but wut I WILL DO is buy one plz plz plz seriously you cud start a family biz and have righteous vacations in Hawiai!!!
You're such a special spirit! I must not quite be there yet (I did take out my extra earrings and everything)....I have LOLOMGWTFLDSBBQ figured out (I think) except for the WTF....anyone???
Love this blog. And I love hearing about your oh so cute and perfect life
Sorry kari lyn-- you're probably seriously so blessed if you remain innocent and virtuous and don't know. JK.
Giveaways are the best! I would love to win the Laman's t-shirt.
And by the way, anonymous authoress, can I just say that I love that you write your posts like how girls like this talk. You have nailed the stereotype to a T.
Love this blog.
you are so lucky to get to go four-willing! i wish my life were as awesome, but you already know that! i might be on my way though, since my totally awesome husband will soon be starting medical/dental/business/law school. Love you!!
I love this blog more than I can describe. Please continue.
Pick me! Pick me!!
I stand all amazed at the giveaway TAMN offers me ...
Keep up the good work, sistah. ttfnslfjipslej:)
Your blog fills the empty hole left when The Sugarbeet called it quits. Love you!!!!
fur real?! You are seriously so blessed enough that you would share your fabulous things? That's soooo sweet!
Pick me!
I love 4-will'in too! I rilly want the t-shirt, but only if it is super tight and modest.
Ooh, I need a candle (does it really burn, or does it just melt? I HATE black stuff all over my walls).
I sure hope you pick me with every fiber of my being.
SAAAAAAAAAAAWEEEEEEEEET! I could sooooo use an awesome smelling candle!!! I love, love, luv this blog!!!!!
Oh my heck, pick me please!
i wood reely luv to see pitchers of your shirts because i steel have one more Pal trip this summer and i think i need new flowered flip-flops to match! super cute!
Lucky! You get to go 4 whillin! Thank you for the awesomest blog in the history of mormon mom blogs!
Only if it's Salt City
If I won something I would be, like, seriously blessed.
Please tell me the t-shirts come in my favorite special YW color plaid.
Not only has this blog brought me joy, but I've made new blogging friends as well who have left comments. Maybe our only similarity is that we enjoy your blog, but in my opinion, that makes for a pretty great friend.
wow...they all sound pretty good! I would love to be picked :]
Look at all the friends you have! (Well, we just want the cool stuff so we are juts pretending to be your friends, but whatever.)
Holy crap sammiches! I am going to pray extra hard tonight to win something so that I can share it with my brother who's going on a mission.
If the Lord loves me and I'm truly obedient, he'll answer me...
Hope you had fun four-willing! LOLOMGWTFLDSBBQ...what?
I only want to win the Candle if it is one of those candles you use on those Hot, Sexy, Sultry nights....like I am sure you are having at your place on a consistent basis. If it is one of the bathroom candles to cover up my husband's stink...then i will pass.
I SO need a "Where's my JJWT" shirt!
Thanks for sharing your very special life with all of us and giving us hope to someday have so much fullness and depth to our own ;-)
oooh ooh pick me! I need the scented candle BAD!!! We moved for my husbands security summer sales job & our apt smells like crap! not the good crap smell the nasty crap smell! TTFN!
bless me dear, bless me indeed.
if only I would be so lucky.
You've never said anything funnier than "four willing." And the sad thing is, half of Utah wouldn't get that.
Count me in!
I love this blog - absolute GENIUS!! (say that in a mad scientist voice)
Crossing finger's for those bumpers!
So many good things to win! How will I ever choose which T shirt?
Pick me! I think we knew each other in the pre-existence. I felt it when I read your blog! We are sole sistas.
OMG! Please pick me! Lovin your awesomeness.
OMG! LOL! LMAO! this is like, the best give away EVER!!!! Please pick me!
holy cow - I so wanna win - not because I need anything, but because I used to live 'south county' and I know my luck has changed since we moved 'up north'... I guess my bangs aren't as high anymore, so either way I win.
Well, drat!!! I can't win because I'm doing this as anon, but if I wasn't, I'd totatally want the bumper sticker. I can just see me drivin around and my very own "JJWT" seeing it on my big,expensive SUV and pulling me over and proposing to me wright then and there!!!! With a perfect, passionate kiss too.
Ah well, the price I have to pay to keep my identity a secret (I'm famous you know). Anyways I can't help but wonder if your own cover isn't going to be blown when you go and order these awesome tees and stickers? Or maybe you plan on stampin them yourself? Something homemade from yourself would be a treasure forrreeeverrrr.
Can't help but love your blog.
I am tired of putting things into Laman's terms for people. Maybe the t-shirt would cut down my time significantly. :D
I would obviously love to receive ANY of the give away items, but if I don't win (which is statistically very probable) will you be selling any of these items for purchase?
i'm IN.
btw, i don't know if i could accept should i win as i am listening to your taylor swift song on your player and she said "damn". i don't think that you are standing for truth and righteousness.
i hope you can sleep knowing that at night.
Never been here and have no idea what you acronyms mean, but hey, they are free, and it's not hard to leave a comment.
This blog is hilarious, true, and being able to laugh about real people in our lives like this is, dare I say it, uplifting and inspirational?
Anyway, contest or not, just wanted to let you know that.
omg I [heart] giveaways! I will do ANYTHING for free stuff!
I just found ya. just stop it! I miss UT gals... not to many of ya in Lousiana. Do you have that inverted bob, blond streaky hair cut too???
You are toooo funny! I want to win something. I'm one of those poor, "I never win anything!" whiners. Me Me!
I was just thinking that the world TOTALLY needed another candle/blog/givaway/thing. You are so the answer to a prayer. Next time you do a giveaway you should do some vinyl wall art. Just write everything in the "Scriptina" font and it will be seriously so awesome.
Frek! I could totally use this prize! What a blessing! Seriously, you are soooo blessed to give away blessings.
TAMN, you flippin' rock my world!
Anyone else notice that the floating baby looks like an iguana? 270 days until it jumps out of your stomach and tap dances away...wait...what?
Eeeeek! I am so flippin' excited about the possiblity of winning a t-shirt...that way I will be one step closer to being as a amazingly super happy as you are.
Wow. If I won, everybody I know would think I was seriously so cool!
Ok I know I'm a dork.. What does jjwt stand for??
Love your site!!
Like, I never win anything. I could so use a candle to make my home even sweeter!
This is my comment. Now pick me! Pick me!
Ooo, ooo pick me!
totally screaming myself this morning at the thought of a giveaway!!! awesome! thanks for being such a special spirit!
i love candles!!!!
I would, like, totally faint if I won a LOLOMGWTFLDSBBQ t-shirt!
I love candles too, pick me!
I totally need a "Where's my JJWT" bumper sticker! I would be almost as blessed as you just to be a runner-up!
i am so screaming too!!! please pick me...i don't just need the candles but the awesome reminders of your sweet spirit captured in a t-shirt!
I really want a "LOLOMGWTFLDSBBQ" t-shirt...
I never win anything!! Think the reverse psyche will work?
A LOLOMGWTFLDSBBQ!" t-shirt? That is probably the best t-shirt idea I've ever heard of. Truly inspired! =3
A LOLOMGWTFLDSBBQ!" t-shirt? That is probably the best t-shirt idea I've ever heard of. Truly inspired! =3
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