Okay, so when I think about you thinking about me, your probably thinking about how hard it is to know when I REALLY like something! It gets confusing right? I mean I have a ton of energy! And sass! And you can't really count on exclamations bc I use them like crazy! Even in sentences that aren't exciting! So it's confusing! So when am I just really exited, or medium exited, or super exited? Here's a helpful guide to my yay hierarchy!! The order get's confusing.
For starters, bright colors mean a teensy bit less excitement then ALL CAPS but defiantly more then rAnDoM cApItAliZaTiOn which is way more for cute instead of for emphasis, and just slightly below italics, and making words ginormous means most intense of all.
Bonus: if I heart it it's more then if I love it but less than if i loooooooove it which is less fervent then when I love LOVE love it.
Got it?
June 4, 2010
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Thanks so much for cLeArInG that UP!!!
TAMN, you spelled "excited" correctly once in that post. Good job. Remember that time you scored 0% on the spelling test?
DAnGiT!!!! I just realized I have been BrEaKiNg ALL the blogging rules!!!!!
So glad you set me straight . . .
Ha Ha. But one more thing TAMN. In yur vote box, you forgot YAH and YEA.
I have a headache just from reading this.
Ooooh, I was doing this ALL WRONG.
The Tamn code is way more complicated than the Da Vinci code.
TAMN - love that you updated your banner. I've been reading your blog FOR EVER, so I know what makes a bikini modest, but I think you need to slash everyone else needs you to discuss modest versus non-modest bikinis!
And does a pedi count if I do it myself?
Your right, its to confusing! But, I heart you anyway, Tamners. XOXO, from D.
Formulaic and methodical. Thanks for the explanation.
got it.
thank you for clarifying, i'm up all night wondering these things
Wait, where does "luuuurve" come in? Cause that's my most favorite blog word ever and I nEeD to kNoW!
gOt iT. But could you pls, pleeze, pUh-LEeSe tell us which is funnier: giggles, tee hee, bwahahahaha, ;), or LOL?
Since when do you use the word "hierarchy"?!?
Where does "lurve" fit in?
Wait a minute - hold it. Since when do you know how to spell "emphasis" and "italics" properly???
You are so deep, Tamn. It's inspiring.
LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS BLOG! seriously heart it and wish i could make ginorm letters in my comment.
dead freaking on.
Ok, so on the love scale, love < heart < looooooove < love LOVE love, and on an emphasis scale random caps < italics < bright colors < all caps < making letters GINORM.
I'm going to have to rewrite my whole blog!
am i the only brit on here regularly reading your blog and yes, wait for it...actually getting the satire love it!! And yes even here we have some LDS young marrieds just like yourself...:)
This post made me LOL frills and then the comments??? Bwahahahaha!!!
Oh, and Sarah is totally right, we DeFiAnTlY need to know about modest bikinis. I wear a one-piece...what a frump! If I told you my one-piece had a little hide-my-stretch-marks skirt on it would you call CPS on me? I'm obviously endangering my children with my frumpiness.
And this is after I had my kids in my 20s! Can you ImAgInE if I'd waited til my icky 30s??? {YiKeS!!!}
Um, just checked out the new banner. Tights in summer? Seriously? Seems frumpy to me...
Or is this a new "left coast" trend that hasn't made it "back East" yet?
k, but what if you lurve it?
Everyone says this, but I really mean it. Best. Blog post. Ever.
Did you SeRiOuSlY stalk my blog to see how I express my excitement?!!
I also looooooooooooooove typing things in GINORMOUS ALL CAPS, and I loveLOVElove using bright colors, but know what is the B E S T?!!
When you say how much you {{LoVE}} something with {{{UH-dorable BRACKETS}}} around it!
wow. That post was too much for me to HaNdLe!
I defiantly need a tutorial on how to do colors and cute fonts. Maybe you could do a week long workshop in Park City that I would just HAVE to attend AND buy all new clothes for? Please?
If you could just type that again, but slower, maybe I'll understand.
Hierarchy? TAMN knows what a hierarchy is? And applied it properly to her "yay" scale?
But what about when you LURVE it? The mystery...
Oh my gosh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You HiT the nAiL on the hEAd.
I hEaRt YoUr BlOg!
I hEaRt YoUr BlOg!
You are my favorite. That is all.
How could you sink to using non-foot-model toes in the new summertime blog header? They kind of look all gross and normal-person looking, like if you did a pity-pedi on your frumpy SIL.
Wait, did you? Are those her toes?
all this very funny!
Um, it's been FoReVeR since you've {blogged}...are you filling OK?
If your sick just lemme no and I'll bring you some lettuce! I noticed your still lactationing so the twinners don't need anything right?
P.S. - I hope you had a {HUGE} snack during FAST and testimony meeting yesterday even though you were giving the babies bottles!
I'm scared that you used "fervent" correctly. TAMN, don't hurt yourself with big vocabulary that isn't you. Be yourself.
Totally agree that I need the tutorial on what makes a bikini modest. Is being more than the string bikini type considered modest, or can I count that I have a super cute ruffle skirt (and it is so not frumpy) along the top of the bottom? I need help! I can't be seen "lounging" at the pool in the same suit that I actually swim miles in for my triathlons. How frump would that be?
Reading between the lines: it's all about having enough Diet Coke in your system. Caffeine means life in caps lock and colored fonts.
Everyone's all "yay TAMN" but I think you spelt higherarky wrong, so you prolly still get 0% on your spell test.
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