SORRY I HAVEN'T BLOGGED IN FOREVER {2 days}! Have tons of you're Qs to catch up on that have been seriously just pilling up! Your welcome in advance!
Q: Excuse me TAMN, are you seriously still lactating? I noticed your tickers are still up, but your kids are like 15 months. Are you seriously one of THOSE moms?
A: {Shutter} Eww! Don't be gross! It was super wierd but my milk dryed up after I stopped eating like a year ago, remember? NOT MY FAULT. I keep the bloggy rule that once a ticker's up, it stays up, to heck w/ weather it's true or relevant. Plus having the tickers up keeps those angry lactivist's off myboobback.
Q: Help me TAMNers! My baby girl has no hair! How do I deal?
A: *frownsmile* Condolensces for being a bummer of a mom for one, having a bald baby and two not knowing the most obvious answer in America. Let me guess, your baby's birthday parties won't even have themes, am I right?
Q: TAMN, do you limit Alivyiah's and Tridgers's TV time?
Yes! Way strict! Only Baby Einstein, Little Einsteins, ANTM, Signing Time, Sponge Bob, Thomas, ANYTHING on PBSkids exspecially Caillou my fave, American Idol, Sesame Street, Barbie, anything Disney, Hannah Montana, SYTYCD, and The Bachelor{ette}.
Other than that, NOTHING.
TAMN - Don't you think you were being a bit harsh to the woman with the bald baby? I know this is tricky because they aren't buying advertising, but take the high road and give out the name of a salon that does extentions for toddlers. They'll sit still for that if you're righteous.
I think the Bachelor/the Bachelorette is pretty much the best TV education you could give them.
No Sid the Science Kid? HARSH
We removed spongebob from the list. I can't believe you would expose your children to something as inappropriate as "underpants". (Seriously panties or boxers, but underpants? Ewww!
hahaha, ferrills, mom's w/ bald babys should get to Robert's as fast as there escalades will go and get as many headbands and flowers with jewel centers possible. it doesn't make it right, but at least it makes it bareable for the rest of us to look at.
Caillou my fave, American Idol, Sesame Street...awesome.
"once a ticker's up, it stays up, to heck w/ weather it's true or relevant."
Super true. love the Q and A posts...always a fave.
What are your rules about preschool? In-home only? None at all? Super expensive only? I must know!
I love the tv time limits! So inspiring! hehehehe
Oh wow. No wonder you were blessed with twins and I had boring single births. You are so haught and richus!
My baby was bald, and I didn't bother with the headbands. I took her straight to the salon sister! Only the human hair extensions for my 16 month old!
Oh how adore your blog... LOVE IT!
Ha! Caught you! Caillou isn't on PBSkids! I should know; I've got the schedule printed out for both channels.
Wow. So thats how mom's in America make dew. I'm living in France {To the same extent Frank on the bachelorette did so for like 6 weeks} and instead of doing research which is my actual job I have been devoting ALL my time to baby store shopping so when eventually my fertile womb garden produces some beautiful fleurs I'll be able to use exclusively FrEnCh products to entertain/educate/clothe/clean them so they'll grow up more international and cosmapolitin and sheik. When babies suck on French binkies they grow up more cultural. You should try it -- or can you not afford what I can afford?
Of course Caillou is on PBSkids! I hope you were kidin, Melinda, or I'd feel so sorry for your kids depraved of Caillou. I hope you let them watch extra Yo Gabba Gabba to fill the whole in your schedule--I mean their lives.
We get Caillou, but I don't let my daughter watch it for morale reasons. Moms do have to draw the line somewhere. I mean the kid is still bald and he's like 4 or something. His mom doesn't even make him wear tiny adurable baseball hats to cover his kondition. I'm no avocado-ate of hair extenshuns for boys (though Justin Bieber is SO cute!), but someone has to help that kid. Where is CPS when you knead them?
so sad you're not giving your kiddos the booby milk anymore. Their IQsies are basically shot, as well as their immuno systems. Lame.
My kids like to watch nature shows and Man Vs. Food. They are a perfect mix of their parents :)
HAHAHA! Americas NExt Top Model?!! Are you kidding that was so last year!
This post reminded me of the SNL skit "Baby Toupee". Classic. I had to google it and watch it again, but then on my travels I stumbled across an actual babywig website. For reals --->
I'm just impressed that you spelled Caillou correctly :o
LACTIVISTS!!!!!!!!! hahahahahahahahahahahahaha
Darn. I know you're babys are only like 15 months, but since your so smart I was hoping for some advice on teenager parenting. You're baby advice was not helpful to me at all. *frownsmile*
When my third baby didnt have any hair and it was so lite blond you counldn't see it anyways, i would just dress her like a boy and let poeople think she was a boy. It was hilareous.
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