November 10, 2008


Since I've been preggo I've had the vividest dreams EVER! Need help interping this bc it is seriously so puzzling. Ready guys?

So in my dream last nite, I was with JJWT at church in a modest bikini and the bishop called us in, but the bish was Gerald Lund, and he called me (in sign language) to be RS pres and the burden of being the youngest and cutest one ever rested heavly up on my bare shoulders, then while he was talking he turned into Kirby, and teeth all fell to the ground as perfect little gleaming pearl's, and then suddenly JJWT turned into Ruth and we were in her icky Subaru which smelt like compost, and then we were both running from Yvette who was chasing us and she was seriously P.O.'d, and while we were running, Ruth said she seriously coveted my cute hair and when I responded with "Can't rilly blame you, yours is sort of old-lady," at that excact moment I started falling so fast into some vast bizzaro canyon where Julie de Azevedo music was blasting and I landed on a beautiful transluscent bubble and began floating so peaceful, THEN all of a sudden, Ruth dropped me off at hair school where I had to take a test I'd forgotten about with three inches of nasty roots and was WAY humilated...and suddenly I was naked! And then the room filled up with berry-sented hand sanitizer and I swam in it, a beautiful, skilled backstroke and the teensy gymnasts from the Lympics started to applaud me and toss their medals!

And then I gathered the Chinese gymnasts around me and they sat on the floor and I read to them a darling pitcher book about a bunny, a gorgeous, skinny bunny with tons of awesome fall tights, boots & scarves who married another gorgeous bunny and they had the best most talented successful bunny twins in all the land and the papa bunny got called to be the bishop of all the other bunnies, and the mama bunny skyrocketed to the top of this crazy-successful MLM, then she went on SYTYCD and seriously owned it!

Seriously, wierd! Will you help me interp? What does this MEAN??


Cheri said...

Either you're going to the Lympics or the Work and the Glory guy is moving into your ward. It's gotta be one of those.

larainydays said...

It means you need to quit eating Funyuns after 9pm.

Amy B. said...

Have you had your fountain Diet Coke yet today? You're sounding rilly weird right now...OMG, did you see Joseph Smith from W&G is on Raising the Bar and EWWWWWWW he's gay?!? WTH???

Anonymous said...

WOW! That is a seriously weird dream. Especially to be so vivid.

BYU Athletic Supporter said...

I think you watched too much Lympics and it is just barely starting to registerin your, I sound like a genius! Oh, I am. I went to BYU.

Anonymous said...

Totally clear interpretation, it is fashion guidance for the upcoming fall/wint season. Cute tights, boots and scarvs will totally rock your wardrobe...and when you are totally fash, then your twinners will be inspred to be the only twins to ever totally rock the lympics and SYTYCD in the same year!

Jo said...

I think it was not just a dream but a warning from God! The hand sanitizer means you better watch out fer the germies and wash your hands a lot, otherwise you are going to catch a bad cold and that would be really ugly, cause you would be all red and puffy and sneezy and coughy and then your beloved would leave you. That is what I think! Please, pleaze! Take this seriously, I don't want to watch your marriage dissolve!

Rach said...


I love real posts like this. I hate to say it, but maybe Ruth and Yvette...gasp...secretly envy you. Or you should start a compost pile.

Chris said...

It means you're sirislly in for one of the best weeks ever. I'm SO jealous, and not just cuz you guyz are awesome, but becuz even ur dreamz are cooler than mine!

Amy said...

I'm thinking this is so like how our favorite author of the bestest books ever about gorge slash hunky slash beautiful vampires received her inspiration about the story. It was in a dream, right? So like, this is toally inspiration for you to write a book, mebbe about a fairy gymnast mermaid or something who can turn into a rabbit (like an animagic thing from HP) and falls in love.

Kerry said...

i wonder if you should stop wearing modest bikinis.

Kathleen said...

I hate to tell you this, but I think it's a revulashun that you are going to be called to be the rs president in your ward and JJWT is going to be called to be the Bishop. And I think all the stuff about you being in your modest bikini and Yvette being mad and Ruth coveting your hairs and the fall tights and everything means that there going to call you to be the rs president becuz you are so much more richus than the other grilz in your ward, and it's going to be a trail for you to have to be such a good exampul to them all the time. And also their going to be mad and think that your the RS president becuz JJWT is the new Bishop, but really that's only becuz he's more richus than all the other guys in the ward.

But it has a happy ending becuz the part where the tiny gymnasts throw they're metuls at you means that the girlz in your ward will finally realize that you are such a good exampul to them and that they should be more richus like you. And the stuff about the bunnies means that they will also start following your moddestt example. So all of your tryles will have a happy ending! Yay! Oh, and I think the part where JJWT turns into Ruth means that he will be busy doing icky boy stuff while he's the bishop and you'll have to hang out with the unrichus frumps sometimes and he won't be there, and that will be a tri-ul for you, but then you will be seriously even more blessed.

andrea wardle said...

I'm no Joseph... can't interpret dreams. Man, I wish I had dreams like you! All my preggo dreams involve minivans and identity theft! Insecurities maybe? Love the bunnies!

Allison Easley said...

OMH if we totally got to have girl prophets you would be the first one. But then you'd have to get lots of Janice Kapp Perry suits for Confrince and make Sister Smoot Soup (Taco Soup!) for all your neighbors! Wow, do ya think?!?

Steven Nordstrom said...

TAMN, based on what you said, I would half to say that this dream is prolly 'bout ol' Prop 8 in California. See? Now they are trying to take our dreamz away from us too!

Mandy | Baking with Blondie said...

That you're seriously having two boys....

Shelle-BlokThoughts said...

It means for the first time EVA you will be the only person to be in SYTYCD in a GYmnast leotard dancing to Julie de Azevedo after your twins are born, in which you wil have read them a story right before you go's all really plain and simple if you ask me!

And BTW, the shirt I won off of CRASH N SEWL's contest (I'm off Diet Coke) was a hit at the SUPER SATURDAY on saturday with the RS! Thanks a bunch for getting it to me so quickly!

Token Asian Friend said...

Actually, that entire dream seemed pretty realistic, except for the part about you being in a bubble. You don't live in a bubble, TAMN!

my stay-at-home-momma drama said...

Clearly this dream means you are secretly afraid of putting on too much weight - bunnies are sooooooo round.

Jessica said...

It means no more caffeine for you. Especially before bed!

Unknown said...

i am just jealous you were in a bikini I havent seen one of those since 1995!!!

The Crash Test Dummy said...

It means that you are seriously soooo self centered! ;)

Anonymous said...

You do NOT want to hear about my preggo dream last night. Even I would rather not think about it. (There were no Chinese gymnasts . . . but there were flesh-eating maggots.) (Oops, sorry, I know you didn't want to hear about it.)

Rachel said...

OMGoodness, I think it means you seriously need to watch your roots, don't let your pregger-ness make you forgetful to touch them up every week! Heck that would be embarrassing!!! D:

michelle@somedaycrafts said...

Have you been taking to many of those special anti-depressants? It sounds like you are a little delusional.

Kritta22 said...

It totally means that Hershey's chocolate is going to start making chocolate cherry topping that hardens really fast. I totally saw the whole thing!
PS I'm not allowed to tell my husband my dreams anymore but they are too weird. Especially when I'm prego!

Trent!? said...

I think it means you need to give Ruth some free highlights and start selling Noni juice.

Kayleigh said...

O. M. G. Seriously, TAMN, that is the most profetic dream slash revelashun I've EVER heard of. I'm pretty sure JJWT being called as the bishop in your dream will happen. People say that they just *know* when stuff like that is about to happen. You better tell him. But, I don't think it stops there...he'll probably get called to stake president, and then maybe a 70 and you'll be like, the youngest, hottest wife there was. You'll do all sorts of humanitarean work in China and helping those spinsties that were in your dream.

You're practicly a saint.

Whitney R said...

It means you are meant to play the next Lydia in the next Work and the Glory that will be filmed somedaysoon in the grand canyon with little chinese people. And instead of having a son they will have twins.

Pretty sure that's what it means.

Your welcome, Tamn.

Sadie said...

Oh just be grateful you're sleeping! I'm sure with all you have coming up, your mind is just busy busy busy and you need to r.e.l.a.x. Have JTTPET (sp?) rub your feet but not to much, you may go into EARLY labor, infact, forget the feet and just have him rub you where it feels best! Drink a nice hot cup of nonfat, sugarfree, light hotchoc and you'll be good!

Brigitte said...

Wowzers! Sounds like someone needs to start writing an acceptance speech!

You are totally gonna be called as the new RS pres..... it's SO obvious! You must be so righteous cuz everyone knows that RS leaders are more PURE and have stronger testimonies than YW leaders. Looks like someone is moving up the ward celestial ladder!!

So gets to writing that acceptance speech becuz everyone will be expecting it the first Fast Sunday that comes up! (And make sure you touch up your roots before then. You don't want to set a bad example for all the sisters in the ward!) CONGRATS!

Goob said...

I think it must be time for a preggers psychic reading with cupcakes outing. How will you know how to make this dream your ACTUAL future if you don't?

Skipper said...

Dream? You just described my last family reunion.

Kari said...

Most def not just a dream, TAMNers; it's todally DIVINE iNsPiRaTiOn!!!

You MUST bear your testimony about this next Fast Sunday!

If you need any help making campaign posters/buttons/bedazzled tees so everybody will vote for you as HOTTEST R.S. PREZ EVER...just let me (your #1 eBFF) know!!


Kari said...

Most def not just a dream, TAMNers; it's todally DIVINE iNsPiRaTiOn!!!

You MUST bear your testimony about this next Fast Sunday!

If you need any help making campaign posters/buttons/bedazzled tees so everybody will vote for you as HOTTEST R.S. PREZ EVER...just let me (your #1 eBFF) know!!


Kiersten White said...

I hope they ask you to be a guest teacher in Relief Society, because then, even if the lesson is on something B O R I N G like the millenium or whatever, you can just take thirty minutes to tell them about this dream, and then use it as a transition to plug your baby shower!

GladysIcanbe! said...

This is so deep! So, Gerald Lund is going to be the bish of the first latter-latter-day polygamist ward. You will obviously be the first RS pres, cause in a polygamy ward, you'd be the hottest by far. This doesn't mean you and JJWT have to engage in polygamy but it looks like the signs are that Ruth is 2nd sister wife and she'll be in charge of the familiy garden, Ruth was jealous she wasn't the first wife and she's made that you get to keep the cute hair while she has to have "that"hair style. Julie De Azevedo music is everywhere and its basically the sound track of your life anyway. Your test at hair school just shows how conflicted you are about the idea of someday having "that" hair and wondring if you can secretly weave your hair and keep the good highlights even if you have to grow it out. When you're naked in a dream, it just means that someone else is taking their driving test and picturing everyone they know naked. It's just dream exchange. The berry scented hand sanitizer is a call that you should be a scentsy gal as a way of providing income to the clan. The lympic gymnasts are really your yungwimen and they are congratulatin you and giving you gold medals for being the best YW prez ever and wishing you well in your promotion. The Chinese gymnasts are a sign of opposition, they're going to come raid your compound someday so you need to be prepared. Raising bunnies will keep you in the fashion loop for all those fur accented excessories. Cute tights/boots--no meaning at all they are just the must haves for any fall occassion. JJWT is the papa bunny being called to be the bishop of the other bunnies which in this case is a student/singles ward. You are the mama bunny basking in the glory of your blessedness and fame and SYTYCD just means you're destined to not look preggs, even with the feti!

Does this help?

kris said...

I know exactly what it means: Yvette's ticked. Watch you're back!

kris said...

I know exactly what it means: Yvette's ticked. Watch you're back!

♥HANNAH♥ said...

that was really random and weird! maybe its telling you to give ruth a makeover ASAP!

kris said...

i think it means you guys'll reproduce like rabbits.

Charlene said...

Just to be safe, I would avoid reading your feti ANYTHING about bunnies...

Nicole said...

So I am a first time any of this real? Twins??

Anonymous said...

Your dream reminds me of an episode I once had.

Kami said...

Those dreams mean you're eating Cafe Rio salads WAAAAY too close to bedtime, chica.

Remember that belly pic? Remember the belly pic!

Julie de Azevedo Hanks said...

the "bizarro canyon" = LABOR and MY MUSIC = pivotal part of your birth plan to help you metaforically land on the "translucent bubble" = safe slash natural BIRTH of your hot FETI. Thanks for inviting me to serenade you as part of TAMNEers birth team!!! Send your playlist STAT so I can start rehearsing to create the utmost spirtchul atmosfere.

AS Amber said...

I think it means you've officially lost your ever-lovin' mind! Don't worry, you'll get it back when the munchkins are born. And to nicole's crazy...WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?! In a CAVE? First time reader?!? Wow, you're about to become a LOT smarter! Oh, and check the side bar thing about KSL Eyewitness News.

Little GrumpyAngel said...

Indigestion TAMN, that's all it is. Don't worry your cute brain with intepreting dreams. Isn't JJWT in med school or something? He should know those are just neurons misfiring in your cutesy brain or something like that and don't mean anything. Go ask him.

Nikki said...

It's totally a sign that you need to tell everyone in your ward about the dream so they know your preggo (I mean, come on, you don't even LOOK it!) so they can start planning your baby shower.

Erin said...

Unknown said...

Whu.....don't even know what to say! I thought I had the looniest dreams ever. Take the cake!!