November 11, 2008

TAMN's code of many colors

Nicole asked politely: TAMN! My sisters and I have been DYING to know what color you are! You know, The Color Code book! We were discussing your many colorful personality traits and just COULD NOT decide what you are. Puh-lease, fill us in! LOVE YOU!

BAAAAAAAAAAAA!! Weird that you ask bc everyone talks this test up as all awesome and insiteful and a way big of a deal, but when we did it for a combined Young Womens/Enrichment a while ago, seriously my results = Luh-AME and way untrue! WTH. Took the test and followed the instructions perfect, but it came out that I was red, the Discription had a bunch of junk like "demanding" and "always right" and "tactless." Which is a flatout lie bc a) red washes me out BAD and b) totally unaccurate! Never have been stubborn, never will be stubborn! Stupid test!


Ugh ugh ugggers. Sorry for the bad language guys. I have a personal written-down goal not to letter-swear anymore but it is so (clentched teeth) HARD WHEN PEOPLE SAY I HAVE A TEMPER AND I DON'T.

Sigh. Since anyone who knows me knows I'm totally deep, sincere, loyal, etc., I read about blue and figgured it was TOTALLY me, all intense and supportive and patient, but then all the YW and RS cracked up and when I told JJWT he laughed so hard he ugly snorted! So I asked what WHITE involved and thought the "peacemaker" and "kind" and "tolerant" stuff made me sound darling, but had to interrupt whoever was explaining it when they got to the "patient" and "good listener" part bc I was pretty bored. When I read the other results to find a better fit, and saw things like "fun" and "sociable" (I AM SUCH A SOCIAL BUTTERFLY) and figured I was totally a yellow do to my charisma and carefree hilarity but I zoned out when the discription kept droaning on about how I lose focus so not totally sure if it's accurate.

What the crud, guys? YOU'RE my e-BFFs and YOU know me better than I know myself half the time! What color r u? Do any of those colors fit me or the hubby??? Love you! :)


Jo said...

TAMNers, darling, you are just too wonderfuls to narrow yourself down to one color. I think you are the best of all the colors. Just pick and choose which one you look best in today, and there ya go!

Jo said...

I can't believe it, it is like a dream come true, I am first on your blog. I should just go to bed right now, because my day is perfect.

Anonymous said...

TAMN, totally love this post, I just totally pick my own color every morning and then wear whatever matches.... that give people the fun of guessing what color I actually am! and Sometimes it changes just on how I am feeling, sometimes blue, red, white (especially when singing about the USofA) Love patriotism, love colors! I think you are totally WHITE, with a splacsh of Blue because of all your sincere introspection.

Kerry said...

maybe you're a rainbow. A strait, beautiful rainbow.

Ann said...

Why settle for one of the boring colors they have . . . make up your own! Why not be Cyan or Magenta. You are way to righteous to be put in a box with all the other crayons!

Heidi said...

Well, clearly you are pink, which includes the best traits of all of those other colors which are kinda worthless anyway. They just don't put pink in the book, otherwise people would get jealous and launch blog assaults on people who are just being their cute pink selves.

Kiersten White said...

I heard Crayola is creating a new, never-before-seen color and they are naming it TAMN!

Anonymous said...

When I met my husband (all those years ago) he was into the Color Code, so I read it and thought it was stupid because it was overly simplistic and had all these stories about why people didn't get along, without a lot of good advice on how to remedy the not-getting-along. (Have they updated it at all in these last 15 years?) Then I took the test and was *completely* blue, and my husband is red, and the book says that reds and blues can never truly understand each other. So my whole married life, whenever I've felt like my husband didn't understand me, I've cursed that book and its cruel prophecies.

Honestly, though -- sometimes I think that, in spite of his red-ness, my husband *does* understand me. Not that he thinks the same way I think, but he at least gets why I think that way. It's so WEIRD that he's sometimes able to defy the science of psychology like that.

(And, for a second there it looked like I would be first to comment, but I don't mind not being first, since jo's having a perfect morning. We Blues are generous that way.)

Oh! And you, of course, are a rainbow! Not a "pride" rainbow -- a swirled-up rainbow like a beautiful fro-you.

Anonymous said...

fro-yo! Not fro-you! (Maybe fro-yo-you.)

Cheri said...

not to be rude, but i think it's spelled "kris-ma."

Anonymous said...

Um, red, white, blue and yellow are SO out this season.

So since brown is the new black, you are a PEACH!

Kristina P. said...

Wow. I am so disappointed in this post. I can't believe that we are asking to segregate ourselves by colors. I am color blind. We are all brothers and sisters and this just breaks down our similarities.

Oh, and for the record, I am totally blue.

Christine said...

Take the best attributes of red and yellow and declare yourself ORANGE! :) I'm a pale reddish-purple...

Whitney R said...

I appreciate that you toned down WTF with WTH. I like it MUCH better.

I'm not sure what color I am. Probably pink. Cause I love love love that color!

kris said...

ROTFLMAOLOLGTG! Letter-swearing is seriously so offensive. I'm sick of that ess.

Sara C said...

It totally doesn't count if you take that dumb test when yer preggers. Everyone knows that the innocent feti alter yer brain. Ignore the dumb color thing and wear black. It's slimming (not that you need to be slimmer, but maybe that advise could help someone else reading this). Or brown, cause Fashion Gal said it's the new black.

Trent!? said...

Anyone who says you're not tolerant can just shut up bc they don't even deserve to say it. HAHAHA!

Unknown said...

you are shining gold, like the iron rod

Nancy Mackey said...

Who wants to be just one color?!?! How boring, which you are definately NOT! I say everyday is different, filled with differnt colors- mix and match and you get the best combo of all!

Nancy Williams said...

It's always been obvious to me that you, TAMN, are totally rainbow!!! Most likely a double rainbow too -- absolutely flippin' AWESOME!

Laura said...

TAMN I never understood this test but I think the colors match your facial features and stuff! So like I'm a red because I have red hair - maybe this is a sign that after the feti are born you should dye your hair red?

Kayleigh said...

I can't believe you effing letter-swore on your blog.

I might have to reconsider reading from now on...

Nah. I look up to you too much, TAMN, to not read.

Mary P said...

TAMN, everyone knows that Red's have no amotions!! thats knot you!

You are definitly a blue-yellow, or a yellow-blue (that test isn't acurate unless you name youre top too colors)

Prolly your a Yellowblue cause yellows are the most rare nad we all no your UBER-speshal!!!!

sarah said...

excuse me!!? reds have no emotions?! I AM A RED! A DOUBLE RED! i have tons of emotions!! ill rip your head off!!!

tamn dont be ashamed to be a red. everyone else is just jealis that were not indecisive lameos. we make up our minds and go with it!! red all the way!!

or you can be a shade of red.. like pink!! ya!!

Sadie said...

yeah, well I'm sure it wasn't like one of the smarto's in your hubbies class came up with the test and if he was even christain I would be surprized. So take the BOM test and find out who you woule be!!! I bet Lehi's wife!!! She was WAY supportive!

Token Asian Friend said...

I hear the motto of a yellow is, "Life is a party, and I'm hosting!".

You are definetely yellow. Or, maybe red, covered with a yellow candy shell.

Sarah Steele said...

TAMN, you are your own color. It's a color so wonderful that it doesn't even have a name and it's so beautiful and out of our color spectrum that it can pretty much only be seen in the Celestial Kingdom.

Your Relief Society President said...

Tamn, the Lord loves you no matter what color you are. I thought that was clear in Sunday's lesson.

By the way dear, you may want to wear something under that dress next time. Some of the older sisters were completely scandalized when you bent over to pick up a hymnbook.

Remember that pregnancy does wonders for that area, but we need to keep them from breaking free.

Love you, sweetie!

Jenni said...

This is a new favorite for me..LOL

shel7by said...

"you are shining gold, like the iron rod"

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha h aha.

Kerry said...

You're like a blue-white-yellow-red. Kind of.

Amy B. said...

"clenchied teeth"...Oh TAMN, you made my day and I love love love to letter swear bc it's not rilly swearing and doesn't go against the plan...oh essss, I just dropped my DC! Gotta go!

Sarah said...

Since you're still married, JJWT must be completely white. I don't think your color exists, at least not in print. ;)

The Crash Test Dummy said...

You are the rainbow. And the pot of gold at the end.

Someone probably already said that but I'm not White enough to read all your comments.

Anonymous said...

Depending on the setting you can change your color. BLUE for church. RED for work. YELLOW when attending the Twilight premier next week...ETC ETC ETC....

Melinda said...

I was red, but then I got therapy and now I'm blue.

I'm not saying you need therapy or anything, but it did help me stop letter-swearing! And randomly screaming at people! Not that you do that!

Love you!

Tana said...

I loved that test when I took it. I was a Yellow. Then my mother decided she needed to take it for me (she is such a red) and she decided that I was a RED. So now I'm RED Yellow. Crazy. Don't worry. Now you can always use your color as an excuse of your behavior. What? I'm Insensitive? Oh sorry, I'm a Yellow. :)

Little Lovables said...

hmmm, I think you could safely say you are a yellow/red mix!

I am a little bit of that too, nothing wrong with that!

Rachel said...

UMMM....Primary colors are SOOOO 10 yrs ago! [cos not to be rude and all judging your age and junk, but ur just so young slash hip that you HAD 2 bee in primary within the last 10yrs] but I meen, it's gr8 to be all over red-yellow-blue when ur in primary an you get to sing that totally awesome song about em, but after that they are oober bland!

Who can trust a test that uses bland colors??? I think it should go by aubergine [even though it's a tad more purpleey,let's face it there are NO fetch synonyms for red out there], goldenrod, and turquoise.

so you'd def. be a aubergine TAMNers, cause that is thee most awesome sounding color there!! And ur totally the most awesomeset!

Double Blink said...

definitely rainbow. that is a color. it's all the colors. including purple, fuchsia, and pale green. it also includes the wizard of oz. and gold.

Little GrumpyAngel said...

Not enough colors on the color wheel or the rainbow to describe your awesomeness!

Madame Palmkey said...
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Madame Palmkey said...
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Madame Palmkey said...

I didn't think it was possible for you to pick a song that is more annoying than the audio drivel you've already selected, but I must congratulate you on selecting a tune that is so aurally repugnant it makes me want to skip directly from Thanksgiving to New Years. No offense. Isn't that wonderful? I love how saying "no offense" puts the ball of grumpyfacedness in your court so its your fault if we aren't still best friends! Lov ya! Always keep my computer on mute when I visit your site! And I say that with hugs n luv!

Kathleen said...

I think maybe your akshully a pink, which is like red and white mixed together. Because white is all spirichul and peacemakers and stuff. And red is stubborn, and not to say that y'our stubborn about most things, but maybe it meant that you're stubborn about being richus. Because that's a good thing to be stubborn about. So maybe that's why it got confused and said you are red.

Charlene said...

I wanna be pink!!!

Hayley said...

So I took that stupid test in High School online. The test said I had to take the test another time because "I could not be determined." Maybe your like me just too colorful and perfect for any color.

MB said...

Your TOTALLY all the best parts of the colors. So, mix the blue and yellow=green and mix the red+ white=pink. AND, these colors should tell you what colors you should use for the feti's nursery. So, green and pink (totally cute combo) you are going to have a stud and a princess!

Unknown said...

I'm a blog crasher...sorry. I work at a troubled kids facility and they use the Color Code for evrything. The kids here call it the ranch bible.

Your reaction totally confirms that you are are a RED. Don't be offended. Just read the strengths. That's all that matters anyway. If you want to really get TO'd, try to determine your secondary color.


Risa said...

Please TAMN, tell us what color you are for rills so that I can change my personality and be that color too!

Terra said...

OK, friend referred me to your blog, which I love. Absolutley hilarious! But the best is that my dad is the author of "The Color Code". No lies. I am going to send him here to read your post. He'll laugh, for sure. Anyway, I have to say...from one RED to another, you are RED (from the sounds of it) which is great! Be proud of who you are and let your true colors shine, girlfriend!

Brooke said...

I just have to say that your "relief society president" is brilliant! One of my favorite posts for sure.