December 31, 2008

Oh-Eight was 1rst rate!

CAN YOU BELIEVE ITS NEW YEARS' EVE! Seriously!? This year zipped by!! Just for journaling purposes let me list...

  • I started mY bLoG!
  • Became wive's club president slash first lady of the law/biz/med/dental school
  • Got called to lead slash inspire all the Mia Maids and magnified the crud out of it!
  • WE GOT PREGGO!!! THEN found out my fertile womb garden was growing TWIN FETI planted by JJWT's righteous seed.
  • We got straight As in school!!
  • Got an expensive camra and started a photog biz w/ no skills or experience!! ADVENTURE!
  • mastered the frownsmile and yoga-laties
  • Developed a bumload of charity by attending Ruth's wedding and reaching out (mentally) to Lynzii
  • Selflistly gave advice to the less fortunate spinsties in my life and helped everyone not panick over the economies.
  • Started twittering and made awesome facebook friends (LOVE YOU GUYS!)
  • Used my many talents to make this blog-pitcher college:

Not to be self-centered but what have been YOUR favorite parts of my year??? Ok, or your's, but, mostly mine. Love you! Hope you have fun w/ your RedBox slash Netflix tonite or the 1 party your going to be at, we'll be at like 7. So fun!!

happy almost new year!

December 29, 2008

What the crap you guys!?


Besides the lame-o wedding which was heart-retching even though I spiced it up as best I could, just when I thought things couldn't get any harder the universe sent me ANOTHER serious burden named...


Ugh. She just moved into our ward.

Don't even know what to do or where to start with this. Hate to judge cuz just met her at church but, I totally hate her.

So we're at MY ward and she had my same skirt on only her's was tighter. She had my same boots on only her's were even higher. Her spray tan is darker and her teeth aren't whiter {impossible} but there definiately larger. Her highlights involve like three more colors then mine do. It gets worse...her hubby is DONE with law/biz/med/dental school, where she FOUNDED the wive's club. And guess where she works and gets the fattest discount ever!?

Somebody literally shoot me.

THEN I saw them unpacking this morning on my empty-stroller-jog and she had on my same skinny jeans only teensier. Her big furry winter boots are just like mine only more ginorm. Her darling winter beanie type hat w/ a little bill is JUST like mine, only more sassily cocked. So, I'm jogging and of coarse I stop to chat and be way smiley-snoopy and plan to invite her to my next homebased business party and before I can say one thing, guess what she gives me!? A BIZ CARD FOR HER HOMEBASED BUSINESS WHICH IS THE EXACT SAME AS MINE ONLY I'M A CONSULTANT AND SHE'S A SAPPHIRE LEVEL EXECUTIVE.

Vulgarity brakes my heart, but seriously, what a B.

December 27, 2008

My Fam Just Got Frumped


Well, they went thru w/ it.

They stuck an oober lame wedding smack in the middle of a perfectly good holiday week full of wii, fo-fur, sassy ear-flap hats and spa GCs galore.

Red flag Ruth is now apart of the fam.


Not like anyone would know that considering THERE WAS NO RECEPTION. Seriously, got married this AM and its all over bc they wanted to "focus" on the "ceremony" meaning they prolly have zeero friends and hate fun.

Bad news: she forced me to where some lame WAY too big of a nasty turtleneck. Good news: got to choose whatever black skirt I wanted which was SO SO SO awesome because she kept reminding me to make sure it was in "good taste" meaning she must of reckonized what she gave me was gross and me spicing it up was her only hope of having any darlingness at the wedding!!! Sooo, came up with this adorable classy #:

Wore some opake tights under it to make sure I was still way modest and since she wasn't going to where a tiara, I figured somebody had to so I got one a mine out. Not to be rude but I was SERIOUSLY the ONLY cute slash fun thing about the wedding IF you can even call it that considering it wasn't even at the Salt Lake Temple.

No registry. No reception. No furry winter cape. NO FAVORS. NO GLITTER.

Guys, she didn't even {pained pity pout} TAN.


Ew. So gross and sad to see someone at their own wedding actually look like it's the middle of winter.


December 24, 2008

BAAAA w/o the humbug

Seriously, hope you're holiday is joyfull and
rilly, thanx thanx thanx for reading and thanx for being my e-friends
and your awesome slash hilarious selfs.
Now quit reading this and go cuddle a lurved one already!

Merry Christmas.

Breathe-taking Wordless Wendsday

December 23, 2008

hurry, advise needed!

Love holidays! Seriously, gifts is one of my talents and I have a way long history of awesomeness in the neighborhood gift dept. CDs of me singing, homemade fat free naytivity shaped fudge with edible glitter, you name it, I've rocked it. This year is going to be the best ever!
This year, made our hole neighborhood Christmas ornamints with the 7D pics of the feti engraved on them!! Baaa! WON'T THEY LURVE IT!?!? Now AngelSweettart thinks I need to include treats in addition! Is it true?? What do I do?? What do YOU do?? Do you have neighborhood gift advise?? I hate competitiveness which makes my heart hurt, but I know I'm supposed to let my lite shine and being the best is seriously a talent I've been blessed with so how do I make sure MINE IS BETTER THAN EVERYONE ELSES???

December 22, 2008

happy holladays




Look how much service I did!

Aren't holidays the best? We went shoping for our AngelSub4SantaTree family. Don't really want anyone to know just how selfless I am so I wouldn't of even said anything on here except my mom wanted to know so I have to put it here to tell her. Helping out paupers rocks! The poor needy 9yo girl wanted a bike so I got her the VERY nicest stationary one I could find and the whole first season of Gossip Girl to watch while she rides it. LOVE that the beggarly are into fitness!

No offense but the ward Christmas party started out so SO so lame. They did a live naytivity which is happy and fun...for about 2 seconds. Then it's brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr and boring and I'd seriously way rather watch Grampa Krugy's Christmas while I tie corners of a fleece blankie, especially when outside is FREEZING with some grumpty frump playing Mary. She looked so bummed the whole time! Hello, babies rule lady! Luckily for all of us, I anticipated the yawn so yanked some tinsel out of my ginorm purse and scattered it all over the ugly shepherds and brought a sassy applikayed onesie for baby Jesus. And thanx to your guyses urgings, I'd broughten the karaoky machine so just had Angelnugget bring it in from the Escalade. Set up right next to the cresh and belted Celine's O Holy Nite like I was performing in Vegas! Everyone (meaning JJWT) said I sounded like an angel. AND when the stake YWs pres came by I sang extra soft and spiritual to help her feel the prompteen about who should do the stamp demonstration for New Beginnings. Honestly, probably I'll be on bedrest by then but would whole-heartily make an exception.

Church was neat too (aren't holidays the best??) and the bish was so happy slash suprised slash greatful when he realized I'd snuck a label on each program saying the MiaMaids and me would be doing a SPECIAL special musical number!! My heart was SO so full as I heard my nails clicky clack through the chapel as my tiny fingers danced up on the keys. They all played the hand bells while I sang Breath of Heaven and accompanied myself on the piano.

Service is the best.

December 18, 2008


rULeS: aNsWeR tHe quEstIonS wItH OnE wOrD oNLy!!

Were is your cell phone? shineypurse
Were is your significant other? myheart
You're hair color? multi
You're favorite thing? lurve
You're dream last night? darling
You're life dream/goal? permadorability
The room your in? PB!
You're hobby? stampin'

You're fear? chubs
Where do you want to be in 6 years? 19,000sqft
Where were you last night? PARTAY
What your not? Laaaame
One of you're wish list items? evenhigherhilledboots
Where you grew up? HAVEN'T! (lol)
The last thing you did? lipglossapplication
What you are wearing: modestight
You're TV? ginorm
You're pet? teensy
You're computer? awesome
You're mood? EXCITED
Missing someone? feti
Something your NOT wearing? properlysizedgarments
Favorite store? All!
Your summer? Tan!
Love someone? oober!
You're fave color? brite
When is the last time you laughed? always
When is the last time you cried? justbearly
Your significant other's hair: haphazardly-pointy

You're life in one word: KICKA!

Now it's you're turn! You can just pick one and do it in the comments if your to busy to do the hole thing.
I was definately way to busy but I made time bc I CTR when told to keep a journal.

December 17, 2008


Just in case your's didn't come in the mell yet, and just bc EVERYONE'S been asking, here's a little something we sent out to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas...
Dear Friends & Family & Luved Ones:

We are sooo excited to slide
down the baby slide from heaven and emerge from our mommy's teensy blessed womb next year!! We were joyfully conceived July 6, 2008 around 10 PM. One of us is a babe and one of us is a stud and we are SO exited for our lifes!! (Mommy rilly wanted to include darling pics of us from the 7-D mega-sound but Grumpy No-Fun Daddy said it was "weird" too show her insides to everyone we know so you'll have to wait to see us in rill life!!)

Daddy h
asn't gained an ounce and has straight As in law/biz/med/dental school AGAIN and is probably going to be put into the bishopric like any day now, thanx to Mommy's help and dedication to him and us and her outstanding rain as Prez of the Wives' Club where she just gives and gives.

Even tho she's way preggers, everyone says
Mommy is as hot as ever, and she rocks the crap out of planning, photographing and then permanently arranging said photographs of our kajillion vaycays! With our fam there is NEVER A DULL MOMENT and Daddy spoils Mommy rotten like a princess made of pure, pure heavily scented gold!
Mommy's cute MiaMaids lurve her examples and she's always looking for service opp's like with our poor frumpers almost-Auntie Ruth. Don't forget the reason for the season! Her neighbor presents were like forty times better than everyone elses AGAIN this year and yes, Mommy still fits in her high school snuggy jeans! Hope you guys are doing awesome, bummer about the divorce.

Heart! Holly berrys!
Giddy love,
TAMN & JJWT's Feti

December 2008
Best Year Ever

(then we dropped this li'l card in & on the back it has all the info bc to help out during the holiday's, we've kept all our wedding registries uptadate)

December 14, 2008

serious dillemm part trace

Hi guys! Don't worry, you can still enter the gIvEawAy til midnight Sunday so jump on it, but a another way pressing Q has come up and I need your help!

IF, hy-pathetically, someone (NOT. ME. DEF NOT ME) got, um, chest augmentation surgery, which, um, (shy whisper "boobs") would you get resurrected with? Old ones or new ones?

I mean, supposably PERFECT, right???

blogged from my iphone in Sunday School

December 11, 2008

i'm seriously shaking due to greatfulness



I just keep clapping and texting and clapping and texting!!! {face fan}! Knew something had to get awesome soon with all the lame finals taking over my loverbunzes life and then WAHLA look at this news!
BAAAA!! Can't believe I'll get to plan another wedding! AND THE BOWS! THINK OF THE BOWS! And the highlights! PEOPLE WILL MIX US UP ALL THE TIME, HOTTEST MOM AND BESTEST BESTIE EVER, annual girls trips galore! Can't wait for tutus and gossip (but not mean--the nice, pity-filled kind) and girls camp and the rio and spa day and giggles and always ew-ing over whoever her bro marries AND YOU GUYS I'M JUST SO HAPPY I COULD SCREAM SLASH EXPLODE! About died when the DTD told me one of the feti was a girl.* Thanx, universe!

*he didn't actually "tell" me cuz i guess he "technically" couldn't "tell" because she had her "legs crossed" so it's supposably "50/50" which from the filling I had in my pounding greatful heart means that ONE IS A BOY AND ONE IS A GIRL! 50/50 SPLIT BETWEEN THE TWINS! baaaaaaaaaaaaa!!

December 10, 2008

time 2 rhyme

UGH UGH UGH guess who's oober loanly this week? TAMNERS!! Finals = barf!! BEING IN LAW/BIZ/MED/DENTAL SCHOOL IS SO HARD FOR US. But mostly me. It's like needles and parenting and cancer and divorce and stuff, way harder to WATCH someone go through it than to do it yourself, right?? Poor me w/ a life that is so hard and yet so awesome. Been making my darling ponder pout for a while now, but with a frownier twist than normal bc I am seriously stumped. Usually, things that rhyme are true and awesome. Flirt to convert, modest is hottest, pilatie makes you hottie, moral laurel, etc. Been able to count on that my whole life but now it's crashing down around me bc just realized...

FINAL and VINYL rhyme and yet are opposite, one gross and one awesome.

Why do things that sound the same all the sudden have to have so teensy in common!?!?!?

Ugh. Anyways, SO HARD to have a hubby have finals, talk about STRESS, so me and a couple of the wives club wives are just shopping up a storm bc--rhyme time--got a total URGE TO SPLURGE. Splurging is THE BEST! To be serviceable, I'm making a Christmas list so that cute AngelBiscuit doesn't have to worry about what to get me and can just worry about making us loaded by getting strait A pluses on his anatomy/physiology/networking/tax blahblah-poopie-poo nonsense boy stuff. Told him no pressure loverbuns, I'm just the FIRST LADY OF THE SCHOOL so should have the smartest of all the hubs, I mean I know I already DO but prooving it is always kind of a tender smug mercy. What else should I do to help me persevere in this loanly trying time? Trying to think of what to put on my list (besides spa stuff and Forgotten Carols, duh!) is hard. Want to make sure to get everything you're getting, but more and better, no offense.

December 8, 2008

no grater call

Hi guys! Hope you had the BEST weekend EVER! Cute reader Anne wanted to know why I never write about my class (have you seen my profile --> in how I went to hair school slash teach second grade?) and I thought OMH have I seriously not mentioned them?? SO EMBARASING! Am way behind on blogging! Need to catch up and tell you guys about them and when I was the teacher to the cutest, sweatest kids EVER. SECOND GRADE IS THE BOMB DOT COM! Way easier than hair school bc you can hula hoop and the little girls lurved when I did their makeup and would teach them to flirty flirt. Bean a teacher was the BEST, I'm not kidding, the BEST.

The kids ALWAYS told me I was darling which it's so cute they recognize at even a tiny age. Even the cute but icky little pee-his-pants boy (whom had to switch classes bc my perfume gave him some gross rash and I refused to stop wearing it bc you gotta draw the line somewhere and do something for yourself for once and I'm selfless but not a doremat right?), even HE cried when he had to go to the boring class.

A couple uptight moms called in about how all crafts all the time was "more summer camp than second grade" (whatever that means!) so I made sure those kids brought there momses home some SUPER glittery stuff to soften there stone hearts. Esp. cuz I had tons of girls, I was like, which are they seriously going to use more, freaking hard lame NUMBERS that lead to crying and headaches or freaking fun cute CRAFTS that lead to smiles and compliments? Think about it many cute wives like me have a MATH room?? See!

Teaching rocks and it's so cool I got to do it without going to yawner collidge! Way rewarding, way fun, way cute of me to have taut. Being a teacher was hard but swear I learned more than they did and it was totally for me. Wasn't your niece in my class? What did she say about me? Wish I could of stayed in second grade for seriously ever but I had to bid fairwell to my teaching career. Sad, but it was taking time from all my projects and I could basicly NEVER go to lunch working EVERY SINGLE MORNING from 8 to noon. I love LOVE loved being a teachers aide!

December 6, 2008

serious dillemm part too

Cutiebunz and I are having a whole nother difference (NOT A DISAGREEMENT) so better ask my e-friends whom are a fountain of wisdom.

Is permanent makeup against the plan? (Not that I need it or already have it or would even think about it, just as a hyperthetical.) Know how you can get your eyeliners and lipliner and stuff tattood on so you can wake-up in your make-up? Evil like a TATTOO tattoo, or more like letting your darling light shine?

December 4, 2008

Bookeen it!

Hey everyone! UGH, Wordless Wendsday is seriously hard for me bc I had a TON of words clamring in my head wanting to spill forth, jumbling up my thoughts but couldn't type them bc that's the rule, wordLESS which not sure if you know means NONE instead of just not as many, weird huh?

Anyway, so greatful for that little thing but def pumped for the double upgrade I get once the feti are here (made a deal that for each pregnancy I get something sparkly for my time and effort, and even though this is a twofer I'm totally inforcing double bling). Trying to focus on my left (looks like an L) hand during spin slash pilaties so I'll be buff enough to lug it around when the time comes. Plus, it's service, bc I want something nice to show the Mia Maids what can be theirs if they believe, CTR, and fast daily.

Anyways, like forty of my e-BFFs AND everyone in the wives club AND the other young womens advisers tagged me to do this way fun, way creative tag bc TAGS ROCK!

  1. Pick up the nearest book of at least 123 pages. Don't pick the coolest or most impressive one, just the NEAREST one.
  2. Open the book to page 123.
  3. Find the fifth sentence and post it!
  4. Spread this tag to as many people as you can.

Fun! But, SOOOOO
embarrassing that it wasn't The Host or Babywise or The Rules, but I'm way honest so I'm stickeen w/ the NEAREST. And my nearest one was one of my personal faves, Chicken Soup for the Slender and Attractive Pregnant with Twins Latter-day Saint Wife of a Professional School Student Soul!

"Tagg mentioned the fondness and admiration members of his family feel as they reflect upon how faithfully his mom waited while his dad served his mission, and her remarkable level of dedication to the spouses' club during law and business school."

Even though they weren't blessed with TWINS, that's so true! Wonder what kind of ring ANN has! Great reminder to do my duty!

i tag YOU. Seriously. All of you. In the comments. Love you!

December 3, 2008

December 1, 2008

groween up so fast

Just to clarify, not like I'm worried bc I'm not, and not like you think this cuz you don't, but NOBODY GET THE WRONG EYE-DIH, cutieloverbunz and me were defiantly NOT fighting when I asked that Q on Sunday. And, we don't disagree, he is the PERFECT prince for me, we sometimes just have deep and meaningful convos where we advilcate different things by which is a process thru which we grow even closer. Just so you know, I love love love Sundays, and I typed yesterday's post w/ a serious prayer in my huge heart and a snuggy skirt on my tiny bum.

Anyways, it makes me rilly kind of nastalgic to say it but everybody, this is my 100rdth post!! LITERALLY CAN'T BELIEVE IT. A hunnerd is seriously a ton! So greatful to each and every one of you who read my private online journal! Just ordered this vinyl for the outside of my laptop, a little cute quote I don't really get but I DO really love:

Life isn't measured
by the
number of posts you blog,
but by the number of blogs that
take your breath

Unique and confusing, but cute, right? Anyways, in celebration, here'za chance to ask my cute self smore Qs I'll answer in the NEXT 100! Want TONS more TMI?? Wondering why we never talk about my MIL? Wondering how we split up the house work? Want to hear more about my adorable mom? Longing to know more about the DTD? Want me to put up a counter-downer til my baby shower and/or Ruth's "wedding" (ugh...if you can even call it that...)? Want to know what wives club and me are doing to celebrate the holidays? Want to see my ring? Whatever it is, you can ask the TAMNers! HAPPY 100!

Plz raise your 44's the the NEXT hunnerd!