February 26, 2009

if you lurve it then you shoulda put a ring on it!: PART 2

Are you seriously suprised theres more where the last ones came from?

My friend Mhana's engaged {finally} and needs my advise for when she ties the knot with her own AngelBabe!

TAMNerses advise for the bethrothed, part dose.
  • Every week from now til bride day, say how many days are left til you get married during the Good News Minute. If you're RS doesn't have a GNM, take the service opp to start one by just shouting "{this many} DAYS TIL I'M MRS. ___!" at the beginning of each lesson. Way fun, way cute, way endearing.
  • Hurry and say what your doing with colors and flowers and favors and bows so if any of your alleged "friends" who are getting married at the same time do any of the same stuff, you can shout "Sad! I CALLED IT FIRST!" and hate them for copycating.
  • Strength in #'s....this means if the photographer gives you less than eight thousand proofs, forget it! Don't be self conscience about this. Also, do what you want, but the magic # for bridesmades and showers is 12. If you don't have AT LEAST a dozen of both, people might think your a gross friendless loner.
  • If you haven't already done this...Go make your newlywed blog. NOW. If some meanie's already taken your YournameHisnameLastName.blogspot, the good news is you can still do something illiterative. Make sure to mention in the profile that your both SUPER BUSY and you CANNOT believe how BUSY you are but you've NEVER been HAPPIER so no one thinks your lame.
  • If you have any spinsty friends, this is a great time to say how sad you are for them and how lonly it must be to have such a bummer life ALL ALONE with NO ONE TO LOVE THEM for EVER AND EVER. No one's told me this yet, but pretty sure they appreciate the acknowlegment.
  • You do NOT needs kids, pets, or really anything except the two of you to start throwing around the "All bc two people fell in love" thing. The lack of sense it makes when it's just the two of you makes it that much cuter!
Anywho, since you have til June, I'll give it a couple months before we have to talk about your up coming nuzzle-prep class at THE DTD! ewwwwwwwwwwwwww!

February 24, 2009

If you lurve it then you shoulda put a ring on it!: part 1


Member how much I love when you send in Qs?

Well, my e-BFF Mhana just wrote in with some of the best news ever! Here's what she had to say:
Hey hot friend, I finally snagged me a man (and the ring is so big I can hardly play piano for Relief Society! LOL! The Single gurls LOVE how I make it sparkle when I raise my hand to participate in questions about eternal marriage!) Anyhoo, we're waiting til June so the bridesmaids can wear modest strapless gowns comfortably without ucky blotches and goosebumps. What advice do you have for a soon to be newlywed? How can I make my place in his heart even more secure?
First offs, I want to be exited about your ring, but it's hard to fain I love it when mine's so much bigger and uniquer, but, Congrats anyways! I'll share my wisdom in a couple segments, but here's

TAMNerses' advice to bethrothed girls, part uno

  • If your in school, quit right now bc multi-tasking is for boaring people who hate darling and fun. A ring is basicly a 'get out of regular life free' card so take time off to plan your wedding for all intensive purposes.
  • OMGOSH THANK YOU FOR WAITING TIL JUNE! By in large, only frumps or chubs or both get married in months besides May/June/July. Blechy. I know its months more of technicly-chaste passion but the wait is worth the sunny pics. If possible, choose a theme.
  • Never forget that every one you know cares deeply about all the deets of your wedding...maybe even think about starting a separate WEDDING BLOG! Seriously, when me and HeartNugget were engaged, we were the first people engaged in all of ever and all our friends and fam and acquantances and co-workers LOVED it that we never shut up about it. And don't let your Angelbabe pick anything...is it his day or is it YOUR day? Exactly!
  • This is a great time to start smothering your own JJWT to let him know what he has to look forward to for eternities...never forget: needier equals sweetier. Text and call and email and bring him treats thruout the day and write him poems and candy posters and laugh at ALL jokes and say your fat a lot so he gets used to telling you nuh-huh.
  • If you have any freinds getting married around now, this is a GREAT time to let your passive aggressive light shine with things like "I'm so glad MY future husband doesn't ____" and a frownsmile. This shows one of my alltime favorite combos of greatfulness mixed w/ pity.
  • Irregardless of your current size, your gonna be nekky soon so STOP. EATING. NOW.
OK, a bajill more to come (obvsly) but that's a good Start. cOnGrAtS to you and my other engaged e-BFFs! ACK! I almost forgot! Hurry! Wear all your skankiest clothes now while you still can!

{You can learn about MY wedding here and Ruth's blechy one here. And if your not even engaged yet, get some advise for your spinsty self here}

February 23, 2009


Hey guys. It's me, JJWT again. Just want to publicly say sorry. I didn't mean to imply that TAMNers had breast augmentation surgery. Those are real. The fact that they've tripled in size since we met is total coincidence. She might do that later when she's a geezer. I was talking about something else.

If anyone asks, she hasn't had that done.

She didn't make me write this.



February 20, 2009

JJWT in the house

Hey everybody, it's the J-J-Dub. What's up? Valentine's rocked this year. It was way--WAY--better than last year when TAMN told me she didn't want anything and I believed her. Haha. She was so ticked. I didn't get any for a month. Lesson learned, boys, lesson learned. Now I just give her the credit card. When she's done shopping I pat her head and call it good. Girls are crazy.

I've got a ton more of your Qs to get to. Here goes. Hit me with more whenever you want.

Keddington Chronicles asked: Will it make you feel inferior if TAMN serves as the RS prez before you are Bish of your ward, or are you more secure with your manhood than that?

First off, what is she, forty? Babe will be YW pres WAY before she's stuck with the blue-hairs in RS. But you know what, we aren't one of those couples into "out-ranking" other couples or trying to be "H.P. by Thirty" or any of that. I don't keep score. It's so prideful and lame. I hardly ever even bring up that prez made me AP after only six and a half months out, or that I trained five times when no one else even trained twice. Keeping score is so Pharisee.

Charly asked: Why did your bro go for a "frump," as TAMNkins would call her, like Ruth? Is she not that bad, just brunette? The $$$? And why did he decide to go into a teaching career? Didn't do as well as you on the MCAT/LSAT/GRE/GMAT as you, huh?

Look, Ruth isn't THAT bad. She's cool. I wouldn't date her but she works for Spence. It weirds me out how she doesn't laugh when I quote Tommy Boy again and again and again. As for my bro, he's a good guy...for a LOSER. Just teasing, man. He's never been into normal stuff. He quit summer sales after a week. In HS he was a freaking mathlete the three years I took state. I'm just glad he's not gay.

Keighty asked: What about TAMN makes you the most proud to have her on your arm?
My in-laws read this blog. It's personal. Rhymes w/ moobs. Love you girl. Those were the best couple grand we've dropped so far.

February 18, 2009

bc they deserve the uniquest names ever

holy crud! I am allready 32 weeks along AND twinsies usually get born early so MY WOMB IS TICKING and I don't have names picked out yet! Need to so bad so we can hang the appropriate wooden letters in the nursery STAT. Will you help a TAMNers out???

Good news: I got the help of Cari Clark from the totally famous Utah Baby Namer {face fan!} so take a look at what she has to say and then HELP ME!

Hey all e-BFFs! It's Cari from the Utah Baby Namer! TAMN and JJWT need names for their feti. One is a stud and the other is a princess so they need a boy's AND a girl's name. Of course, TAMN wants some unique names for her unique, darling kiddos, so she sought my advice (after I BEGGED her to let me help). After we got me some new chunky highlights in my sassy menopause bob (Thanx TAMN, sooo happy I listened to you!), and fresh mani/pedis, we chatted over some fat-free, sugar-free fro-yo. She's totally open to new idizz, but when I suggested nice, righteous B of M names like Ammon and Sariah, or classic Biblicle ones like James and Elizabeth, she wrinkled up her teensy adorable noise and frownsmiled, so I knew nothing ordinary would do.

Then we poored over the thousands of names on the Utah Baby Namer, but she thought they were too common and ordinary too. "I just know there'll be like 4-5 Cliffany's in my little princess's Gymboree class," she said. "And Leumas? Spelling Samuel backwards? EVERYBODY'S doing that." And you know, she has a point.

Soooo, how about naming the kids hybrids of the parent'ses names? A couple combos:

For the stud:

For the princess:
Guys! What do you think? Any of these? Got other idizz? Spill it! I need em to be UNIQUE and DARLING, a almost impossible combo!

February 16, 2009

if only they still made heart-shaped chia pets

Ok guys I'll post the gIvEawAy winners tomorrow, ok?? Just filling tired and wanna still be on vaycay after all the pampering Angelcutie gave me {& wanna give you more time to visualize...your welcome}. Loverbunz took all the hints about Cheesecake and the Edward posters and pedis (duh) and even let me skip the second half of nasty-nast child-birth class plus I got ten killer outfits and a bumload of snuggle time. i love love day!
p.s., I watched out the window all day and it was SO SAD, Lynzii didn't get ANY flowers, while yours truely got TWO things of them...guess someone was too busy getting stretch marks to even have love day. {frownsmile w/ suppressed laughter} .

Thanks for the flowers, heartnugget!

Anyways, while your waiting for the giveaway winners, if you wanna go public and make our e-BFFship official, check out my darling new widget from TheBlogFrog -->.

Technologies freak me out, but apparrenntly, if you link to my blog on your blog, and then click on "become a e-BFF" and put your blog address in, then like magic it verifies that you link, and then wah-la! Next time you click over from your blog (or your friend does), your pic and blog appear at the top!! If you already link to me and are already blogfrogging it, pretty sure you just show up automatically. You can totally show off our friendship which'll boost your social status by a bajill!

Anyways. Unrelated, just wondering, should I start blogging artsy-zoomed pictures of myself doing mundane tasks and post them as tutorials???

February 13, 2009

♥lurve IS in the air♥



Nobody think I'm a neglectiful wife ok?? Just bc I haven't been blogging about the daily crafty lurve notes and the heart-shaped food items I've been baking Angelbabe all week, does'nt mean I haven't done that.

Swear I've made like twice as many as you, and bigger, and with more elaborate ferver. Heart-shaped pancakes, oober-fancy nummy heart-shaped cookies sprinkled with heart-shaped splenda and drizzled with carmle, hearts made out of brownies placed on cupcakes turned into pops and dipped in chocolate with heart sprinkles, bought myself some darling stuff online (don't worry, all w/in our starving student budget!) and pretended it was from him, etcs. Decided to go the extra love mile and I rhinestoned our ultrasound pics to jazz them up so the feti have bedazzled heart-shaped heads. So cute! Simple things mean alot. Left the # for Cheesecake written in sparkle-markle on darling Valentiney cardstock on his razer this morning just incase. Are you guys doing anything fun for love day??

No presh, and I'm way chill about it, but he better have something awesome planned, or eltse.

Love you babe!

February 12, 2009

I = SUCH a good friend

Guess what everyone!!!!?!?!?!

My spinsty friend Yvette has FINELY come to her sense and thanx to my and yours e-urging, she's taking an in-on-the-plan single's cruise! AND ITS THIS WEEKEND!!! SHE'S LEAVING TONITE!!! Just got home from helping her pack and she is going to be so suprised when she sees that I tossed her lame one-piece and snuck a modest bikini into her bag so the boys wouldn't accidentally think she was some uptight RM. Your welcome, girl!! :)

Got any advice for her, you guys??

Basically, if she doesn't come back w/ a purely-given hickey and/or a ring, she's a perma-spinst, so cross your fingers.

February 11, 2009

cHiLdBiRtH cLaSs

Don't worry everyone! You can still enter the gIveAwAy til Fridee by clicking here.

So, Me and JJWTbunz hit up part 1 of a 2 part childbirth class last week. It was interesting to say the least but the other preggos there made me sad, mostly bc I was literally three times cuter than ANY of them, not too mention less whaley, and their all having half as many babies as me. And the teacher kept being YUCKY! Seriously, why the heck do people have to make cute things like babies into icky convos about pain, blood and even breastmilk???? Gross! They even said nasty words like m-u-c-u-s and p-l-a-c-e-n-t-a. (Spelt them out so you wouldn't think I was profane). Ew. Just typing that makes me shutter. WAY more up lifting to just imagine smiley feti floating gently in pinky-white wombclouds. Maybe with glitter.

Anyways, The DTD says with twinsy feti I'll prolly have a caesar salad section, but who knows?? If I don't need one, I think I want to go totally natural to avoid harming my cutest babies ever with dangerous drugs. BUT, I also don't do pain bc it bums me out so bad. Whatever. {{hopeful shrug}} I know it will all workout.

Anyways, being we live in Zion, you'd think they'd at least worn us, but nobody said anything about the birthing videos being rated R! They SHOWED THE WHOLE BIRTH! Ew! So of COARSE I screamed, covered AngelMuffin's eyes and asked the nurse slash teacher if she had any standards. Anyone know if there's a clean-flicked version for next time??

February 6, 2009

YOU GUYS! I have the makeover pics!

Wanna see the makeover?

Holy. Freaking. Moly.

Remember how, thanx to your votes, Emily is our big winner? WELL, Christie Somers began to work her magic with hair and makeup while the lovely Wendy of Blue Lily Photography snapped away. Nummy cupcakes from The Sweet Tooth Fairy sweetened up the whole thing. Emily is seriously deeelightful and I hear she spent the whole week giddy with excitement! BAA! Can't you see her happiness in the pics?

Here she is before:

Doesn't she look awesome!?!

(let me save you an email by reminding you: hair and makeup by Christie Somers and photos by Blue Lily)

February 5, 2009

You new this was coming.

25 rAndOm tHiNgS aBoUt mE
(I swore I'd never do this!)

1. My full name is Tiffany/Amber/Megan/Nicole but everyone calls me TAMN or TAMNers or TAMNikins or TAMNy-poo.
2. I am officially addicted to blogging!
3. Got me and my girl fetus the cutest matching modest bikinis at a great sell yesterday and cried from joy while I bought them.
4. Being preggers has made me way deep.
5. Pursuing my talents veea my hair degree rocked.
6. When I'm done w/ stuff, I love yelling "Wah-la!"
7. Doing whatever I want all day everyday as a SAHP is so hard but so worth it.
8. Sometimes at Bunc/ko people mix up me and my mom and we seriously don't get why, even though we have the exact same hair and clothes and cackle.
9. Ugly people make my insides frowny.
10. Same with judging.
11. LOVE expressing my personality w/ funky one of a kind authentical vintage stuff like PB, Anthro and Bath and Body.
12. My most favorite thing is a tie between my fam and my bright-colored Kitchenaid.
13. My second most favorite thing is pictures of myself for my prosterity.
14. Bear Lake, Pal, Hawaii, Europe and cruises are my most favorite places to vaycay.
15. I have a total etsy oBseSsion. And Celine and Oprah.
16. Me and JJWT actually have TWO songs: From this Moment (love Shania) and basicly anything Rascall Flatts.
17. I'm a triathelete bc I signed up for one once and even though I didn't actually do it, I showed up that day and took pics (so I could blog them) and got the shirt so I can wear it to spin-yoga and bring it up in conversations :).
18. Not to brag but I have the cutest bangs ever. Seriously!
19. Plastic toys make my heart hurt.
20. My MiaMaids teach me way more than I teach them...seriously, without them I wouldn't even KNOW about that Edward Cullen action figure.
21. I plan to start calling Angelbabe "Daddy" affective immediately.
22. Now that I'm a mom, I seriously GET everything about life.
23. TV rots your brain and is so sad and trashy, so I don't watch much of it.
24. I love LOVE love The Bachelor, LOST, Gray's, The Office, Gossip Girl, ANTM, SYTYCD, The Biggest Looser and Idol.
25. I ooze sass.


February 3, 2009

shower the ppl you lurve w/ lurve

MY SHOWER ROCKED!!! Thanx for loving my invites...everyone else did too!!

Know what's awesome?

Pretending every get-together in my life is like a wedding reception!!!

For anyone that didn't make it, I had a sign-in sheet to put in my scrapbook, croissants GALORE, homemade saltsa and DARLING favors (chocolate and yogurt dipped pretzels with gummies made to look like binkies sprinkled with edible swarvski crystals, wrapped in cellofane tied with TONS of different colored ribbon and a shiny raised-print "TAMN's feti's shower 2009, boy-girl combos rock!" piece of cute cardstock memorabelia attached).

THEN we played a fun get-to-know-TAMN game. To late to include Lynzii, but still way fun, with Qs like "What do the doctors tell TAMN to do?" (Gain wait!) "Does TAMNers have stretchy marks?" (H no!) "How darling will her twins be?" (Way) "Can she still wear her pre-preg designer jeans at 31 weeks?" (You bet!) and "What should you bring her for bedrest dinner?" (1/8th of a pork salad). Funnest game ever! The winners got diet dr. peppers (GUILTY PLEASURE SPLURGE!) and 8x10 maternity pics of me, photoshopped so extensively my eyes literally glow in the dark! Then we played that clever candy bar poopy diaper game and my mom had my PB crib set delivered to the party just for fun!! BAAAAAAAAAAA!

Lynzii showed up {UGH...just kidding girl, love you!}. So greatful for this chance to learn patients, so I was way gracious about excluding her from all the games and conversations. I can't be ticked at her selfishness of having babies the same time as me, I just seriously pity her. Ugh! ALL girls, can you imagine?? No one to carry on the last name! No mini-missionary onesies! No daughter-in-laws to judge! No one to protect her when her hubby goes on business trips! No older brother to fend off his sister's bo's! No one to do a whole Eagle project for! SAD.

Sooo, it was WAY FUN and gave everyone in the ward a complex about weather their own parties'll ever measure up, so I consider that a success. NOW I'm seriously looking forward to: my mom's side of the fam, my dad's side of the fam, JJWT's fams, JJWT's friends's wives, my wive's club one, my bunc/ko one, my high school one, my hair school one, my old ward one, and my future ward one. Did I miss anybody?

Updated: OH AND MY E-BFF ONE! Can't wait!!!